Literotica Guru
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(Before you read this, I want to apologize for all the left wing media people who have influenced you not to have children, not to have a family, not to seek individual happiness.)
Nature and evolution joined up to bless man with the means to find happiness, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in living the life we each have.
Survival of species is the maxim or general rule of all living organisms, man included. We have life, we try to keep it.
There are many pleasures in life; food, a necessity, drink, a necessity, one of the Greek Philosophers stated that, ‘learning is the greatest pleasure of all…” I paraphrase.
But humans are complex beings, the ‘rational animal’; “Aristotle first used the phrase "zoon logikon" in Metaphysics…. Desmond Morris in “The Naked Ape” along with others expanded the concept.
Many philosophers and theologians have tussled with the question, what is the purpose of life…?
Procreation is the basic answer.
The fundamental goal and purpose of man, is to reproduce, to continue the species.
Nature made that an easy task by including pleasure along with the reproductive process. Novel idea, eh?
Just having babies doesn’t seem the full answer, and it is not. Through bearing a child and accepting the responsibility of the care and feeding of this new human being, man and woman both learn responsibility, consistency, sanitation and a host of other requirements that come along with a newborn child.
There is pride in a son or a daughter as they learn what the parents know and go on from there.
This is brief, but enough for you so search and think and confirm that the primary goal and only path to human happiness to the full extent, is by creating a family. Man, woman, child; the foundation of the ‘nuclear family’ sociologists describe.
There are naturally, again natures, some who cannot have children.
Growing up, seeking and finding a mate, was never before a major problem, most people did it easily.
Here is where ideology and politics reared their ugly heads and corrupted the essence of human happiness and the quest for it.
Over population. Too many people. Everyone believes that, right?
There are not ‘too’ many people on the earth; there is no ‘over population’ and no imminent crisis of any kind because of population growth. Just the opposite, there are not enough babies being born.
A little history as to the origin of the left wing intellectual elite considering methods of enforced birth control:
According to Malthusian theory of population, population increases in a geometrical ratio, whereas food supply increases in an arithmetic ratio.
His theory was wrong because Malthus only considered two factors when he established his basic graph: food supply and population growth. Other factors such as improvements in technology proved him wrong….”
His theory was and is wrong, but still modern day left wing intellectuals hold it to be true and think and act accordingly.
”We need much, much more public awareness of the population crisis. This is surely the No. 1 problem confronting the world today. The awesome numbers presented in Zuckerman's column show that without zero population growth there will be no permanent solutions to problems such as environmental degradation, depletion of resources, famine, poverty and species extinctions, to name but a few. As the saying goes, "
"Many of today's most-respected thinkers, from Stephen Hawking to David Attenborough, argue that our efforts to fight climate change and other environmental perils will all fail unless we 'do something' about population growth."
This, says Fred Pearce frankly, "is nonsense." Far from surging out of control, population growth is actually slowing, he says. Writing in the British magazine Prospect, Pearce argues that the Western preoccupation with the overpopulation issue isn't just silly, it's hypocritical.”
Zero Population Growth: The Failed Theory
“By the early 70′s the main buzz phrase was Zero Population Growth (ZPG). The message being sent out to every nation on Earth was that we were having too many children. Not only were we having too many but we should stop doing it as soon as possible. The ‘two will do’ campaign was being sold to a generation that had already discovered the ‘Pill’ and ‘Free Love’ like coke, is sold to this generation. ‘A couple only needed to have two offspring to replace themselves for the next generation’ a well made serious education film told the school children. Parents who had more were just plain irresponsible and threatening our very existence.
In India forced sterilization took place as a remedy to all its future problems. High school students were asked to write essays about the population explosion that condemned their very fertile parents.” (Teacher’s Union Employees at the front)
So that it is not just my words, but the facts collected by others and their thoughts, I offer the research material.
Back to purpose of being alive, how we can find happiness, the reason and the inspiration to continue working and living…creating a family.
It is the foundation for every ethical and moral system ever devised.
Look around you and choose ten of your friends…only two will marry and have children out of those ten.
Your generation, the Millenniums, born from 1980 on, is the generation without a future and all because of propaganda you and your parents swallowed, hook, line and sinker.
“ZPG” “…It also ignored the improvements in agriculture and manufacturing that dramatically dropped the prices of basic commodities. It ignored the fact that food was becoming so plentiful that rich nations were dumping whole crops into the sea to maintain the price. It ignored the fact that food is so plentiful that the Earth’s population cannot possibly eat it all. It ignored the fact that the worlds population could comfortably live in Tasmania on spacious properties, with room for millions more….”
In brief summation: There is no Global Warming crisis; there is no Populati0n crisis.
Then why do you believe that there is?
You have been and are being bombarded by this propaganda from all sides, so how could they all be wrong and why are the Left Wing democrats and socialists trying so hard to convince you not to have children, not to have a family and not to find a purpose and happiness in your life?
Before I address that, and I will, I ask that you do the research and confirm what I have presented thus far.
There is no greater good than your own happiness.
Nature and evolution joined up to bless man with the means to find happiness, joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in living the life we each have.
Survival of species is the maxim or general rule of all living organisms, man included. We have life, we try to keep it.
There are many pleasures in life; food, a necessity, drink, a necessity, one of the Greek Philosophers stated that, ‘learning is the greatest pleasure of all…” I paraphrase.
But humans are complex beings, the ‘rational animal’; “Aristotle first used the phrase "zoon logikon" in Metaphysics…. Desmond Morris in “The Naked Ape” along with others expanded the concept.
Many philosophers and theologians have tussled with the question, what is the purpose of life…?
Procreation is the basic answer.
The fundamental goal and purpose of man, is to reproduce, to continue the species.
Nature made that an easy task by including pleasure along with the reproductive process. Novel idea, eh?
Just having babies doesn’t seem the full answer, and it is not. Through bearing a child and accepting the responsibility of the care and feeding of this new human being, man and woman both learn responsibility, consistency, sanitation and a host of other requirements that come along with a newborn child.
There is pride in a son or a daughter as they learn what the parents know and go on from there.
This is brief, but enough for you so search and think and confirm that the primary goal and only path to human happiness to the full extent, is by creating a family. Man, woman, child; the foundation of the ‘nuclear family’ sociologists describe.
There are naturally, again natures, some who cannot have children.
Growing up, seeking and finding a mate, was never before a major problem, most people did it easily.
Here is where ideology and politics reared their ugly heads and corrupted the essence of human happiness and the quest for it.
Over population. Too many people. Everyone believes that, right?
There are not ‘too’ many people on the earth; there is no ‘over population’ and no imminent crisis of any kind because of population growth. Just the opposite, there are not enough babies being born.
A little history as to the origin of the left wing intellectual elite considering methods of enforced birth control:
According to Malthusian theory of population, population increases in a geometrical ratio, whereas food supply increases in an arithmetic ratio.
His theory was wrong because Malthus only considered two factors when he established his basic graph: food supply and population growth. Other factors such as improvements in technology proved him wrong….”
His theory was and is wrong, but still modern day left wing intellectuals hold it to be true and think and act accordingly.
”We need much, much more public awareness of the population crisis. This is surely the No. 1 problem confronting the world today. The awesome numbers presented in Zuckerman's column show that without zero population growth there will be no permanent solutions to problems such as environmental degradation, depletion of resources, famine, poverty and species extinctions, to name but a few. As the saying goes, "
"Many of today's most-respected thinkers, from Stephen Hawking to David Attenborough, argue that our efforts to fight climate change and other environmental perils will all fail unless we 'do something' about population growth."
This, says Fred Pearce frankly, "is nonsense." Far from surging out of control, population growth is actually slowing, he says. Writing in the British magazine Prospect, Pearce argues that the Western preoccupation with the overpopulation issue isn't just silly, it's hypocritical.”
Zero Population Growth: The Failed Theory
“By the early 70′s the main buzz phrase was Zero Population Growth (ZPG). The message being sent out to every nation on Earth was that we were having too many children. Not only were we having too many but we should stop doing it as soon as possible. The ‘two will do’ campaign was being sold to a generation that had already discovered the ‘Pill’ and ‘Free Love’ like coke, is sold to this generation. ‘A couple only needed to have two offspring to replace themselves for the next generation’ a well made serious education film told the school children. Parents who had more were just plain irresponsible and threatening our very existence.
In India forced sterilization took place as a remedy to all its future problems. High school students were asked to write essays about the population explosion that condemned their very fertile parents.” (Teacher’s Union Employees at the front)
So that it is not just my words, but the facts collected by others and their thoughts, I offer the research material.
Back to purpose of being alive, how we can find happiness, the reason and the inspiration to continue working and living…creating a family.
It is the foundation for every ethical and moral system ever devised.
Look around you and choose ten of your friends…only two will marry and have children out of those ten.
Your generation, the Millenniums, born from 1980 on, is the generation without a future and all because of propaganda you and your parents swallowed, hook, line and sinker.
“ZPG” “…It also ignored the improvements in agriculture and manufacturing that dramatically dropped the prices of basic commodities. It ignored the fact that food was becoming so plentiful that rich nations were dumping whole crops into the sea to maintain the price. It ignored the fact that food is so plentiful that the Earth’s population cannot possibly eat it all. It ignored the fact that the worlds population could comfortably live in Tasmania on spacious properties, with room for millions more….”
In brief summation: There is no Global Warming crisis; there is no Populati0n crisis.
Then why do you believe that there is?
You have been and are being bombarded by this propaganda from all sides, so how could they all be wrong and why are the Left Wing democrats and socialists trying so hard to convince you not to have children, not to have a family and not to find a purpose and happiness in your life?
Before I address that, and I will, I ask that you do the research and confirm what I have presented thus far.
There is no greater good than your own happiness.