how can Al Queda still be a threat

remember when liberals ridiculed GW's terror threats?

but on your point, we are giving (under Obama I must ad) the M.I.C. trillions of dollars. So much for "jobs" in the USA. And the left now supports all of this, 101%.
They're not

Media and governments need to keep you living in fear in order to control you
al Qaeda is our militarys new racket to get money.
First it's either the Messiah or Emperor Obama. Show the proper respect you little fuckwit.

Al Qeada isn't a threat. They never really were. They got lucky, gave us a bloody nose and we spent the next twelve years accepting every single indignity to our freedoms and privacy (which as has been said isn't actually garaunteed by the Constitution. It's implied but not stated.) because we were terrified. We then charged off to two wars, one of which was complete bullshit.

Stop being afraid. Go out to the mall, go walk in the park and feed the ducks. Go sky diving. Your chances of being killed by Al Qaeda are so fucking low you should be afraid of real things if you insist upon being afraid.

Al Qaeda being on the run seems to be a "fact" they are a criminal organization. Them being on the run doesn't really stop them a whole lot to them. No more than it means to any other criminal group.
I remember when it was shown that Bush Jr. ignored the terror threats before 9/11/01.

And how liberals didn't really howl much. Sure there were some insults slung around but nothing anywhere approaching the magnitude of what Obama's getting.
Oblamer decimated them, put them on the run. That's why all the embassies are closed.:D