How annoying can I be?

Extend the sigline. Get lots of colors and linkable surveys and scrolling animations. You'll be all set.

Guru said:
Animated avatar. Random posting. Sarcastic attitude.

Give me suggestions. How could I be *more* annoying?
Post the words to a really long song in your signature line...that's always annoying as hell
Re: Re: Re: How annoying can I be?

Guru said:
Damn... I totally missed the annoying sig line thing. Thanks, SLG and Pet.

Oh shit... now we are really gonna get it! You on a posting frenzy Guru? Happy New Year in advance man.
pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs PiSs Me OfF lIkE nOnE oThEr

Guru said:
Animated avatar. Random posting. Sarcastic attitude.

Give me suggestions. How could I be *more* annoying?

Not everyone sees the Sig lines, so that may be a mute point. But posting to threads with that wacky type, SoMeTHiNg LikE ThIs, with "liitle known facts" that have nothing to do with the thread, would be somewhat annoying.

Not to mention the colors, type size, and LENGTH of post!

Good Luck!
Annother way to annoy people is to put inspiring but lame quotes by former political leaders in your sig line..

Look for the people who get attacked for no apparent reason, and then go ahead and emulate them.
