House sitter


May 19, 2011
- Its the summer but 19 year old David is away at miliatary college taking summer classes
- David comes home from college for the week, because of a mid semester break. Thinking the house will be empty, his parents should be in the summer home.
- He is looking for a quiet place to study

->His parents left popular 18 year old Lisa, a Highschool senior to house sit for the summer.
->He comes home to see the makings of a party, after finding out Lisa is behind it he starts kicking people out, by using tactics he learned at Miliatary college.
-He also takes pictures to send his parents

-He notices Lisa was responsible enough to move all the furniture and things to a safe room.
-> After clearing out he house he heads upstairs whe he kicks a fucking couple off his bed.
->He then hear's noises coming from his parents room. He finds Lisa under this big brawly guy. Brad a popular trouble maker from Lisa's year.

-Lisa kicks off Brad when she sees David
-Brad tells David to leave so he can finish, Kim is apologetically trying to get Brad out.
-Brad tries to fight David, Brad now dressed gets his ass handed to him by David. David then throws him out of the house.
-This show of force impresses Lisa, she starts to look at the now muscular David differently

->David tells Lisa she's fired and that after his shower he's emailing his parents.
-Lisa begs him not to, but he doesn't care for her attitude back when they went to school together. She will loose her sweet summer job of $3000 a month
-Lisa opens the door when he's showering and steps in naked with him.

-He objects originally but soon succumbs to her lips around his cock. He spends the ret of the week drilling into her.
I think David should resist Lisa and be a man and do the responsible thing and tell his parents what went on in their house.
There 's a lot that could develop here, military life and culture opposed to the private sector living. It has the makings for great diversity and how coupling them can work favorably for all parties involved.
I think David should resist Lisa and be a man and do the responsible thing and tell his parents what went on in their house.

The end-great Wheelchair

-I've been thinking Wheelchair she convinces him not to tell without the enticement of sex.
-After hours of her hounding him he decides if she cleans everything up, he won't tell. -she cleans his sheets etc, but he does not make her a slave for the week
-He deletes the pics and he moves to study and isolate herself from him
-On the third day she starts to subtly seduce him, he sees what she s doing and shuts her down
-On the fifth night she invites him to watch a movie, its his favorite movie he accepts she makes out with him
-The sixth morning he's getting ready to leave, something could happen that day. I don't know. He leaves he sees she put pictures of her using a dildo on herself on his phone.
There 's a lot that could develop here, military life and culture opposed to the private sector living. It has the makings for great diversity and how coupling them can work favorably for all parties involved.

?????Explain???? This was just very broad.