house moving


Jul 2, 2002
is anyone here organised? i am shite at being so, and i will be moving house in a couple of weeks. any hints/tips?
Label all the boxes as to what is in them, and where they go
Have essential need boxes with items you use daily, forexample toiletries, cooking things.
Give away and throw out as much as possible instead of moving junk from one storage bin to another.
It is a great time to literally clean house.

Set your computer up immediately so you can play on Lit.

Good luck. I just moved a whole clinic. I feel your pain.
i like the 'house move' :D
um i am going to have to chuck soooooo much crap. i have loads of useless stuff :(
at the same time i am going to, finally get an office for work, rather than working out of my car/lounge as i am at the mo. i think that once that is sorted everything else will feel easier!
and i am going to take holiday leave to improve the success of the move :)
am dead excited!

Nope, sorry. We moved into this house three years ago and i still can't find half of anything. :rolleyes:

Set up the bed as soon as You get there, though. That way when You get tired You won't have to mess around with it to get some sleep.
The trick is never stay in one place to long. I've been here since 82' and have so much crap I couldn't move if I wanted to.

good luck