HotWife, Stranger, Friend, EX

Is this for story ideas .. They could bring in the ex .. Then the ex could take over and share her with his mate on his birthday or special occasion
We always went with strangers. We reasoned that inviting existing friends to join us could result in ruining perfectly good friendships. She had no ex's to invite but I doubt that would have worked for us either. No... we went with strnagers, we placed adverts on adult contact magazines inviting guys to contact us if they were interested. Hundreds replied, I think she had first time meetings with maybe a dozen and of those maybe half of them became lovers. She preferred to have only the one lover at a time and have them as long term lovers. most of them were around for several years.
I've been the ex in that scenario with a girl I dated quite a bit in college. It was initiated by her then husband a dozen years or maybe a little more after we went our separate ways. It worked out well for everyone, but I can see how there could be pitfalls if any underlying feelings they once had for each other got rekindled.
I'd give anything to see her with her ex. I was lucky enough to hear her twice with her ex weeks before we had our first date and she sure sounded like she had a good time. I know I did because I jerked off listening
Oh yes! When we first got into adding people we knew in our fantasies, we only added friends or guys she knew from work. Every now, and then I would throw her only Bf from HS, but she would chut it down. She said he forced her to give him head, the reason she said she didn't give me head often. Anyhoo, I let it die, but would ask questions now, and then, she would say she didn't remember, I thought it convenient that she would forget a guy who she played with his cock, and he fingered her, they never had sex. Anyhoo, like I said I persisted, and it finally paid off, she admitted she had thought about him often, and when she admitted she started squirming, and gushing, saying she wished she had fucked him in HS, but she was scared. He's now our go to guy to fantasize about her with. We even found out where he lives, and tried to run into him at his restaurant, you wow, fancy meeting you here....I still hold out hope, that I can see her give him payback pussy from denying him over 35 years ago.