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Hot Wet Planet
(This thread is OPEN, please read Hot Wet Planet OCC as well)
This my first real attempt at an RPG on this site, so I hope this idea isn't too badly ignored...
Story; The players are the scattered survivors of a huge slower-than-light colonyship that was forced to crashland on an otherwise unknown, unexplored & very remote planet. The planet is mostly tropical jungle, swamps, and thousands of small seas. There are twin stars; a red giant sun and tiny white sun that orbit each other closely, as well the planet is ringed and has multiple moons. The sky when it can be seen is richly coloured and always varied. The planet is beautiful, wild, and overabundant in fantastic scenery, flora, and fauna. The survivors of the crashed colonyship became scattered in dozens of small escape-craft with only minimal gear, but can sometimes chance upon cargo containers from the lost ship that could be filled with anything from the extremely useful to the extravagantly useless. They must contend with the alien lifeforms of the planet as well, and unusual environmental phenomena, many of which seem to be almost designed to sexually molest human females (& occasionally males) much in the mannner of 1950s/60s B-grade Sci-Fi films, but as if remade by a gang of Japanese hentai fans. In addition, some unidentifiable element of the environment is changing the survivors, eroticising them, making the females constantly horny yet more shy at the same time, more youthful, more like a guy's wet-dream fantasy, and removing all their body hair from their neck to their toes. The guys get bigger dicks, muscles, a penchant for crude violence, and that sort of thing, as if the planet was turning the men into barbarian warriors....even the nerdy types who'd prefer to find a cure for their steadily dumbed-down intellects and the call of yobbo behavior. In the background, unknown at least at first to the survivors, the planet's higher lifeforms have a simple mass-mind that is using it's powerful psionics to mentallly influence and sometimes dominate the humans in lecherous ways, having it's strongest effect on the females (who gain the benefit of being occasionally protected, & subtly forewarned about real dangers); many of the younger (or younger appearing) women discover they are incapable of wearing underwear, or any kind of pants, or even anything more covering than an indecently short tunic or mini-dress. Very strong-willed humans are slowly learning that they can influence the environment and others...perhaps they're psionics, or this is the birth of magic on the planet. Oh, this is fantasy, so no menstruation and all that nuisance... Will the humans manage to build a civilization on the planet, and what kind of culture will emerge from all this?
My character; Jane Fukmei, daughter of one of the colonyship's famed scientist/settlers, she is smart and pretends that she is strong-willed and independent, but really this planet is scaring her. Although she is actually 30 years old, she appears to be in her early twenties and is rapidly becoming younger, shapelier, and more attractive. She is 5’2” tall, with B=34” (D-cup), W=20”, H=31”, longer legs (32” from toe to crotch, +6” to hip). Jane has green eyes, and shoulder-length lustrous black hair (but that is growing disturbingly fast too).
IC - Jane Fukmei
With the flickering of red lights glaring in her eyes, Jane half-ran and half-staggered down the emergency access corridor to get to one of the escape-craft. The corridor lurched again, as the great vessel veered sideways, throwing Jane painfully against a wall. She dropped her carryall bag, and it opened, spilling nearly half it's contents into the violently shaken corridor. Jane wanted to stop and collect her things before she lost them forever, she saw her dad's holo-cube picture among the dropped mess... but a strong hand grabbed her by the left arm and pulled Jane onward.
"Don't waste time!", yelled Dr Tsiolovsky, one of her father's friends; he half-dragged her to the solid circular door of the escape-craft and pushed Jane roughly in as if they could die at any moment...which was a true possibility.
Jane stumbled inside and sat down in one of the padded G-seats; automatic self-locking belts strapped themselves across her body holding her tight and firm to the seat. In the dim glow of the red lighting, Jane could see a mere ten other people had boarded the escape-craft already.
Somebody yelled, "We gotta go, we gotta go!!!"
The metallic voice of the captain broadcast over the ship's PA, "...We just a took a hit in the main fusion-core...Due to the danger I have authorized over-ride launch of all ECs....May God keep you safe...."
"Over-ride emergency launch engaged", announced the calm feminine voice of the escape-craft's computer.
The tiny vessel jerked like it had just been kicked by a giant. Jane blacked-out immediately with a cut-off scream...
And awoke much later in the silence of the already landed escape-craft. There was dim green-blue light coming from somewhere, but Jane didn't at all like what she saw. The front pilot-section of the escape-craft was smashed inward, and those poor folks who had been sitting near the front were obviously dead. The seats were a tangled crush of dark-bloodied metal and shattered blue plastic. The air was steamy and hot, uncomfortably hot, and apart from the stench of blood and death, which was far more appalling than any smell that Jane had ever experienced before...there was another odour...of moist leaves, greenery, and forest humus, flowery perfumes, and the sound of trickling water. Jane's stomach seemed to swirl and for a moment she thought that she might throw-up. Then she gathered her wits together and started to unfasten her seat-belt....but it was stuck. Jammed. The metal of the buckle had twisted in the strain of the impact and wouldn't unlock. Jane tried desperately to get it to open, and struggled and pulled at the belt, but to no avail. She started to call for help, started to scream, but nobody came. Were all the others dead? Was she the only one left alive? Doomed to die of starvation and thirst while trapped in a seat who's belt should've been better designed in the first place. She panicked, and became hysterical with fear. She blacked-out again...
Then came to awareness with some sort of delirium, a terrible feverish heat, and blacked-out again. Her consciousness seemed to fade in and out. Each time she awoke, she felt hot, and hotter still between her legs; yet delirium would reclaim her. Vaguely in her mind, Jane wondered in occasional moments of slightly better clarity whether she'd been infected by some deadly alien bug. At one time Jane had the nightmare of being molested by some vines that filled the inside of the escape craft, and were squeezing and fondling her breasts. She orgasmed many times during that nightmare, and another one in which the vines had ripped-off her slacks and panties and were mindlessly fucking her very well-lubricated cunt. That nightmare was more horrifying, but she orgasmed repeatedly for hours during that one.
Then finally Jane awoke feeling more clear-headed than she had in ages, though not knowing how much time had passed...hours...days...she had no idea.
The soft glow of pre-dawn light filled the cabin of the ruined escape craft, revealing the disturbing dark shape of vines and jungle foliage crowding the walls and growing all over the seats. Jane was still stuck in her seat, but she was most disturbed when she realized that she was almost naked; only scraps of her clothing remained on her arms and legs, her torso was completely exposed. Her breasts thrust out unfettered by any clothing, and tingled with the soft caress of the air. Although, she couldn't see very well in the dim pre-dawn darkness, Jane could see and feel enough to know that her panties had bee ripped-off as well. For some reason that she couldn't comprehend, the thought of having been raped by a plant was arousing her as much as it was scaring her. Jane's pussy was dribbling so much that her labia tickled like a thousand ants were tickling her, and her ass was wet as if she sat in a pool of her own pussy-juice...which was true. The stuff was kept far wetter in the steamy jungle heat than it had any right to be. She heard somebody cutting and slashing through the jungle, and heard the distinct sound of booted footsteps coming closer.
Jane started to call for help again, though her voice was tired from fatigue and lack of food.
"Help me! Somebody help me please...I'm in the escape-craft...I'm trapped....Heeeeeeeeelp!"
(This thread is OPEN, please read Hot Wet Planet OCC as well)
This my first real attempt at an RPG on this site, so I hope this idea isn't too badly ignored...
Story; The players are the scattered survivors of a huge slower-than-light colonyship that was forced to crashland on an otherwise unknown, unexplored & very remote planet. The planet is mostly tropical jungle, swamps, and thousands of small seas. There are twin stars; a red giant sun and tiny white sun that orbit each other closely, as well the planet is ringed and has multiple moons. The sky when it can be seen is richly coloured and always varied. The planet is beautiful, wild, and overabundant in fantastic scenery, flora, and fauna. The survivors of the crashed colonyship became scattered in dozens of small escape-craft with only minimal gear, but can sometimes chance upon cargo containers from the lost ship that could be filled with anything from the extremely useful to the extravagantly useless. They must contend with the alien lifeforms of the planet as well, and unusual environmental phenomena, many of which seem to be almost designed to sexually molest human females (& occasionally males) much in the mannner of 1950s/60s B-grade Sci-Fi films, but as if remade by a gang of Japanese hentai fans. In addition, some unidentifiable element of the environment is changing the survivors, eroticising them, making the females constantly horny yet more shy at the same time, more youthful, more like a guy's wet-dream fantasy, and removing all their body hair from their neck to their toes. The guys get bigger dicks, muscles, a penchant for crude violence, and that sort of thing, as if the planet was turning the men into barbarian warriors....even the nerdy types who'd prefer to find a cure for their steadily dumbed-down intellects and the call of yobbo behavior. In the background, unknown at least at first to the survivors, the planet's higher lifeforms have a simple mass-mind that is using it's powerful psionics to mentallly influence and sometimes dominate the humans in lecherous ways, having it's strongest effect on the females (who gain the benefit of being occasionally protected, & subtly forewarned about real dangers); many of the younger (or younger appearing) women discover they are incapable of wearing underwear, or any kind of pants, or even anything more covering than an indecently short tunic or mini-dress. Very strong-willed humans are slowly learning that they can influence the environment and others...perhaps they're psionics, or this is the birth of magic on the planet. Oh, this is fantasy, so no menstruation and all that nuisance... Will the humans manage to build a civilization on the planet, and what kind of culture will emerge from all this?
My character; Jane Fukmei, daughter of one of the colonyship's famed scientist/settlers, she is smart and pretends that she is strong-willed and independent, but really this planet is scaring her. Although she is actually 30 years old, she appears to be in her early twenties and is rapidly becoming younger, shapelier, and more attractive. She is 5’2” tall, with B=34” (D-cup), W=20”, H=31”, longer legs (32” from toe to crotch, +6” to hip). Jane has green eyes, and shoulder-length lustrous black hair (but that is growing disturbingly fast too).
IC - Jane Fukmei
With the flickering of red lights glaring in her eyes, Jane half-ran and half-staggered down the emergency access corridor to get to one of the escape-craft. The corridor lurched again, as the great vessel veered sideways, throwing Jane painfully against a wall. She dropped her carryall bag, and it opened, spilling nearly half it's contents into the violently shaken corridor. Jane wanted to stop and collect her things before she lost them forever, she saw her dad's holo-cube picture among the dropped mess... but a strong hand grabbed her by the left arm and pulled Jane onward.
"Don't waste time!", yelled Dr Tsiolovsky, one of her father's friends; he half-dragged her to the solid circular door of the escape-craft and pushed Jane roughly in as if they could die at any moment...which was a true possibility.
Jane stumbled inside and sat down in one of the padded G-seats; automatic self-locking belts strapped themselves across her body holding her tight and firm to the seat. In the dim glow of the red lighting, Jane could see a mere ten other people had boarded the escape-craft already.
Somebody yelled, "We gotta go, we gotta go!!!"
The metallic voice of the captain broadcast over the ship's PA, "...We just a took a hit in the main fusion-core...Due to the danger I have authorized over-ride launch of all ECs....May God keep you safe...."
"Over-ride emergency launch engaged", announced the calm feminine voice of the escape-craft's computer.
The tiny vessel jerked like it had just been kicked by a giant. Jane blacked-out immediately with a cut-off scream...
And awoke much later in the silence of the already landed escape-craft. There was dim green-blue light coming from somewhere, but Jane didn't at all like what she saw. The front pilot-section of the escape-craft was smashed inward, and those poor folks who had been sitting near the front were obviously dead. The seats were a tangled crush of dark-bloodied metal and shattered blue plastic. The air was steamy and hot, uncomfortably hot, and apart from the stench of blood and death, which was far more appalling than any smell that Jane had ever experienced before...there was another odour...of moist leaves, greenery, and forest humus, flowery perfumes, and the sound of trickling water. Jane's stomach seemed to swirl and for a moment she thought that she might throw-up. Then she gathered her wits together and started to unfasten her seat-belt....but it was stuck. Jammed. The metal of the buckle had twisted in the strain of the impact and wouldn't unlock. Jane tried desperately to get it to open, and struggled and pulled at the belt, but to no avail. She started to call for help, started to scream, but nobody came. Were all the others dead? Was she the only one left alive? Doomed to die of starvation and thirst while trapped in a seat who's belt should've been better designed in the first place. She panicked, and became hysterical with fear. She blacked-out again...
Then came to awareness with some sort of delirium, a terrible feverish heat, and blacked-out again. Her consciousness seemed to fade in and out. Each time she awoke, she felt hot, and hotter still between her legs; yet delirium would reclaim her. Vaguely in her mind, Jane wondered in occasional moments of slightly better clarity whether she'd been infected by some deadly alien bug. At one time Jane had the nightmare of being molested by some vines that filled the inside of the escape craft, and were squeezing and fondling her breasts. She orgasmed many times during that nightmare, and another one in which the vines had ripped-off her slacks and panties and were mindlessly fucking her very well-lubricated cunt. That nightmare was more horrifying, but she orgasmed repeatedly for hours during that one.
Then finally Jane awoke feeling more clear-headed than she had in ages, though not knowing how much time had passed...hours...days...she had no idea.
The soft glow of pre-dawn light filled the cabin of the ruined escape craft, revealing the disturbing dark shape of vines and jungle foliage crowding the walls and growing all over the seats. Jane was still stuck in her seat, but she was most disturbed when she realized that she was almost naked; only scraps of her clothing remained on her arms and legs, her torso was completely exposed. Her breasts thrust out unfettered by any clothing, and tingled with the soft caress of the air. Although, she couldn't see very well in the dim pre-dawn darkness, Jane could see and feel enough to know that her panties had bee ripped-off as well. For some reason that she couldn't comprehend, the thought of having been raped by a plant was arousing her as much as it was scaring her. Jane's pussy was dribbling so much that her labia tickled like a thousand ants were tickling her, and her ass was wet as if she sat in a pool of her own pussy-juice...which was true. The stuff was kept far wetter in the steamy jungle heat than it had any right to be. She heard somebody cutting and slashing through the jungle, and heard the distinct sound of booted footsteps coming closer.
Jane started to call for help again, though her voice was tired from fatigue and lack of food.
"Help me! Somebody help me please...I'm in the escape-craft...I'm trapped....Heeeeeeeeelp!"
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