Hot Wet Planet


wet at present
Jan 22, 2003
Hot Wet Planet

(This thread is OPEN, please read Hot Wet Planet OCC as well)

This my first real attempt at an RPG on this site, so I hope this idea isn't too badly ignored...

Story; The players are the scattered survivors of a huge slower-than-light colonyship that was forced to crashland on an otherwise unknown, unexplored & very remote planet. The planet is mostly tropical jungle, swamps, and thousands of small seas. There are twin stars; a red giant sun and tiny white sun that orbit each other closely, as well the planet is ringed and has multiple moons. The sky when it can be seen is richly coloured and always varied. The planet is beautiful, wild, and overabundant in fantastic scenery, flora, and fauna. The survivors of the crashed colonyship became scattered in dozens of small escape-craft with only minimal gear, but can sometimes chance upon cargo containers from the lost ship that could be filled with anything from the extremely useful to the extravagantly useless. They must contend with the alien lifeforms of the planet as well, and unusual environmental phenomena, many of which seem to be almost designed to sexually molest human females (& occasionally males) much in the mannner of 1950s/60s B-grade Sci-Fi films, but as if remade by a gang of Japanese hentai fans. In addition, some unidentifiable element of the environment is changing the survivors, eroticising them, making the females constantly horny yet more shy at the same time, more youthful, more like a guy's wet-dream fantasy, and removing all their body hair from their neck to their toes. The guys get bigger dicks, muscles, a penchant for crude violence, and that sort of thing, as if the planet was turning the men into barbarian warriors....even the nerdy types who'd prefer to find a cure for their steadily dumbed-down intellects and the call of yobbo behavior. In the background, unknown at least at first to the survivors, the planet's higher lifeforms have a simple mass-mind that is using it's powerful psionics to mentallly influence and sometimes dominate the humans in lecherous ways, having it's strongest effect on the females (who gain the benefit of being occasionally protected, & subtly forewarned about real dangers); many of the younger (or younger appearing) women discover they are incapable of wearing underwear, or any kind of pants, or even anything more covering than an indecently short tunic or mini-dress. Very strong-willed humans are slowly learning that they can influence the environment and others...perhaps they're psionics, or this is the birth of magic on the planet. Oh, this is fantasy, so no menstruation and all that nuisance... Will the humans manage to build a civilization on the planet, and what kind of culture will emerge from all this?

My character; Jane Fukmei, daughter of one of the colonyship's famed scientist/settlers, she is smart and pretends that she is strong-willed and independent, but really this planet is scaring her. Although she is actually 30 years old, she appears to be in her early twenties and is rapidly becoming younger, shapelier, and more attractive. She is 5’2” tall, with B=34” (D-cup), W=20”, H=31”, longer legs (32” from toe to crotch, +6” to hip). Jane has green eyes, and shoulder-length lustrous black hair (but that is growing disturbingly fast too).

IC - Jane Fukmei
With the flickering of red lights glaring in her eyes, Jane half-ran and half-staggered down the emergency access corridor to get to one of the escape-craft. The corridor lurched again, as the great vessel veered sideways, throwing Jane painfully against a wall. She dropped her carryall bag, and it opened, spilling nearly half it's contents into the violently shaken corridor. Jane wanted to stop and collect her things before she lost them forever, she saw her dad's holo-cube picture among the dropped mess... but a strong hand grabbed her by the left arm and pulled Jane onward.
"Don't waste time!", yelled Dr Tsiolovsky, one of her father's friends; he half-dragged her to the solid circular door of the escape-craft and pushed Jane roughly in as if they could die at any moment...which was a true possibility.
Jane stumbled inside and sat down in one of the padded G-seats; automatic self-locking belts strapped themselves across her body holding her tight and firm to the seat. In the dim glow of the red lighting, Jane could see a mere ten other people had boarded the escape-craft already.
Somebody yelled, "We gotta go, we gotta go!!!"
The metallic voice of the captain broadcast over the ship's PA, "...We just a took a hit in the main fusion-core...Due to the danger I have authorized over-ride launch of all ECs....May God keep you safe...."
"Over-ride emergency launch engaged", announced the calm feminine voice of the escape-craft's computer.
The tiny vessel jerked like it had just been kicked by a giant. Jane blacked-out immediately with a cut-off scream...
And awoke much later in the silence of the already landed escape-craft. There was dim green-blue light coming from somewhere, but Jane didn't at all like what she saw. The front pilot-section of the escape-craft was smashed inward, and those poor folks who had been sitting near the front were obviously dead. The seats were a tangled crush of dark-bloodied metal and shattered blue plastic. The air was steamy and hot, uncomfortably hot, and apart from the stench of blood and death, which was far more appalling than any smell that Jane had ever experienced before...there was another odour...of moist leaves, greenery, and forest humus, flowery perfumes, and the sound of trickling water. Jane's stomach seemed to swirl and for a moment she thought that she might throw-up. Then she gathered her wits together and started to unfasten her seat-belt....but it was stuck. Jammed. The metal of the buckle had twisted in the strain of the impact and wouldn't unlock. Jane tried desperately to get it to open, and struggled and pulled at the belt, but to no avail. She started to call for help, started to scream, but nobody came. Were all the others dead? Was she the only one left alive? Doomed to die of starvation and thirst while trapped in a seat who's belt should've been better designed in the first place. She panicked, and became hysterical with fear. She blacked-out again...
Then came to awareness with some sort of delirium, a terrible feverish heat, and blacked-out again. Her consciousness seemed to fade in and out. Each time she awoke, she felt hot, and hotter still between her legs; yet delirium would reclaim her. Vaguely in her mind, Jane wondered in occasional moments of slightly better clarity whether she'd been infected by some deadly alien bug. At one time Jane had the nightmare of being molested by some vines that filled the inside of the escape craft, and were squeezing and fondling her breasts. She orgasmed many times during that nightmare, and another one in which the vines had ripped-off her slacks and panties and were mindlessly fucking her very well-lubricated cunt. That nightmare was more horrifying, but she orgasmed repeatedly for hours during that one.
Then finally Jane awoke feeling more clear-headed than she had in ages, though not knowing how much time had passed...hours...days...she had no idea.
The soft glow of pre-dawn light filled the cabin of the ruined escape craft, revealing the disturbing dark shape of vines and jungle foliage crowding the walls and growing all over the seats. Jane was still stuck in her seat, but she was most disturbed when she realized that she was almost naked; only scraps of her clothing remained on her arms and legs, her torso was completely exposed. Her breasts thrust out unfettered by any clothing, and tingled with the soft caress of the air. Although, she couldn't see very well in the dim pre-dawn darkness, Jane could see and feel enough to know that her panties had bee ripped-off as well. For some reason that she couldn't comprehend, the thought of having been raped by a plant was arousing her as much as it was scaring her. Jane's pussy was dribbling so much that her labia tickled like a thousand ants were tickling her, and her ass was wet as if she sat in a pool of her own pussy-juice...which was true. The stuff was kept far wetter in the steamy jungle heat than it had any right to be. She heard somebody cutting and slashing through the jungle, and heard the distinct sound of booted footsteps coming closer.
Jane started to call for help again, though her voice was tired from fatigue and lack of food.
"Help me! Somebody help me please...I'm in the escape-craft...I'm trapped....Heeeeeeeeelp!"
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Captain Jack Fuggya

Character : Captain Jack Fuggya.****** Marine seargent first class...and was one of the pilots of the ship. Jack has short military cut black eyes..6'3 and 185lbs and is in extremely fit shape from a lifetime in the service. Personality is usually non-sense but he does have a sense of humour and a will of iron. He loves challenges and being the go to man when things are on the line. The kind of man you want in your fox hole when the chips are down. His only real hang up is that he has a bit of a gambling problem.

I was a little weary of lugging around a bunch of egg heads but orders are orders. Something happened while I was sleeping and I awoke to the alarms. Then I heard the call that the ship was going down and I made my way quickly to an escape pod. The pod hit the terrain and quickly I made my way out to assess the situation.

"Fuck", he muttered under his breathe. This truly was a huge FUBAR. People are depending on you Jack...stay frosty and get moving. Quickly I take the supplies from the escape pod and what ever else looks usefull and head into the forest to find other survivors. Assuming there are any.

I move slowly all night through the forest searching. Finding nothing. The only unusual thing is that when ever I feel the forest is blocking off my path it seems to open up again. Almost as if it is responding to my thoughts. As I see the dawn break I have one of the worst morning woods I can remember. Shaking my head I wonder if I will ever get some tail again. I see broken treetops a mile a way and make my way towards the area. I see an escape pod a head and I hear muffled screams. Quickly I run up to it and yank on the door. It swings open so hard from my pull that one of the hinges breaks. I hear her screaming help me "Im here.....hold on....Ill get you out" as I walk up to the cockpit I see Jane almost completely with out her clothes...her breasts so openly revealed. Her screams making those soft orbs shake suggestively. I quickly reach down and try to unfasten her but the locking mechanism seems jammed. I grab it and yank hard it bust apart amazingly easy. I scoop you up gently from the seat and you feel strong arms picking you up and instantly you feel dont want those arms to let you go

"Shhhhh....there your safe now."
IC Jane
Jane says, "Oh...Finally.. I thought I was going to die there....", as she rests against her rescuer's chest. Oh, she suddenly realizes that she's practically naked...and pulls away from this big beefcake of a man. Dizziness overwhelms her for a moment, and she almost falls, but for his big strong arms grabbing her.

He introduces himself as Captain Jack Fuggya, and makes the comment, "You're lucky to have survived the landing...looks like it was a rough one". Looking around the wreckage of the escape-craft, together they discover that there is more gear that survived than would otherwise have been expected, but most of it's scientific paraphernalia. There are some clothes (mostly men's and what Jane brought along), but no decent weapons. Food rations aplenty. Jane sighs, "Um...Do you mind if I get dressed?". Even as she says this, she can't help but notice the big bulge tenting the front of his only seems to make her hornier. Captain Fuggya only grunts in reply, as his eyes rove the jungle around them. They miss nothing, although he turns a bit away from her for politeness.

Jane grabs a few things from her carryall, and starts dressing quickly. The jungle is scaring her, although the tough-looking pilot that rescued her is obviously alert to any danger. Jane has to struggle in the effort to put her panties on, and somehow finds that she can't really move to do's a very strange feeling. Skipping them, she puts on a pink T-shirt that's long enough to cover her hips only, which is tighter than expected. Her hard nipples poke-out blatantly, and her breasts seem a bit too large. She thinks it's just the heat. After trying to put on her slacks, and finding the same...mental-block(?) doing so, Jane puts on a loose knee-length skirt instead. It's tighter on her hips too. Fortunately has some boots, soft & comfortable ones. She packs up her gear...not noticing that she accidentally left her slacks and panties behind.

"Okay", Jane Fukmei says, "I'm ready...where to now, Captain?"
She hopes that he isn't aware of how aroused she is, let alone her lack of any undergarments.
A wild animal, a predator, makes a peculiar warbling roar not far away, and Jane moves a bit closer to the pilot...
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Prof. Euripides Pents

OOC: Prof. "Rip" Pents is misunderstood. He's not a company or military man, and doesn't identify much with the usual starship groups. As an exobiologist on the ship, he wasn't particularly useful, so he spent most of his time on the lower decks with the other misfits, dissecting things and writing bad poetry.
He's maybe mid-thirties. Other than that, he looks pretty much as you'd expect. (What? I'm, going to tell you he's short and fat?)

As soon as my pod hit the upper atmosphere of that planet, I lost contact with everything. I'd been getting some signals from the other lifeboats, but that stopped due to the thermal ionization. The stars went out, and I couldn't see a thing except for the clouds rushing past, green, violet, red. The altimeter kicked on at ten clicks up and I just watched those numbers blur past.
At five clicks up the landing program took over and shit started happening fast. There was nothing I could do but sit there and watch all the pretty lights on the panel, probably telling me I was going to die.
Two clicks up the flight jets went on and the wings opened. I was gliding now as the pod looked for a place to land. I could still see nothing out the ports but green, but the enviros told me now that we were in an earth-like atmosphere, a hell of a lot of wtare vapor, and pretty warm.
Hell, i figured I could look for a landing spot as well as the damned computer so I took the stick. Just then there was a break in the clouds and I looked down on my new home for the first time.
Green. Very, very green. So damned green it almost looked purple from the after-image. I saw an on ocean with a lot of islands in it, the edge of night was right below me, a double nightline, one from the red star and one from the white dwarf. In the darkness I could see the orange light from valcanoes and flashes of lightening. Busy little world.
I managed to put the pod down on the edge of a beach without much damage just as night was falling. I jumped out of the pod to have a look around.
Jungle. Wild, strange jungle. All along the shsore. The sky, where there was still light, was striped in bands of green and red and purple; some sort of organisms in the clouds? The sea behind me was phosphorescent, glowing, and the air was thick with strange and not unpleasnt smells.
I felt strangely excited, almost high. Energetic and strong, as if my body were swelling, my muscles getting stronger. I ran along the beach and felt like I could run forever.
I wanted to have a look into the jungle before it got totally dark, but my attention was grabbed by a streak of light in the clouds above. It was either a meteor or another lifepod. And as I watchged I saw another, and another. It was like it raining life boats.
I ran back to my craft to see if I could get the radio working.
Wilhelm von Baur:

I was sitting working on the field equimpment, one of those lowly tasks that just has to be done and as a scout for the landing party when we reached Planet Zeta, our destination. I wanted to be sure that all of it was in first class shape, after all my life might depend on it as well as the lives of the rest of the colonists.

I'd just replaced the comm gear in the outside pocket of the field pack when all hell seemed to break loose. The klaxons sounded and the calm female computer voice announced "All personnel were to report to their assigned escape pods to Abandon Ship." The second shudder as something seemed to impact the ship let me know in no uncertain terms that this wasn't a drill of some kind.

It took no effort to realize taking my pack and equipment belt would be a wise thing to do. Each was slung over a shoulder and I grabbed a second pack before running toward my escape pod.

A third impact staggered me as I rounded the corner of the corridor and I stumbled through the hatch. It was the work of moments to stow the gear and get into my seat.

As the restraints fastened snugly around me I looked around and realized I was alone in the pod. None of the other seats were occupied.

I strained and twisted to look through the hatch just in time to see it closing and no one was in sight. There was a "boot in the ass" as it detatched then a surge as the engine kicked to life and I was away from the mother ship, but not at all as had been expected and planned for by any of us.

The landing sequence engaged and as I watched, the best that I could in the viewing screen up front, the pod descended toward what looked like a really big lake or perhaps a small inland sea.

The pod struck the water jarring me to the bone and must have skipped across it because there was impact after impact until finally there was a very solid one and movement stopped after a few seconds of metal screaming as it was dragged over the ground and rocks.

With a final shudder the pod stopped and I realized I'd been holding my breath and let it out with a 'whoosh' and took the first one in who knew how long.

A few minutes to gather my wits and I unbuckled and when up front to the pilots seats. A scan of the instruments showed the atmosphere was breathable, gravity was just slightly less than Terra norm and the screen showed that dark was falling.

Since my Mama didn't raise any fools or idiots that lived, I chose to spend my first night safe and sound aboard the pod, but to save oxygen to let in the breathable outside atmosphere. I shut down life support, all but the electronics, and opened the ventilation system.

The pod was immediately flooded with damp, humid air full of the scents of decay and vegetation. I flipped the switch that turned on the outside flood lights and clicked from outside viewing cam to viewing cam while watching the monitor screen.

There was about a 300 yard swath of crushed and broken vegetation behind the pod leading back to where light glinted on water. Surrounding the pod was what appeared to be nearly impenetrable jungle growth. I hadn't seen anything that thick since Sirius 742, now call Terra III after the terra forming was completed.

'Yep ole Bill's just gonna sit tight tonight,' I thought to myself as I turned on the digital recorders and set the motion detectors to move to the cam where motion was sensed. 'Maybe this way I'll get a look at what must live here before I have to go outside and face it.'

Next on the agenda was the radio and I began to hail any survivors on the general broadcast frequency with the navigation beacon engaged to pinpoint my location to any who could receive it.

There was no reply so I recorded a message to play constantly and the alarm to alert me to any incoming transmissions and went to get something to eat and drink from the pod's stores and inventory them to see what I had in here. Since each pod had different stores, other than rations and drinks, may as well see if I had anything useful in this one.

OOC: Oops, nearly forgot. Former military scout for the Space Marines. Retired and decided being stuck on a ball of mud wasn't very exciting so volunteered to scout for this group on landing.
Wil is 5'10" of rawhide and bone. He moves silently with cat like grace and has unusually fast reflexes, one of the things that stood him in good stead over his military career, which included teaching close combat (armed and unarmed) and sniping to Marine boots and sniper students.
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OOC ok Lovelynice let me know if this is ok.

Name: Ray Dagun of the dragon famly
Age: Mid eighties
Looks: before crash Six feet even One hundred eighty pounds. Black white streaked hear. Lean wiry strength Hazel eyes.
After the crash his six feet even two hundred pounds of hard mussel jet black hair.

He’s a crime lord who bribed his way on to the ship to avoid arrest by hiding on anther planet that’s not yet charted. He’s very strong willed and extremely intelligent he ran the biggest and most feared crime family in the federation having had control over many planets but he was too old and too close to being captured and sent to one of the worst prison planets none to man. He gave control to his only son before getting on the ship.

IC I smile as I lesson to the explosions that I had set in the engine rooms I didn’t won’t the federation to fined out where I was so I set the explosions to keep any communications from getting back to the settled worlds that I was hear. This people wile niev about some things there not stooped and they would eventually figer out how I am.

I slip in to my life pod jedesing before any one ells. I guide it in to the atmosphere my self having no trust for computers witch is why I was so good at hiding I never left a computer trail and the enforcers aren’t good at finding paper trails used to just punching up some codes in a computer.

I smile as I look down at my new home nice and worm I think much better then the ice ball prison planet. My eyes look over the green foliage and the water seeing the mist moving threw the trees. My eyes land on a clearing not to far from a rock out cropping. I stear the glider toreds it.

I frown as I now the clearings not long enough for a gentile landing but not much choice right now. I land with a hard bump still moving to fast as I hit the brakes causing the glider to skid and twist one wing being sheared of by a tree. I braise my self as best I can as I slam sidelong in to another tree. I sit resting as I lesson to the motor wind down from lack of fuel theirs only enough in this thing to get ya down not enough to get ya back up.

I flip a few swatches looking at the monitors as the out side camorras scan for any emedeut threat. I smile as I see none. I then unbuckle my self and pick up the duffel that I had prepared for this moment. I push the hatch relies button and step out in to the wet heat. I take a deep breath as I look upwards seeing the life pods raining down sum obviously out of control and slamming hard in to the jungle others gliding easily under human control and everything in between.

I chuckle softly as I move quickly to the rock out cropping for shelter and a safe place to rest. I cock my head slightly as I hear some one calling over an intercom. I pick up my hand held one looking at it turning until I get the best reception. I look in that direction smiling agene. “It’s always good to know who your naburs are I say softly to my self. I then turn back to the rocks moving more easily then before as if I was growing stronger like I was in my younger days.

I smile thinking this planet aggress with me. I don’t notes my arms growing and my mussels beginning to bulge with new vitality. My breathing becomes deeper and stronger as I move faster then I had in years the pains that had plagued my life are disappearing as my vision grows sharper. I cum to the rock out cropping looking up smiling as I see a cave set up high in the side of rocks dark and inviting.

I begin to clime with ezs not even realizing that I’m climbing something that my old body shouldn’t be able to clime any more. I pull my self up over the lip of the cave and look out over the thick jungle. I see several holes in the canopy where life pods have crashed in the distants I can see a life pod on a white beach. I chuckle softly knowing that I came out of this better then any of them I had prepared for this better then they.

I turn and move deeper in to the cave looking around seeing to my delight a small pull of water in the back bubbling up from the floor and a stream from it disappearing in to a small hole in the back of the cave. I settle down beside the water taking out a scanner. I scan the water making sheer that it’s nontoxic. I then lean down and cup some in to my hand drinking slowly savoring the sweet taste. I shudder slightly as it sends sweet chills down my spine.

I then look in to the water my eyes growing big as I see my face for the first time since landing no longer are there rankles or stress lines on my face and my hair is once agene full and black as night. I reach up unbelievingly touching my face. I then see my hands strong and capable once more. I smile as the realision sinks in no longer am I old and frail. I’m once agene young and strong reedy to take power in to my hands agene. I laugh softly at the thought of rolling another planet.
ill give this a first rpg....woo.....if thats ok that is.

Every space adventure needs a young stowaway.

Charachter: Gavin Wynder
19 year old man (hates being called a kid). 6ft tall, brown short hair and blue eyes. Quite intelligent and quick witted but isnt a nerd, has a fair bit of physical 'ability' since hes a bit of a sportsman. Stowed away in order to just escape his old life, still innocent but tries to act like a real man.

IC: Gav

"Damn, my head" i groaned as i pulled myself up, coughing up a little dust i had inhaled while being unconcious. The last i remembered there had been a shudder, we hit the ground and i managed to pull myself out when i mustve collapsed. I stood, wiping the dirt from my face and dusting myself off.
looking back at the wrecked pod behind me i figured the best plan would be to look for any other survivors, the wreckage behind me confiriming they would indeed be survivors, not just crew members.

Ok ill leave it short for now since im learning the style of this board but ill get more involved later lol. If someone can help me meet up with someone it would be appreciated.
OOC: Looks like a VERY nice idea you have here. I'll keep my eye on it and probably join when there are more women involved.
Wilhelm von Baur:

'Damed good thing I was able to grab my backpack, equipment belt and the spare pack,' I thought. 'If this was suitable land for farming perhaps I could use all of the stowed seeds and frozen animal embryos on this pod, but not otherwise.'

I'd checked all of the storage bays and out of all of them the only useful thing I'd found were portable scanners, several extra com units and power packs galore. The rest was just dead weight, at least for now anyway. Who knows if they'd be usable in the future or not.

I checked the monitor again and other than some wildly waving vegetation nothing seemed to be stirring outside. There'd been no response to the radio so I killed all the inside lights except the red lights over the panel, reclined a seat and went to sleep.

Now when this SNAFU happened I was 48 years old and very fit for a man my age with a normal sex life, in fact above normal compared to many others my age.

Sooo imagine my surprise when I woke the next morning after a night of highly erotic dreams. Dreams in which I fucked more women in more ways and places in a row than I ever had in my entire life. My penis was not the normal morning erection it was rock hard and felt as if it had grown while I slept.

I got up still amazed at the intensity of the dreams and their obvious ongoing effect and used the pod's facilities for morning absolutions.

When I freed myself from the jumpsuit to urinate, I nearly fainted. My cock had grown at least an inch in length and diameter and it's hadn't been small in the first place.

Taking things in hand and still staring in shock I gave the morning ritual squeeze and stroke to get things flowing and my knees nearly buckled at the sensation and immediate flood of sexual images that flashed like a movie in my mind.

I was screwing every single girl and woman I'd ever screwed in living color and surround sound stereo as they moaned, whimpered and screamed out their orgasms over and over again.

I wasn't even aware that I was masterbating, jacking off, pounding my pud as I "watched" it all unroll in my mind. That is not until what had to be one of the, if not the, most incredible climax of my life.

Stream after stream after stream of thick sperm shot from my cock and splattered all over the bulkhead above the commode/urinal. It went on and on and on and on and every blast seemed as large and thick as the last.

Every muscle in my body locked up and strained. It felt as though I was cumming out all of the liquid in my body it went on so long. At last, as with all things, it ended and not with a dribble but with one last and final eruption of cum to add to the bulkhead's new decorations.

Then I was able to pee, although I had to hold myself up by leaning on the bulkhead. (Above the "decorations" thank you very much. I wasn't that groggy.)

Now normally, or perhaps that should be previously, I could have never produced such prodigious amounts of sperm in one orgasm. In fact, looking at it sliding down the bulkhead toward the floor, I'd have to guess that would be six months to a year's worth, before landing here.

Also nor.., umm previously I would have been wiped out until I'd had a chance to rest up after something like that, but now? Hell no. Now I was full of energy and raring to go, to fight or to fuck anything that moved and was at all attractive. Well at least not three bag or coyote ugly anyway and maybe even then.

I moved to the pod's fresher, stripped down and stood under the sonic spray rubbing my hands over my body. Again I was dumbfounded. This wasn't my body. Well at least not the one I left the ship with anyway.

I'd been in good physical condition, for my age and even a bit younger-maybe late thirties to early forties, before, but now I felt as though I had a twenty year old's body. Skin had tightened, muscles seem to have grown and developed as I slept. My cock, as already noted, was bigger and so were my balls, which hung noticibly lower.

I turned on an interal cam and checked myself out in the monitor. Hell's bells, I looked better now than I did when I'd finished Marine Boot Camp and then I'd been a lean mass of muscle with maybe 1% body fat. Now, if I had to guess, I was at .5% or less body fat and the muscle mass was at least doubled.

Shaking my head in disbelief I rubbed my chin and found the dipilitory was still working so no need to do it again and pulled on a clean jumpsuit, which barely fit comfortably unlike the previous baggy style I normally chose for comfort and my cock was a noticible bulge down my thigh.

I ate from the pod's stores again and filled the water bag that surrounded my pack in case the planet's water wasn't potable. I got out the long range laser/blaster rifle combo and assembled it. A power pack was put into the butt stock and it was hot to go. The mini rail gun would do what the surgical laser wasn't able to handle. I checked the hand disrupter and then the big mono blade and all were as they should be. The molocule wide blade's edge would slice anything know to man and the disrupter would take care of very close work.

Both of the smaller blades went where I normally carried them, I put on the pack, picked up a scanner and comm unit/locator and unassed the pod, after setting a personal code into the entry lock.

Outside I immediately began to sweat from the heat and humidity. 'Shit. This is gonna be a motherfucker. I hope I find someone soon and not so far away that I can't return and sleep here in the conditioned air. It wasn't that bad last night with the vent open, but tonight it's fresh, cool air for ole' Wil," I thought as I approached a wall of vines and undergrowth. 'Well time to start slashing this crap if it doesn't move outta my way."

I was raising the large monoblade for the first slash when a path opened up. I stared at it for a few moments then thought, 'Odd, but a damned good thing and it'd better stay that way or I'll hack it all down.' and down the path I went.

Using the locator I began to make wider and wider circles spiraling out from the pod... and I never had to swing the monoblade once.
Ashley Hexer

OOC: There are too many guys here, so I decided to join.

Ashley Hexer is a nurse on the colony ship. She has always wanted to be a nurse and was the top of her class out of school. She was choosen to be part of the medical team on the colony ship because of her skills and the fact that she knew some inside people. She is in her mid-twenties, but doesn't really like to share her age. She stands about 5'8" before the crash and grows to a 5'10" after it. She also has long mid-back length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her breast size was a 36b before the crash, but grows to a 36c after it. One of the alterations after the crash was her leg length: from a good sized 38 inches to an even longer size of 40 inches (explains the height increase). Also add about 6 inches to the hips.

I ran as fast as I could down the dark hallway, with red lights shining everywhere and people running in a panic. There was an explosion on the ship and we were going to crash. The captain had ordered everyone to go to escape pods, but I knew that everyone wasn't going to make it to them. It is the medical officer's duty to care the injured, which because of the explosion, many doctors and nurses were taking care of the injured from the explosion. We all knew that the escape pods were going to be pulled into the nearby planet's atmosphere and there would be many dead. But, we also knew there would be survivors and there would be injured, so a squad (including me) were being sent to the medical staffs pod to send down to the planet. We were only going through the plan of action that had been devised by the captian before the ship even left.

We climbed into the pod and straped ourselves in. The chief surgeon punched a few buttons in and the pod jettisoned from the ship. I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to be sitting next a view hole (circular window) that looked outside. I looked through it as we spun slowly towards the planet. I could see literally hunderds of pods being launched from the ship. The worst thing was that the ship was infact 2 pieces now, seperated by where the explosion was. The spinning made a lot of the crew pass out, but I was one of the most trained and could handle it. I was shocked as I saw many pods hit the planet's atmosphere and explode into nothing. Our pod became incased in flame as we entered the atmosphere.

Our pod broke through and fell through the sky of the planet like a rocket. I wondered to myself how come the thrusters hadn't kicked in yet. A few of the other medics thought the same thing and started to panic. I looked out and could see another pod falling, but its thrusters were working. I felt like screaming, but was suddenly caught by the beauty below me. A vast jungle with a huge lake in it. Also a mountain range not too far away. I watched as the other pod hit the water and bounced against the water like a stone you skipped. I was so caught up in the site of the other ship that it surprised me when we hit the roof of the jungle. Our pod seemed to start to fall apart as soon as we hit the jungle ceiling. We smashed our way through the jungle and I could see people around me fainting. A large chunk of the front of the pod broke off and many of the medics went with it. We hit the ground hard. As we hit, I felt a swooshing motion and then blacked out.

I awoke to something wet and sticky against my face. I pushed my head up off the ground and realized that a large green leaf was stuck to my cheek. I pulled it off and looked up. I was in the middle of a jungle way to thick to exist, but it did. I looked behind me and was shocked. The escape pod was in pieces everywhere, with a few large chunks left. I got all the way up and ran to the wreckage. I realized that when we hit, I must have been thrown from pod and somehow survived. Also, I realized that no one else was from the looks of it. I checked to see if I was alright, and I was, except for a bruse on my leg and bruses on my arms. I sniffed the air and realized that it wasn't poisioness, or else I would already be dead. It seemed thick to breath in, but I quickly became used to it. It also had an aroma to it that seemed very familar, but I couldn't place it.

My mind went to surviving this, because I might be the only person alive at all. I rumaged through the wreckage and grabbed what I could: a few medical kits, rations, a tent and a single sleeping bag, some clothes, and some other things. I was also lucky enough to find a biogenetic computer panel unscathed. Mainly, it takes a small bit of a genetic sample and will display information about it. I checked the radio, but it seemed busted.

I gathered everything up and looked up, realizing it was becoming night quickly. I couldn't stay here because this place offered zero shelter with the way it was. I decided to move through the jungle as quickly as possible to the other pod near the lake, since it was the closest from what I could tell.

I hiked through the woods for awhile until I found a nice clearing to set up camp. I knew I was close to the other pod and decided to wait. I slept comfortably that night, but with the most erotic and engaging dreams I've ever had. I was having sex with not only every man that I've had before, but also men that I've met maybe once or twice. It was odd, but great.

I awoke the next morning to exteme humid heat. I climbed out of the tent and looked around. Everything seemed to be normal, but my body felt weird. I looked at the tent and it looked slightly smaller, but decided to ignore it. My clothes felt very tight, but I blamed that on the heat. I climbed into the tent and changed from my uniform into another pair of clothes I found, a bit big for me. The funny thing was that when I took the bra and panties off, my body didn't want them back on. It was like a mental block or something. My bra would have to strain to fit on my breasts, which I noted seemed larger too. The clothes (which were large for me) were tight oddly enough, mainly around the crotch and the breasts. I decided to go without underwear and go looking for that other pod.

I picked up camp and marched through the jungle. I listened and could swear to myself that I heard two things. One was a man talking occasionally and another was a rustling of something. As I got nearer, I felt something grip around my legs. I looked down and saw a vine that had latched itself onto me. I pulled myself free, but it seemed to attach itself higher on me, around my knee. I couldnt pull away and dropped all my stuff as the end of the vine slithered like a snake up my thigh and on my ass. I continued to pull, but was shrieked as loud as I could as the vine went into the back of my pants and right into my ass. The vine yanked me and I flipped upside down, screaming my head off, hoping that the human voice I heard would come and help.
Wil von Baur:

I'd been searching for about two hours when I heard a woman screaming off to my right.

No thought, no hesitation. I wheeled in that direction thinking,'GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!' as I raised the monoblade and nearly stumbled as I swung braced to hit the jungle growth only to find it'd moved.

I kept running toward the screams and shrieking. It took me about 4-5 minutes to reach a small clearing and I stumbled to a stop at what I saw.

A blonde woman in just the tatters of her clothing was on her back on the ground. There was a vine in her ass and in her cunt and both seemed to be fucking her at the same time. More vines were wrapped around two lovely tits squeezing and relaxing and some kind of flower was over each nipple and seemed to be sucking them both.

I was spellbound by this lewd and erotic sight for several stunned moments and my cock grew harder as I watched threatening to rip through the material of the jumpsuit.

Then, with a shake of my head, I moved forward brandishing and raising the monoblade thinking how and where I'd sever the plants.

When I was within feet of her thrashing body the plants all drew back. Both thick vines left her body, they unwound from her breasts and the flower's stalks pulled back into the wall of plants surrounding the little clearing.

I moved to stand astride her body and glared around at the growth unconsciously thinking, 'My woman. Leave her alone or die.'

Looking down after glaring all around the clearing, I saw...
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Ashley Hexer

The vine pulled me straight up as more vines grabbed me and pushed me back to the ground. The went into the sleaves and pants legs of my clothes, pushing into my pussy and ass, wrapping around my tits, and tearing clothes. I continued to scream as the vines assaulted me, but they quickly left their holds. I looked up to see a man in one of the escape pod jumpsuits holding a monoblade as he stood over me protecting me. I also noticed from this angle the huge boner he had. I then blacked out.

I awoke to be laying on a makeshift bed. I looked around and noticed that I was inside an escape pod. I also noticed that I was nude under the blanket that I had covering me. My tattered clothes and my stuff were laid out on a nearby table. I pulled myself up and wrapped the blanket around me, even though it was hot and humid inside the ship. My pussy felt like an open wound, with pussy juices filling my cunt to the brink. I walked over to a working view screen. I saw the jungle and instantly remembered the vines that attacked me. I was scared to death, but I remembered the man that saved me. Oddly enough, my mind wandered to his hard on that I noticed. I shook my head some and wandered. I stopped suddenly when I heard a loud groan from the left. The groan continued for about 2 minutes when it finally stopped. A door opened and the man walked out.
OOC: Ok, I might as well join in now...

My character

Jared Kiljar, age 32, more like 24 after the planet does it's thing
Security officer.
well built
Brownhair, green eyes and a rather gentle person usually.
Of course the interference from the planet if affecting that.

Jared is career military, infantry division, or ground pounder as they called themselves. He was one of the men you sent in after an airstirke to dig out all the stuff that was still breathing. Despite his gentle nature, he is a very efficient soldier, believeing in his orders and doing his best to carry them out.


His commanding officer ordered him into one of the escape pods soon after all the trouble started. It seemed there was a group of Medics going down, and his squad was to be their protection just incase there were any hostiles down below. He suited up quickly and easily, as a man completely used to doing so would. His men were equally efficiant as well. They arrived at the escape pods just as the med team was leaving, so they boarded quickly and set off as well.

The turbulence they hit on descent was well above noraml, and desipte his years of service, he began to worry about them not making it. Those fears were simply magnified when they impaced the ground. The stabilizers and landing jets were malfunctioning, and neither were working to their fullest. Needless to say, Jared and his men lost consiousness.

When he awoke, his men were either gone, or dead. Remembering his orders, he set out to look for the Med Team and to assess their situation. His gear didn't quite fit, but he passed that off as some sort of damage in the crash.

He came across a clearing where a struggle took place and followed the tracks to a pod, finding a woman but not seeing the man. "Are you alright?"
Wil von Baur:

She lay as good as naked between my feet. Her blonde hair was dirty from the jungle floor and leaves stuck to her face, body and hair, but at that moment she was the hottest looking piece of ass I'd ever seen.

She had no hair below her neck, her pussy lips were puffy and engorged and a steam stream of either sap from the vine or juice from inside of her flowed down over her still closing anus. Her tits had marks that could have been rope marks around them had I not seen the vines wrapped there and her dark coral nipples were large and very hard and surround my crinkled areola, presumably from the flower's sucking on them. Each had a dusting of gold, possibly pollen.

I stood trembling as I fought the urge to strip down and take her right there. I wanted to fuck her mouth, her large and firm looking tits, her cunt and her ass. All at the same time until I'd filled and flooded her with copious amount of cum, just as I had the bulkhead awhile ago, but I won (?) the battle and instead I gathered her tatters of clothing and stuffed them under a pack strap.

I sheathed the monoblade and lifted her into my arms to carry back to the pod. A glance at the heads up display on my eye visor and I was off toward the jungle's wall. Fucking part or I'll burn a tunnel right throuh you,' I thought picturing the laser doing just that and damned if it didn't open a path for me.

Since I wasn't walking in a spiral any more, I guessed it would only be about 10-15 minutes back to the pod. As I walked I looked more at her then my surrounding. The hand under her back found it's way to a tit and nipple and played with it. I shifted her so a finger could be in her pussy and my thumb in her ass and that's how I walked.

It was a constant fight with myself to keep from stopping and taking her any where along that path, but I didn't and within the guessed time limit I was at the pod.

I hoisted her so she was leaning against my chest, her tits flattened out as much as they could against my chest. It made me groan as I felt those two soft/firm warm spots and the hard nipples poking me while I punched in the code.

I carried her inside when the hatch opened and lay her down on the reclined seat. My gear was set aside and I closed and sealed the hatch again. I put the tatters of her clothing on the fold down table where I'd eaten and got out a blanket to cover her.

However, when I tried I couldn't at first. In fact I lay it aside, opened the jumpsuit and took out my cock, which seemed even bigger than earlier, and began to masterbate as I fondled and caressed her naked body.

I played with both tits and nipples, I finger fucked both her cunt and ass just as the vines had been fucking her a short time ago.
I felt, I knew that if I stopped jacking off I'd be balls deep in her in seconds.

Oh how wonderful she felt. Soft and firm in all of the right places. Her cunt was sopping wet, nearly virgin tight and sooo hot inside. Her clit was the largest I'd ever seen and seemed to visibly throb. Her nipples weren't far behind it and seemed to grow harder and her tits seemed to swell I watched.

When I saw signs of her coming to again, I jerked the blanket over her, retreated to the bathroom/fresher stall and within three strokes was was groaning and adding to the bulkhead's decorations from earlier. Now it smelled like a fuck factory full of cum in here but who cared. I damned sure didn't.

A few deep breaths, a stretch or two and I was putting my cock away as I opened the curtain to see her sitting up and looking at me.

Her eyes went from my face to my crotch in about 3 nanoseconds and she, when she saw my cock in my hand and not quite tucked in yet, licked her lips and opened her mouth...
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OOC; This is first for me on this site, and this seems very interesting in long run. Best to get in early.
My character, Kitharin MacDouglas, a mildly famous freelance journalist, adventurer, and author of cheap travelogues ("Alpha Centauri Prime on 20creds a day", "The Ruins of Tempari-2").

She joined the colonyship with plans of getting both a scoop, and also in hope of a husband (somebody rugged, not like the overcivilized men of Earth and the other core worlds of the Federation). She's in her late forties, and long ago gave up hope off having children without medical help. Despite her age, she was still a very fit woman, and the planet's environment is starting to return her good looks.

IC; Kitharin awoke to the sound of the alarm klaxons, and heard the voice of the ship's computer telling everyone to abandon ship. She grabbed her gear, as much as she could carry in a hurry, and ran for the nearest lifeboat dock. There was a crowd of people doing exactly the same thing. Used to unorganized bedlam in other places that she'd been, Kitharin managed to get a seat quickly. After that, everything was a blur, but she noted with some worry that nobody onboard knew how to pilot the lifeboat. It shot out of the huge colonyship on autopilot, crushing her into her seat. People around her moaned and complained. Many blacked-out, but Kitharin hung onto consciousness. It seemed only minutes later, they were hitting the atmosphere, but from her position she could see nothing. A guy yelled out, "The ship's gone! There was a flash! I think the fusion-core just exploded...!"

Then there was jarring rattle all through the lifeboat, it shuddered so hard that her teeth hurt. Several violent thumps followed in the next second, then the lifeboat flipped over on it's side careening uncontrollably and shaking even more. This seemed to go on for a full minute, maybe more, but Kitharin had no idea. The violence of the landing (if you could be so complimentary to call it a landing and not a crash) made her throw-up. She was terrified nearly out of her mind.

"Oh my God, we're gonna die...!"

When the lifeboat finally stopped, it was a long time before anyone moved. The silence was such a shock, it took awhile to realize that the lifeboat was still. Okay, what do we do now?

One of the men opened the hatch. He poked his head out. There was a sudden scream as he was pulled bodily through and outside. An awful crunching sound as bones were broken and chewed. Then silence.

"Right then", some smart alec said, "Huh, it seemes we stay here for a little while. Anybody here got a gun...something big, prefferably."

Everyone looked at each other....

Outside we could hear the strange animal calls of an alien jungle.
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((Since Pheonix already has Ashley 'covered', Jared will withdraw.))

He heard the man in the bathroom and figured the woman would be ok. He hadn't spoken all that loudly, so he merely nodded his head to himself. "I see you're ok, and you have some protection with you, I will go search for otehr survivors." With that, he left the pod and went out to the clearing again. He saw another escapr pod land nearby and wentto go check on it.

He came upon Kitharin's group a few hours later, the remains of one man were scattered across the ground. Jared readied his assualt rifle and scanned teh area. "Anyone alive here?" He shouted as he approached teh pod.
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Kitharin MacDouglas

IC; She stood up and made my way to the front of the lifeboat, feeling a kind of odd clenching neediness inside her, but it wasn't fear. It was more like sexual arousal. That was so strange, but she ignored it. It didn't take long to find the onboard communications, and Kitharin noticed that the distress beacon was already broadcasting as it should. She fiddled with the radio, and picked up a repeated message from another escape-boat, but most of it was drowned in static.

Being up front, she could see the jungle outside, and impossible green that was alien and beautiful, almost searing in an afterimage.She half-wondered whether there was flourescent component to the coloring, for it much too bright a green. Never in her life had Kitharin seen such a fantastic scene before her. Twin suns, a glowering red giant and a tiny white dwarf were in a sky of more impossible colors than she'd ever seen in a graphic arts show. It was doubtful if she could even name most of those shades.

Others onboard the craft questioned her, "Can you get anybody?" and similar questioning. She tried, but couldn't raise anybody for help. It was possible the antenna arrays had been damaged, so their radio range was very limited.

With little to do, everyone waited. Some people had been injured, a few were still unconscious, and Kitharin did what she could to care for the injured. But all the time, she was feeling distracted, and increasingly horny. She couldn't work that one out, but guessed that maybe survival instincts made people want to screw or something. It was getting worse/better though as time passed. In the small confins of the lifeboat, it was obvious that she wasn't the only one affected in this way either. Most of them tried to politely ignore each other.

Among the twenty-six passengers on the lifeboat (it was overweight when they ejected from the ship...probably a good reason for their rough landing), five were unconscious still and badly injured (except for one guy who had no visible injuires at knew what was wrong with him), and six others were seriously injured and had lost a lot of blood. Most of the bandages in the medical stores had been used up.

After what several hours, it was close to the end of the day, and the green of the jungle outside was starting to fade. How long were the days here, Kitharin wondered, and why am feeling so randy. Right at that very moment, she was so wet down-there that she worried that others might notice the damp stain on the crotch of her shipsuit overalls. They could hear the noise of the predator, whatever it was, still outside prowling around occasionally. It seemed to have marked the lifeboat as it's territory. A search of the stores, had only found some low-powered survival airguns, the kind that were useless at killing anything larger than a bird. Two scientist types were discussing a plan to try to electrocute the creature, but they worried about frying the lifeboats electronics.

Then a voice was heard calling outside, asking, "Anyone alive here?"

Kitharin ran to the hatch, but not too close. The predator might still be out there somewhere.

She yelled out, "We're alive, but don't get too close. There's a big predator nearby. Do you have a gun, something big?"

Oddly as she was saying this, she had the urge to strip-off her shipsuit. It was as if her panties were feeling really uncomfortable. And as if their bit of good luck needed balancing, it started to rain. Heavily. The man outside might've replied just then, but Kitharin couldn't hear over the thundering roar of the downpour. The urge to strip-off her shipsuit and underwear kept getting stronger too.

She yelled out as loud as she could, "Are you there? Be careful of the...", and paused. Something was moving around out there, but it was difficult to see in the heavy rain. Could it be...?
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Euripides Pents, Exobiologist

Ex' o bi ol" y jist (n.) 1. One who studies life forms not found on Earth 2. A biologist unable to find a job on the planet Earth.

Euripides sat in the dark on the dented hull of the pod, sucking some sort of food paste from plastic pouches, sweating, and gazing at the jungle. Some times he hummed a little tune to himself.

The sky had cleared and was thick with stars in unnamed constellations, never seen before. Two of the planet's moons were locked together to form a binary moon, and they orbited each other like a slowly spinning dumbbell arcing across the sky, one waxing while the other waned until they spun around and changed places. Another moon, much larger and closer, was low on the horison and sent a beam of pink light from the double suns across the faintly green phosphorescent sea that itself showed flashes of multicolored lights beneath ots surface, probably due to luminescent creatures in the water. With every new discovery he laughed with delight and slapped his thigh.

Eirpides was horny, but then he'd been horny as long as he could remember, and there was no point in wasting time with the Boss now. He had stripped down to his boots and cut his pants down to make shorts, and he had a towel over his shoulders and a band around his head to keep the sweat out of his eyes.

All the pods scanners and sensors were still stowed in their packs, and all the weaponry was too. He didn't like the idiot boxes. The only things they recognized as alive were what they'd been programmed to recognize by the earth engineers, so they weren't much use to him in his field. He'd always found the best way to approach a problem was to observe. So he was observing the hell out of things.

He was pretty certain now that the jungle was not only alive, but it was a single organism, or maybe two, or three, but not many. They overlaid each other like the different systems in a human body: the nervous over the vascular over the muscular.

Or maybe a better analogy would be a coral reef, where the reef served as the base colony, the various fish and crustacean acting as symbionts. He wasn't sure yet.

He knew he needn't fear being eaten. He'd slung some of his food paste around, watched feelers come out from the jungle, seem to sniff at it, then withdraw, uninterested. The lttle 'scooters' that seemed to serve the role of insects weren't interested either. The scooters were interesting though. They ran on little organic wheels. It was the first example of a natural wheel-and-axle mechanism he'd ever heard of in all the planets so far explored.

There were two big questions he had right now: how did the ocean biota function in relation to the jungle, and how did all these things reproduce? All exobiologists knew that the reproductive urge was the strongest urge in organisms, stronger often than self-preservation. With a biota this varied, evolution must be running red hot, which meant it had to be sexual, maybe polysexual with genetic material flying back and forth like jello in a exobiological food fight.

As he thought about this he watched the jungle tendrils creeping out around the pod yet again. Three times they had done this, come creeping up the side of the pod to investigate him. The first time he had watched them with fond interest as the checked him out and went for his high-odor zones: worked their way under his armpits, into his boots and into his pants, tickling him. He opened his mouth and let one tendril explore him there. As they withdrew he marvelled at how deft they were at their examination, how exquisite their control, even though they were extended alomst fifty feet from the jungle itself. What a beautiful organism, he thought.

Soon it had come back, and this time the tendril had approached him and spurted something onto his leg. It smelled vile. "No thanks, pal." he said, wiping it off.

The plant withdrew, but soon was back, climbing up the side of the pod and stopping. Before his eyes a bid swelled, oppened slsowly into an enormous flower, half a meter across, all glowing orange and purple and brilliant yellow. Inside the flower was something that smelled even worse than the liquid, though, so he smiled politely and said, "Thanks, dear. But no thanks. I'll stick to the food paste."

Now the tendril was climbing the pod again. It stood there quivering, not two feet from him. It swelled with life, and burst into flower, turning slightly to show itself to him. The dumbbell moons were right overhead throwing oscillating pink shadows over everything, and he found himself looking directly at a perfect human vaginam complete with a tuft of pubic hair, a tight little rectum, and the odor of a human female in high arousal.
Captain Jack Fuggya

I peered out into the woods as I listen to Jane get ready. The rustle of an animal in the distance is encouraging. There is food to be had.

"That sound like dinner to me, but I think we should look for others till it gets a little later in the day." As I finish saying it I turn around and I cant help but do a double take as I get a good look at Jane's outfit. Fuck..she looks like a fucking wet dream I think to myself. Jane has a strange look on her face and suddenly leans down to pick up the supplies. Actually it was just what I was hopping for at that moment and I get a glimpse of....of her ass..damm she isnt wearing underwear. I feel my erection throb in my pants as I get a good look. I really want to keep looking and have to rip my eyes away.

"Follow me and try to keep up" I say with an overly stern voice.
We walk not much more than 15 meters from the ship when I hear a squeal behind me. I turn and see Jane rubbing her ankle.
Quickly I move back to her and kneel down to examine her ankle. She seems to shudder a little as I touch her foot and leg. "ssshhh......I know what Im doing Im trained in first aid" I notice just the barest hint of some swelling but she seems unable to stand on it. The heat most be hitting her harder than she realizes. I scoop her up in my arms without a second thought and I get another satisfing squeal from her. She feels feathery light in my arms as she wraps her arms around my neck. " dont have to do this...I can manage" Jane says with a strange awkardness in her voice. "Ma'am dont worry I'll just carry you a bit while you give your foot a chance to rest. I've been trained for the last 20 years to be able to survive in situations like this and Im not going to let anything happen to you" my voice full of authority and conviction. Jane feels herself giving in to his request with no resistance whatso ever. The only problem is the way he is holding her his forearm is touching her exposed pussy lips. Jack immediately starts walking again and its just what she feared the motion causes his arm to move back and fourth just enough to cause the hint of stimulation in her pussy that she has been aching for all morning. Oh god if this keeps up Ill be a out of my mind with need Jane thinks to herself but she cant figure out anyway to delicately handle the situation. Whats worse she has this growing feeling in the back of her head...of him wanting her to offer herself to him.

"Really, me...were gonna be fine. I know how to survive in some of the worst terrain imaginable and this place...well it looks like it is lush life." His words are meant to reassure but Jane feels another tingel shudder through her pussy. He's so confident.....
Jane Fukmei

They just started to get going, when Jane felt to the sharp sting of something in the heel of her foot.
"Ooww!", she squealed in voice so girlishly cute it surprised her. The strong, oh so confident pilot checked her foot immediately, but there was no sign of puncture wound. Strangely, though her heel had been stung, it was her ankle that started swelling.
Despite her protests that she was okay, the captain lifted her with an ease that she hadn't experienced since she was a child. Somehow in his lifting her, Jane's skirt hem was pushed upwards, so that the way he was carrying her left the bare nakedness of her pussy-lips riding against his forearm. Jane wanted to pull the skirt down again, but couldn't bring herself to actaully do so. She could only wrap both her arms around his neck and hold on. The aroma of was so manly and interesting.
She was getting so wet and aroused, it was embarrassing.
Control yourself, Jane tried telling herself, We could get killed if we start along that line of thinking....Who knew what horrors lay in this forbidding alien jungle?

As he carried her, Jane began to notice that she was unconsciously rubbing her pussy up & down his forearm. It was a subtle movement, in time with the natural movement of his strong strides. Once aware of this, she tried to stop it, but her body wasn't really obeying her conscious desires. The sensation was slowly driving her towards an impending climax too.

No, she thought, Not's too much. Why can't I stop?

She grabbed him even tighter, as the shudders of orgasm when through her in nice....too nice...
She clenched her teeth trying to stop from crying out, but somehow her mouth opened anyway...Jane screamed out her cry of ecstatic joy.

It was pretty obvious to the good captain that she'd just climaxed from the rubbing on his arm. A gentleman might pretend otherwise however...

At the same time, it started to rain. Big heavy drops at first, then within seconds came a downpour heavy enough to be almost blinding. It also soaked Jane's thin T-shirt making her swelling breasts and very hard nipples quite visible; the pink fabric only adding to the lovely hue of her blushing arousal. Her skirt didn't cover much either; sticking to her thighs, and becoming even more translucent than the T-shirt.

Jack knew that shelter was a necessity, and movement to higher ground. In this tropical downpour there would likely to be flashfloods. With vision reduced to only a yard or two at most, he nearly walked straight into the yellow metalled wall of a half-smashed cargo-pod that had crashed into the jungle. Lady luck was on his side. After making a check for other local occupants and finding none, he carried Jane inside and lay her down.

The cargo-pod was well insulated, so although the rain was still very loud, it wasn't deafening.

"Thankyou", Jane said, and blushed as she recalled what had happened only moments before. She squeezed the water out of her T-shirt, and skirt. But it was impossible to appear nonchalant. She wanted so much to screw this hunk of a man, but she was too shy.
She sat-up cross-legged in the semi-darkness and looked around, unaware that she hadn't pulled the hem of sodden skirt down decently. Her vertical smile was clearly visible to Jack from where he stood at the gaping rip in the side of the cargo-pod. He had good eyes in the semi-darkness, and couldn't help glancing between Jane's thighs or admiring her well-endowed chest.

"Do you think it will rain for long?", Jane asked.
"Yeah I've got a gun. AND something big!" He chuckled at his own joke and then shook his head. why the hell had he said that? The people had already lost one man and he was making jokes about the size of his penis? He had to get ahold of himself.

The rain started to come down hard, obscuring his vision. Hearing something behind him he turned only to see the large mass that was presumably the predator she had mentioned. It forced him to the ground and started to tear at his armor. While using one arm to protect his face and neck he tried to angle his gun at the beast and fired. The solid rounds tore through the fleshy hide and it was thrown off of him, to leand a few feet away. The slow breathing stopped shortly after and the beast was dead.

Standing up, he took stock of himself. The armor was ruined and gone in most places. He removed the rest since it was useless and would only get in his way. Leaving him in a skin tight black tanktop that was quickly soaked through with water and combat fatuiges that were a bit to small, especially around his hard cock.

He walked over to the pod and looked in. "The thing is dead. You're safe."
Euripides Pents, Exobiologist

So far he had established these facts:

human beings were not suitable food for the jungle-organism. That made perfect sense. No organism would adapt to eating some food which might only appear once every billion years from outer space, and their biochemistries were just too different. If humans were suitable food than the jungle would have been interested in the food samples he'd left out, and they showed no interest in eating the samples whatsoever.

An organism this big could only be a photovore, living on light, just as earth plants did. The fact that the color of the jungle was a darker, muddier green than what one saw on earth supported this theory. That's just the color they would have to be to make maximum useage of the pink light from the double star.

Thge jungle-organism was aware of his landing, and so must be aware of the landing of the other pods as well. The jungle-organism had shown interest in him but had not been hostile, and in fact had gone through some trouble to offer him what it sensed he wanated: human female sexual organs.

He thought about this episode with some chagrin. It had been the first time he'd ever had sex with a plant, and even though the plant had great technique and was quite tender with him, he felt like he'd cheated on his own kingdom, not to mention phylum and class, etc. etc.

He was now setting up one of the EV suits from the pod for an experiment. He had taken the suit and assembled it, and taped a blaster in its hand, then propped it up at the edge of the jungle a good ways from the pod. He fixed the blaster so that it was aimed at the trunk of a large, tree-like plant, and had wrapped a wire around the trigger, which he led back to the pod.

Now, sitting on the pod, he took a deep breath and jerked the wire.

The blaster fired a bolt of plasma sight into the jungle, and searing red flame exploded back out onto the beach.

When the smoke and debris cleared, he saw he had blasted a man-sized hole into the foliage, a hole that was filled in a heartbeat with writhing tendrils seeking for the agent of damage.
He heard sudden roars from the interior of the jungle that raised the hairs on the back of his neck.

"Oh shit!" he thought.

The tendrils reached the suit first and quickly surrounded it, looking for a way in. Failing that, they held it, then drushed it easily. At the same time a mass of the small 'scooters' appeared buzzing angrily and attached themseves to the suit, almost covering it entirely.

"Antibodies!" he thought. "Next will come the killer cells and phagocytes."

Just then the jungle parted and the most extraordinary creatures appeared, like transparent spheres of liquid, covered with spikes. Spheres of all sizes streamed from the trees and along the beach and fought for a place on the haoless EV suit.

And finally, the jungle opened and here were the phagocytes, the macrophages, each bigger than his pod, swaying on long spindly legs, oozing, dripping, jaws opening, or crawling and slithering along the ground, covered with tentacles or organs whose funtions he couldn't begin to understand. Blind, eveil looking things in a frenzy of rage. They engulfed the entire mess, devoured it, devouring each other in their roiling confusion, and drew ythe whole enormous fused gob back into the jungle. By the time they withdrew there was no longer any sign of the damage.

When his breathing returned to normal, he took off his glasses and polished them on his towel. "And from this we learn," he told himself. "Don't fuck with mother jungle. Be polite."

Well, that was that. He took a communicator and a knife. He left all the weapons and tech stuff behind. If he was going to die, then he mioght as well get it over with. But he was pretty sure he wasn't going to die. He was pretty certain now that the jungle could sense anyone's intentions. If it felt threatened, then it threatened right back. If it felt damaged, it dealt with the damage. If it felt that he wasn't any real danger, then he had nothing to fear.

Well, that was the theory anyhow.

He paused in front of the impentrable green wall of vegetation, trying not to think of the carnage he had just witnessed, the horror of the macrophages. He raised his arm in awkward, self-conscious greeting to the jungle.

"Hey there, buddy!" he said loudly. "How ya doin'? Huh?"

With a sudden rustle the jungle parted for him and he looked down a dim, green corridor that went on for as long as he could see until it faded into the deep darkness.

"Thanks." he said. "Thanks a lot!"

He took a breath and stepped into the darkness.

I had decided to head off towards a plume of smoke i could see in the distance. Hoping that it would be another pod with survivors.
After a couple of hours walking it began to rain. I took shelter in an area of dense forsest , compared to the open ground very little rain got through.
I continued to walk and soon came across another pod. It looked just as beat up as my own but i could definitely hear noises inside.
I walked up and opened the door, in retrospect i should have knocked as when i entered i saw a woman, a very attractive woman, sitting completely naked, with a man stood across the room with a noticeable (even to a guy) bulge in the front of his pants.
Realising i had also developed a good sized bulge of my own i quickly closed the door, apologising. As i did i noticed the front of my trousers. Ok, a bulge isnt an uncommon occurence with me but this is much bigger than usual. I quickly had a feel and realised my cock had swelled. Not just a boner but simply larger than it had ever been.
This left me confused wether to feel happy or scared. Either way i knew this place was definitely having 'effects' on the people here.
Hope you don't mind me joining in!


Candy Sweet.

28 year old student,won her place on this expidition from an essay she wrote on "Extra terrestrial sex. How aliens do it." She HATES her name, which makes her a sour sweet! She's 5"7 when she lands with average breasts (she doesn't know her bra size,she doesn't believe in "foundation garments" and only wears clothes because its illegal not too) Her hair brown and shoulder length but normally worn up in a sensible pony tail. Candy is a part time librarian and is only at university to challenge her mentally. As an A+ student in Exobiology she has read all of Dr Pents work and is totally in awe of him.


Well at last some excitement and a possibility of meeting some life! I have been cooped up in that stuffy starship for too long with idiots and geeks and people with no life whatsoever. Not once have I managed to engage Dr Pents in conversation and he is one of the main reasons I am on this crazy mission.

When i heard the message to evacuate I was so relieved, I hoped in my escape pod (already stocked with many of my books,papers and instruments,I am never caught unprepared!) and was one of the first to abandon ship.

Wow the planet I am heading for looks glorious, beautifully vibrant and alien. At last some adventure in my life! Soon i am gracefully dropping towards the ground, convinced of a safe landing, all the warning lights in my pod go mental and prompt me to abandon pod, incineration imminent! Shit, I'll have to jump. geerrrroooooooniiiimmmoooooO!

"WOO HOO!" I exclaim as I come to rest, my parachute has gotten caught in the dense jungle here (you didn't think i'd jump without a parachute did you) and no matter how much i kick and wiggle,i'm not budging. Suspending god knows how high up my skirt caught over my head,so i can't see a thing and particularly aware of my lack of foundation garments, the warm breeze tickling my pussy in the most curiously arounsing way. Funny, you'd think i'd be panicing, but actually I am pretty relaxed. I am sure someone will find me soon enough, and if i move my body just back and forth, it creates the most soothing of rocking actions....
Euripides Pents, Exobiologist

As he walks along through the dim green corridor he is struck again by the overwhelming fecundity of the jungle around him. There is a feeling of charged sexuality in the very air he breathes. The entwines limbs of the plants and vines remind him of lovers limbs writhing against each other with sensual urgency. Several times he has to press himself agains the edge of the jungle as clouds of tiny creatures come humming past in confused clouds, and he is certain that they are some sort of gametes, sperm or eggs, looking frantically for their counterparts.

"God!" he thinks, "It's like being in a vagina during spring break back in the nation of Floridonia on earth!"

Occasionally he is passed by troups of scooters going about their business, and he watched them carefully. As long as they don't afix themselves to him and thus mark him for the killer cells, he's okay. So far they've stopped and sniffed a couple of times, but haven't bothered him.

He's been presented with a couple more vagina flowers as he's walked along too, and he's been very tempted to take advantage of them, but he has the distinct impression now that the jungle is leading him somewhere. The path is not openeing straight ahead all the time, but seems to be taking a a staggered, jogging series of turns, as if making him bypass some places.

After some hours of this he's fairly fatigued. As if sensing this, the path leads him over a small gurglingh stream, running surprisingly fast for a jungle waterway, and surprisingly cold. He falls on his face, sniffs the water, and then starts drinking thirstily when he hears the muffled screams.

Looking up, he sees a woman hanging from a tree, not fifty meters away, kicking her legs and struggling. More accurately, he sees her legs and her naked behind. The rest of her seems to be tangled in clothing which has enclosed her upper body and head. As he gets closed, he sees that she is entangled in an emergency parachute such as the escape pods have.

He'd forgotten all about the other survivors, so intent had he been on his studies, but now he ran forward to the hapless woman.

For all her struggling and kicking, her feet were no more than three feet from the jungle floor. She had no way of knowing this of course, and must have thought she was still caught high in the canopy.

"Wait, Miss, wait!" he said. "I'll get you down!"

He grabbed her ankle to reassure her, and the feel of her flesh in his hand was like a bolt of electricity through his body. She was so soft, so firm, so warm and smooth. He looked at her legs. They were long and smooth, with well-defined muscles, her thighs expanding to meet the swell of her hips and the round globes of her ass. Her ass itself, as fascinating as the moon, as perfect as pearls and just as smooth, with the shadowy cleft that ran between them, promising the mysterious pleasures of a woman within.

He turned her hips and she sung towards him. She was shaven, and the lips of her sex were visible in the gap at the top of her thighs. The upoper insides of her thighs were moist, and drops of liquid were evident on the crease of her labia.

She nuttered something muffled from within her inverted tent of fabric, and he answered automatically. "Yes, yes. I'll just cut you down. Won't take a second."

But he didn't reach for his knife.

"My dear?" he called to her as if she were a long way away. "I'm afraidf to cut you down. I'm just going to hoist you up on my shoulders and see if I can free you, all right? Just spread your legs slightly and put your legs over me shoulders."

Her muffled response could have meant anything, but she tentatively spread her legs. Euripides smiled broadly and walked face first into her pussy, throwing her thughs over his shoulders and pressing her ass to his face.

The woman screamed and her legs went straight out in surprise, but quickly her legs locked around his head and she began humping him forcefully, making him stagger back and forth as he held her ass in his hands and gave himself over to the pleasure of his task.

It was simply the most delicious experience of his life. Her taste was so staggeringly sexual, the feel of her softness in his mouth made him delirious, and the way she responded to every little move of this lips and tongue just drove him wild.

There was a snap, a rip, a longer rip, and suddenly she was free, and her whole weight fell on Euripides, who staggered around with her on his shoulder till he fell back onto a bed of moss with the woman still atop him. He extricates himself and, stunned, they both look at each other for the first time, his face shiny with her juice.

"How do you do?" he says.

She nods her head, eyes wide. "I'm okay." she says. "Don't stop. Introductions later, okay?"

"Right." he says, and dives between her legs again.

She's on her back now, her clothes ripped from her fall. he presses her thighs back against her breasts and licks her from clit to anus and back again. Never have a woman's genitals been so terrible sensual and fascinating. never has her interior anatomy been so compelling and wondrously sensual beneath his tongue and lips. He could spend hours doing this, he knew, and not exhaust the half of it, and if his cock wasn't throbbing so urgently, that's just what he would have done.