Hot Pics of Celebrities & Models: Pt 3

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Me too

I've had him on ignore for about a year so
I disagree with your assessment that he will go
away quickly...or ever. Hell, GrandpaBill just
popped up again from a hiatus with a new alt (StuartPidd).

It's annoying that ignored posts still show up in the
thread, especially when SS will post 2-3 pages of
troll pics. Maybe Laurel will fix that in the next site
I meant that if EVERYONE iggy'd him, what would be the point of him even posting?
Have you contacted Laurel? Give her all the reasons he's a jerk, like the thread killing efforts, pictures that would be too big for my 40" TV screen, inappropriate pics for the thread, Photoshopped pics, fakes, etc, and I'd be glad to sign the petition to eject him. His IP should be banned!

SS, Go away, please!
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I meant that if EVERYONE iggy'd him, what would be the point of him even posting?
Have you contacted Laurel? Give her all the reasons he's a jerk, like the thread killing efforts, pictures that would be too big for my 40" TV screen, inappropriate pics for the thread, Photoshopped pics, fakes, etc, and I'd be glad to sign the petition to eject him. His IP should be banned!

SS, Go away, please!

If everyone who was sick of him all reported him at the same time, I could see that happening. But the blunt reality is he could just create Super-Surprise2 and do the same thing that BusyBody and GrampaBill do, make a new alt.
Sybil Danning

Hey pal, that is probably the most beautiful celeb out there.

I love to see her in any form but damnit, I want to see her get undressed.

My point of view.

I know that your point of view... but what about everyone else's?
And many pics posted all over this site would classify as revenge porn, but that's okay...yet his guy busting balls is an issue?:rolleyes:

There's NO revenge porn being posted here and if you think there is, then you have no idea what revenge porn is.

The pictures or gifs that are being posted here are posts of celebrities or models that have the clear understanding that they were removing their clothing and doing a nude scene in either a movie or a still picture.

Everyone knew that they would be nude or that nudity would be shown and they all took their clothes off on their own accord.
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