Hot damn, an update on Luna!


Really Experienced
Feb 6, 2010
This is the first thing I've seen from her in a VERY long time:

so mcuh to say - dont know wher to start excpet that im going home in 2 days fromre hab after month and monthts away from wee pixie and my life....know that i felt evry prayr love healig though and hug and kiss - and aso fortunte for you thank you ALL♥ !!!! --- Happy to repor I am out of wheelchair and WALKING w/out walkr and TALKING now !

It popped up on my FB feed about an hour ago. (around 8:20 central time)
Thanks, that's excellent! I haven't checked my FB in a while so missed this.
Wow, amazing.

Lyme Disease, do I remember right?

I don't think it turned out to be Lyme's, in fact I'm not sure a single cause was ever pinned down. But for a while, Luna herself thought it was Lyme's and I recall her being frustrated that no one seemed to take that thought seriously.
Just saw the Facebook post! Ecstatic that Luna's recovering. Thanks be to God. I prayed so hard for her and Pixie.
It's so good to hear something from her. I've thought about her a lot.
