Host's Thread: "BC"


Sep 2, 2012
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(Not done yet).

Primary Characters
Secondary Characters

It is important to understand the difference between Primary Characters and Secondary Characters.

Primary Characters:
  • Are the sole "property" of the person writing them.
  • Do not involve them in situations, speak for them, or "god mode" them without permission from the writer.
  • If a writer complains to me that you are "god moding" their character, you will be asked to go back and either edit or delete your post. Fail to do so and the other writers will be advised that your characters are no longer part of the RP and should be ignored ... right after I kill them in a dramatic fashion that spurs on the role play.
  • Writers have a responsibility to post for their PCs in a timely manner. If your character is holding up a role play -- be it in the Main Thread or a Personal Thread -- without a reasonable explanation, the Host will either write the character for you, pass responsibility of the character over to another writer (temporarily or permanently), or -- as stated above -- do something dramatic.
  • These guidelines are likely to be added to. My advice is anytime you check the Cast of Characters page and see the link that brought you here, you click it and see if there is anything new with a BIG RED DATE in front of it

Secondary Characters:
  • Secondary Characters are also the property of the writer who created them.
About The Map
Baxter Court

The information below will help you understand the map of Baxter Court:
  • Don't take it so literally! For example, the homes are represented by plain rectangles. That doesn't mean the home are all simple, boring rectangles; it was just the simplest way to create the map.
  • While the homes seem to be out in the open, writers are welcome to include fences, swimming pools, trees, etc., in their description of their homes in their profiles. I may even get around to adding such things to the map if I have the desire and time ... at the same time.
  • If you write about your character's home in a post, don't link to the map. If ever I updated the map, your link will be of no value because the address will change. Instead, link to this page -- the one that got you here -- and writers can then click on the updated map link.
  • If you want to add a home picture, please PM it to me. I will add it to the "Who Lives Here" page so others can see it and visualize where you live. ALL HOME PICS must be approved by the Host simply because we are trying to create a feel of neighborhood, and having a McMansion next to a single wide trailer house next to a Moroccan sand hut just won't work.
  • More notes to come.
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Please, don't be startled or put off by the length of these instructions or of the Character Profile Sheet itself. In my previous RP site, I hosted many Group Role plays, and I learned two things:
  1. When everyone's profile is unique, they are impossible to use, therefore consistency is the answer. The instructions are designed to create consistency.
  2. In the beginning of a RP, I used to spent more time editing profiles than I did writing in the IC. These instructions have changed that.

  1. Use the "Reply" link at the bottom, complete this sheet, and PM it back to me.
  2. You MUST have a pic:
    • No famous celebrities. Pics add a touch of reality; pics of celebrities do not.
    • No anime, no cartoons, no fantasy creatures.
    • No knight in shining armor, no demons, no aliens, no ninjas.
  3. Please pick a name easy for other writers to remember and spell.
  4. If sex appeal is not primary to your character's role, he/she doesn't have to have a perfect face and sculpted body. Role plays needs ugly, fat people, too.
  5. Please, do not be offended if i edit your profile's format (not text); I am just anal that way.
  6. Many questions will not apply to your character. Leave them blank, but do NOT erase them; they may come to apply later. Just leave them blank.




  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair Color
  • Eye Color
  • Scars, blemishes, etc. (including their locations)
  • Limps, "ticks", and other "anomalies" that are noticeable.

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: (How do others see you? Bubbly, sour, extrovert, introvert, etc.)

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: (Simple answer; you can expand below in background.)

  • Living at the home on Baxter Court:
    • Father
    • Mother
    • Spouse
    • Sibling(s)
    • Other(s)
  • Living elsewhere (including where):
    • Father
    • Mother
    • Spouse
    • Sibling(s)
    • Other(s)

BACKGROUND: Be brief. You can add more at the bottom and in the future. (You don't have to commit to a "history" right now. Not doing so allow you to be spontaneous later.)
  • Childhood:
  • Teens:
  • Adulthood:


HOBBIES, HABITS, CLUBS, etc. (not already listed above).

CURRENT SITUATION: What is your character up to? The good and the bad.

  • Where would you like to take your character "sexually"?
  • Where would you like to take your character outside of sexual issues? (Just because it's an SRP doesn't mean it has to be just about sex.)

WHAT ARE YOUR PERSONAL LIMITS ON SEXUAL WRITING? WHAT IS YOUR STYLE? (Are there things you won't write about or only write in passing? Do you only write R-rated erotica, X-rated porn, or something in between?)

CROSS-GENDER WRITING: Some people don't like to write characters of the other gender OR write with OTHER writers who are writing characters not of their gender. Please answer yes or no to the following:
  • Do you write characters NOT of you own gender in non-sexual scenes?
  • Do you write characters NOT of you own gender in SEXUAL scenes?
  • Do you want to write SEXUAL scenes with other writers who are writing characters NOT of their own gender.
  • Do you have a comment to clarify your answers? (Not required)

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Mark Davis
His RP History

This is a synopsis of the history of Mark Davis during the time of the role play. It is written here primarily as a reminder to his writer -- who forgets things easily -- of what has happened to him and when it happened.

Post #1: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • Mark's wife, Joan, left around 8 for her "Women's Group" ... which actually meant going to see her lover, as she does every Tuesday.
  • Mark, in the meantime, was upstairs fucking Stella, his Student Aide at City University, for the first time. (Personal Thread).
  • Abigail, Mark's youngest daughter came home early after a disappointing date and caught her father with Stella (in the above personal thread).
  • Mark and his daughter almost have sex when the passion and emotion of the evening brings their nearly nude bodies together. Abigail tells Mark she won't expose his infidelity, so long as he takes care of her -- meaning sex -- when she asks.
  • After his confrontation with Abigail, Mark goes out for a run on the Baxter Wetlands Trail and meets Gerry Baxter, who is not known to be of the Baxter Baxters, but might be. (Post #6). The two of them end up at Gerry's house, drinking cognac and talking about life. (Post #6 and this Personal Thread.)