horny and lonely....


Dec 6, 2001
...not a good combination, is it? *sighs*
Do you want to help me out? I'm a 21-year old Bi-Female, BBW and very proud of it. I'm a fun person, I'm open-minded and I like to experiment. I'm looking for an Online Friendship (first,that is..who knows what's gonna happen....). If you're a bi-woman between the age of 18-30, then I'd love for you to contact me in any way...PM me, Post here, or email me. I want to exchange pics, erotic stories, and just chat in General...and can I just add....I'd LOVE it even more if you're a BBW aswell...but either way is fine. :D

<3, Dawn

PS: Below is a little tease...enjoy.

A tease can be found here... Enjoy.
charmer25 said:
hi i am a 25 year old white male and am interested in hooking up through email or phone. let me know hon and i will tell you anything you wanna know about me.


^^ *points up* Honey, are you a bi-WOMAN? :D I'm mainly looking for females. Sorry. :(