HOOTERS take to the air in Kansas!


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
Restaurant chain Hooters, which features busty young ladies in tight shirts and shorts, is buying the assets of bankrupt KC-based Vanguard Airlines and are hinting they are going to keep the corporate theme...


...and flights will have LOTS of Buffalo Wings!
All the News that Fit to Print

Someone read their Sunday morning paper it seems! Mine has yet to arrive.

Thanks for the updates! I think :confused:
It's big news here because it's local, but the thought of those hooters girls, a long flight, drinks, wings, re-runs of classic footbal games instead of movies, man, damn, damn, man, :D , I'll buy TICKETS! Talk about frequent flyer miles, while they'll have to pry me out of the seat, dagnabit, cause it's gonna be HARD enough to stand as it is...
But, I want the cockpit door SEALED!

Too distracting to the pilots otherwise!

I want their head(s) focused on flying, not the mile high masturbating club's antics.

I'd fly the Redeye!

Hooters International, for the sleep-over flights...

Speak for yourself about the sealed cockpit! I want to see those pilots with their bare chests, tight pants, and little bowties! I think I'll ask for the full COCKpit tour! ;)

"Excuse me, Miss!"
See that's the problem. I don't want to be on a plane that's SURE TO GO DOWN, baybee...

This would be sure to distract me from my fear of flying.

SpiceCake said:
Speak for yourself about the sealed cockpit! I want to see those pilots with their bare chests, tight pants, and little bowties!

Pardon me, miss, but I think you're looking for Air Chippendales down on concourse F.