Hooray for Andrew Motion!


May 1, 2001
British Poet Laureate Andrew Motion published a four-line poem in a newspaper that calls into question the motives of the American and Britsh administrations with regards to their approach to possible war with Iraq.

I couldn't be happier.
Causa Belli

They read good book, and quote, but never learn
A language other than the scream of rocket burn.
Our straighter talk is drowned but ironclad:
Elections, money, empire, oil and Dad.


Causa belli - Latin for "causes, motives or pretexts of war."

- Judo
And who says you can't say much with so few words!
(And he rhymed. :))
Politically, I couldn't agree more with the statement that my poet laureate is making.

However, you really should force yourself to read a few of his poems. It says something very sad about British poetry since the death of Ted Hughes that he was the best choice (when Roger McGough refused the position). Never did a poet have a more appropriate surname...

Thanks, JUDO. I think you misunderstood me, though. It isn't ignorance that causes me to dislike this poet. Partly, it is personal taste. I just don't like his style of poetry. Partly, it is a sense that he is unique amongst Poet Laureates in using his position to promote his political opinions (which, given he is given that position by and for our Queen, who is legally non-Political, is very unfortunate), and partly it is bacause he has been repeatedly and vocally supportive of a very hard line against immigrants, something I find vey difficult to accept.

I realise that at the moment my third statement is utterly unsupported by evidence (I consider the first post on this thread to justify my second point, and my first point is, after all, opinion). Unfortunately, I have things I must do. I intend to return and add some links that justify my final statement.

I hope this adds substance to my previous ranting.

JUDO, I've just realised something more important than justifying my own position. I owe you an apology, and I would like to make it, publically.

My first post to this thread implied that you had not read poetry by Andrew Motion, and that my own view of him was vastly superior to your own, purely because I'm British, and you are American.

This is a form of arrogance that I deplore in my fellow Brits, and I am disgusted that I unwittingly indulged myself in it. There was no call to treat you like that.

I apologise unreservedly.

Thanks, Eros. It's his political message to our governments that I'm applauding, of course.

I posted the links because we should all get to know poets of such societal position.

- Judo
BBC radio five live, the national news and sport service over here, had an interview with Andrew Motion on "Sunday service" this morning, discussing his anti-war poetry. I'm proud to report that his poem is generating a great deal of news, and is further supporting the anti-war stance of the majority in this country.

Now, if we could just make Tony read it...

JUDO said:
British Poet Laureate Andrew Motion published a four-line poem in a newspaper that calls into question the motives of the American and Britsh administrations with regards to their approach to possible war with Iraq.

I couldn't be happier.
Causa Belli

They read good book, and quote, but never learn
A language other than the scream of rocket burn.
Our straighter talk is drowned but ironclad:
Elections, money, empire, oil and Dad.


Causa belli - Latin for "causes, motives or pretexts of war."

- Judo
Does this Laurete write poems sometimes?
Natural Born Eros said:
Politically, I couldn't agree more with the statement that my poet laureate is making.

However, you really should force yourself to read a few of his poems. It says something very sad about British poetry since the death of Ted Hughes that he was the best choice (when Roger McGough refused the position). Never did a poet have a more appropriate surname...

I read the links provided by Judo. When I read the poem she posted, I wasn't impressed with it as poetry, but I thought that, perhaps, I just didn't get it and that since he's a poet laureate that it must be good. But after reading his other poems I'm curious as to why he is the poet laureate. He appears to be a rather mediocre poet.
The vast majority of British critics agree with you, Eve. One of our satirical magazines, Private Eye, run a weekly poem designed exclusively to take the piss out of Mr. Motion. He is considered something of an embarrassment.
