~ Honey's Blanket Fort Of Bliss 2 ~

So not entirely unrelated, but I've discovered people throw things called cuddle parties. Friends get together, watch movies, and pile together on couches and pillows and touch and cuddle in a completely non sexual manner. The article emphasized the importance of touch, and how most people feel, even those in relationships, that they're lacking in non sexual touch. There's even touch therapists who's job it is to cuddle people.

i've felt awkward. been awkward. Even declaring myself a wallflower or offering virtual hugs has felt like a violation or precipice of such.

so.... sometimes I just gotta put it out there, maximize the awkwardness for everyone and slap myself in the face with it. Reset.

I'm with you, Stag. It took me a while to figure out the RP thing - it doesn't come naturally.

*throws pillows at you*

Like that ^^^^^ I didn't get the whole asterisk thing for a while. Even now, it feels forced on my end. In real life, I'm NOT a hugger / touchy type girl. Even my friends know I have a personal space bubble. I don't mind being the toucher - as in, touching someone's arm to emphasize a point.

That being said, with the stuff going on, I've kicked down the bubble and accept all hugs, in person and virtual. Sometimes I still stand there, all stick arms and awkward but it still feels good.

*stands in the corner, wondering where everyone is*
Hugs cookie......and hugs again.

I'm at work. :)

You have to practice first!
You know, get your certificate.
You could practice on me..

I'm a hugger. I love hugging. I have a friend who is a kisser, though. I don't mind it so much, but I can see it makes other people quite uncomfortable. Much like Staggy, standing over there in the corner :p
What do you mean by kisser? I am quite European I guess, I expect to kiss on both cheeks at least with lots of people...

She will plant a big old smacker right beside your mouth, or on your cheek with her lips :kiss: Not air kisses, but actual kisses. I am used to two kisses as well, more like air kisses, but cheek kisses are fine. Hers kind of go over the line. She just started doing it a few years ago and out of the blue, not sure why :confused: I am ok with it, especially once I got over my initial surprise. But I see others being made quite uncomfortable by it. She sort of grabs you in a death grip as well, by the shoulders, as she does it. Just describing it is making me giggle, but it's really not that nice to go so far out of the bounds of accepted (American) greetings. She won't do it to strangers, but one she has met you a few times you seem to be fair game :p
Brings in grown up coloring book and glitter pens.

I've never used but I have friends who swear by them.

Plops in bean bag.
I LOVE my adult coloring book! I use colored pencils with mine. I used to sew, piecing quilts or making dresses, but my machine is in storage while I'm staying with my parents. I'm supposed to move in to my new house (rental) on the first, and I'm very excited about that.:eek:

*plays footsie with Fara*
I LOVE my adult coloring book! I use colored pencils with mine. I used to sew, piecing quilts or making dresses, but my machine is in storage while I'm staying with my parents. I'm supposed to move in to my new house (rental) on the first, and I'm very excited about that.:eek:

*plays footsie with Fara*

Congrats on the move. :)