Honey, I'm tired.....


Mar 12, 2002
or... I have a headache... or... my stomach's upset.

I've heard all 3 tonight.


If I were there I would not be saying those things to you

fucking freshly shaved pussy and everything.

satin hearts all over the bed.

candles burning.
When I was married, I heard those type of excuses daily. A classic for me....

*I walk into the room with sexy lingerie on*

me: "Hon, I'm heading to bed"

Him: *Looks at me* "I'm not tired"

Me: "Does it LOOK like I'm tired?"

Him: *still looking at me* "Then why are you going to bed?"

me: *frustrated* "Isn't it obvious why I want to go to bed?"

him: "If you aren't tired, then go read or something"

me: *angry* "Oh fuck it, I'll go by myself.....again!!!"
here's mine:

me: honey, let's go to bed.

him: okay

me: flops down on the bed, covered with hearts, candles burning, I'm wearing sexy lingerie...

him: I'm tired... and I have a bit of a headache

me: i begin stroking his cock

him: runs his fingers over my skin, tugging at my lingerie

me: get naked, crawl under covers

him: crawl under covers

we kiss

him: I'm tired

me: any way I can convince you not to be? *begins kissing his neck*

him.. no, not really.. my stomach hurts.

me: okay. *get up, grab an erotic novel* he asks me to get the juice for him.

I begin reading my book, he falls asleep. I laugh at something in the book, he wakes up. He mentions that I woke him. He says he's sorry that he's not interested. I ask if he minds if I play. He says he might not be able to fall asleep if I play. I ask if he wants me to go play on the couch. He feels bad about it. I snap my book shut, flick off the light, and fume silently for a bit. Then I get up. I get on here.

fucking angry.
and then he suggested morning sex. It's 20 after 11. If I wake him, sex will be a no-go cus he'll be mad. If I don't wake him, then it'll be a no-go, cus we have errands to run.

For fuck's sake,w hat's a girl gotta do to get some lovin around here?!
Normally this would be so not my biz but you've posted about it..

Not everyone feels like having sex all of the time.. we do get tired, we do have things on our minds, we do get sick.

I've read a lot of your threads where you talk about how much sex ya'll have.. so it isn't as tho you never do.

I just don't think you should get so worked up that you allow it to ruin this day with him.. not just for yourself but for him as well.
Normally I wouldn't be so cheesed, but last night, I put a lot of effort into a romantic setting.

When that failed, I opted to play. Honey didn't like that idea (read the long post).

I opted to move. Honey felt bad.

So I'm sittin here without release thus far.

It's not condusive to a good mood at the moment, and his stupid dogs have been barking for 2 hours now.
Trust me I read it all.

But there can be romance without any sex being involved. I just don't think that you need to be wrapped up in sex so much. It isn't the end all and be all.

Sometimes things happen and all the good intentions and planning we do go to hell in a hand basket.. there are other days. Valentines isn't really all that important if you think about it.. it's just another commercialized holiday. It's the days before and after that counts.

So why not go take a long hot bath, think about how much he does for you on those other days and let your frustrations about last night and this morning just go out along with the bath water.

Go give him a hug and kiss and tell him you love him.. let him know you appreciate him. Instead of (if you are to him) pouting because all the effort you put into your evening last night didn't work out. Let that be your gift to him.
I hate you because you make sense. :p

I dunno... I guess I'm just irked. He came home to all kinds of goodness, and then went to watch a hockey game.

And then nothing in the bedroom.

And.. I do love him, it's not all about the sex, it's just that lately, when he gives me the inclination that he's interested, he'll turn around an hour later and tell me he's not.


the bath idea sounds good.
I've never heard or used those excuses, honestly. We usually pretty much cop to being either tired or not in the mood.
Hell at this point I would just be happy to have someone in my life who used those excuses on me.

I mean, bloody hell, I am ready to go here! Freshly shaved package and everything and no one to enjoy it.... :(
Thanks. It's only fitting I didn't get any... my V-day was shit.

He woke up at 12:30, I made him breakfast, we bickered all day, our plans with a friend fell through, we forgot to go pay a bill, my fave shoes broke (FUCK!), my boss forgot to pay me, which makes my plans today difficult, but we're doing it anyway... today I go home to my separating parents, and we move me out of the house, which is for sale.

Fuck yeah.
Ugggggggg I so feel you, Vixen. I have gotten turned down so often I just stop asking. Last Valentines Day I came home to gift of lingerie ands note that read " New dress code. Please obey". I was thrilled, he NEVER does anything like that. So when he got home I was wearing it, as instructed. He went to bed and never even touched me!!!!!!! I was let down as usual.
to be fair to him, he is interested rather often, it was just a let down on these particular days.
if he is not the 'quick recharging' type:

you know what happened...

he was playing with it and it 'went off' by accident. He knows then he will not be able to get it back up and that will be even worse than the lame excuse.

He shoulda just admitted it! :rolleyes:
JerseyBoy said:
if he is not the 'quick recharging' type:

you know what happened...

he was playing with it and it 'went off' by accident. He knows then he will not be able to get it back up and that will be even worse than the lame excuse.

He shoulda just admitted it! :rolleyes:

Yes, it seems my husband chooses this over me. :mad: