Homicide Femicide - Tomato Tomahto?


Apr 24, 2021
American Men enjoy killing their lovers.

Year after year, FBI statistics on nationwide homicides reveal that a vast proportion of women killed in the US are killed by current or former intimate partners.

According to the CDC, homicide is the fourth leading cause of death for girls and women one to 19 years old, and the fifth leading cause of death for women 20 to 44.

Why don’t we just call it murder?
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In the UK there was a demand to rename sewage manholes as personholes.

It failed, because few women want to go down into sewers, and the women that do don't care.
There are new words now to describe crimes where females are the victims.

Must the descriptors be so generic?

Femicide seems systemic.

Cide is specific to killing so would only apply in those types of crimes.
Homicide should cover it because it doesn't matter who is murdered, a life is a life.

Unless of course you're talking to a libtard because to them only black lives matter....so maybe change the word to Blackicide, then not even have a term for anyone else because no one else matters?
And why would you kill a milf? You might want some more later. You kidnap those and kill the fatties. Everyone knows that.
They go batshit crazy if you say white lives matter or all lives matter.

And never forget what they (#BLM) chanted:

What do we want?
When do we want them?
They go batshit crazy if you say white lives matter or all lives matter.
That's only because you use those slogans to minimize or deny the problem #BLM is intended to address.
Besides, even if it were as simple as you're implying here, that still wouldn't be the same as what lovecraft claimed.
So, they do take umbrage if you don't make Black Lives Matter paramount in your lexicon.
You should see what "they" do if you say the election was fair and that "their" guy lost
Actually, you’re exactly the kind of middle aged married midwestern nutjob to commit femicide, so carry on with your “insights”.

They can IP trace it later if/when you snap.
Aah..right....of course 👍

Continued insightfulness
“Femicide or feminicide is a hate crime broadly defined as "the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female,"

(feminicide is killing a good looking woman, femicide is for the less attractive)

A serious problem, or just another wokeword?
"Hate Crime" is going the same direction as "Weapon of Mass Destruction." The scope of what constitutes each will be ever increasing until virtually everything possible is covered. Much the same as the witless explosion of pronouns and quite frankly some nations are stupid enough to try to make using the 'wrong' pronoun a "Hate Crime."
“Femicide or feminicide is a hate crime broadly defined as "the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female,"

(feminicide is killing a good looking woman, femicide is for the less attractive)

A serious problem, or just another wokeword?
Specifying gender is “woke” to you? You’d prefer something like ziricide?
I’d prefer Americans focus on what matters instead of shaking their dicks playing moral suduko like you.
Femicide is an issue in Asian cultures. You know, the part of the world where they don’t use the word sudoku.
I can see why it would look that way to you.
What I take umbrage at is your defense of hate speech based upon partisan lines. You condone the hate speech of the Left while criminalizing the normal political rhetoric on the right, which most certainly isn't calling for murder of anyone other than the murderous regimes world-wide whose civil rights violations make #BLM look like a bunch of whiners over the most milk-toast of examples that they can come up with for civil-rights violations.