

Literotica Guru
Feb 13, 2010
OOC: This thread is closed for sandi_grl and myself. Do enjoy it.


It had been 3 years 305 days since he swore to defend his country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Stress the freaking foreign he learned quickly enough. He had 60 days of leave lined up, a two year tour in the desert wrapping up. One thing about war, it made a man of you in a hurry.

Boys died.


Marc had no intention of dying young. He learned as fast as he could how to live, what it took to stay out of trouble, how to keep his brother's out of trouble, and most importantly of all, how to freaking live long enough to see your ETS, or end term of service, date.

Marc had joined at 18, just barely out of high school, leaving his friends behind had been harder than leaving his fucked up family behind. A wry smile played across hoping in a small measure that his old fucking man, would try and hit him again. Marc had a solution for that. Who he really couldn't wait to see was Chas, and his family.

Whenever the shit hit the fan, Marc went to Chas' house and stayed for days, weeks, or months on end. A haven three doors down from hell. Yeah Chas had a kid sister that was something of a pain in the ass, but then again weren't all kid sisters a pain?

Marc got out of the Uber, dropping his duffel bag on the side walk looking at his house and at Chas' house. Both appeared to be completely deserted. Sighing and cursing operational intelligence bull crap that wouldn't allow him to tell anyone exactly what day he was coming home, Marc hefted his 80 pound duffel and went to his house, only to find it locked.

Swearing, Marc started down the street to Chas' house, hoping like hell someone was there.
Chas was out with his flavor of the month, who knew when he would be back. Their dad was either working late again or drowning himself in alcohol at the local bar, take your pick. He never seemed to come out of grieving when their grandma passed away last year... Their grandmother had been a huge part of all of their lives.

Chelsea had been getting ready to go out with her friends that night. Her auburn hair was loosely curled, makeup done just enough to highlight her blue eyes. She wore her favorite pair of blue jeans that hugged the curves of her hips and ass just right, and a blank tank top that showed just a peekaboo of cleavage.

Hearing the knock, she expected it to be the pizza she had ordered an hour before. Opening the door, she blinked in surprise. It wasn't the pizza delivery person. It took her a moment before she recognized the man in front of her. "Marc!" It may have been a couple years since she'd last seen him, but she could never forget his face. She had a crush on him since she started to like boys, but nothing ever came it because she was always the kid sister, told to leave them alone.

Immediately she stepped forward and hugged him tightly. Was he taller? His shoulders were definitely broader, stronger. "What are you doing here? Chas didn't say anything about you coming home."
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It was such a long time before the door opened that Marc almost picked up his duffel and head to his folks house. When Chelsea opened the and came out, he could not believe that this was the same punk assed kid that bugged he and Chas years ago.

This woman was, among other things, a woman, not a gangly kid. This person had tits, ass, and a smooth stomach and as her arms closed around him, he discovered she smelled great.

Not the normal kind of great. He would find it hard to explain, but it was the sort of great that was like coming home, which he was of sorts. For at least 60 days, now 59.

At the end of 59 days Marc had a decision to make. Re-up or get out of the army.

I'm the meanwhile, there was a hot redhead in his arms. "Hey Chelsea, it sure is nice to see you. I suppose asshat isn't home."
She hugged him maybe a little longer than necessary. She was glad that he was home and all in one piece. She'd started dozens of letters to send him while he was deployed, but never got up the courage to send them... Nor did she ever know what to write. Hey how's it going, are you still alive? But, here he was.

With a laugh, Chels releases him. "No, he's out with his new girlfriend Stephanie." She rolled her eyes. "We'll see how long this one lasts." Looking past him she watches a car stop in front of the house, with a Domino's light on top. "I ordered pizza. Are you hungry?"

She pulled two twenties put of her back pocket and handed them to the delivery guy in exchange for the warm box." Thanks, keep the change."
It was a long, nearly full body hug. The type of hug he hadn't experienced in the 3 years and 305 days since he left to become an MP, or military police, and serve his country. Maybe not even before that. The warmth from her body seemed to radiate I to his, and his core temperature felt like it was rising in response. It felt... wonderfully loving he guessed.

"Yeah, sure," he responded and heater his heavy duffel bag easily.

The went inside to the house much like it was when he left. The living room off to the left had the same old furniture, a new TV was mounted to the wall on the far side of the room. The couch still had the burn hole in the arm from the night Chas and Marc tried smoking for the first time. Chas had started coughing so hard he dropped the cigarette and before either of them picked it up, a half inch line had appeared in the arm.

Dropping the bag with a heavy thump, Marv followed Chelsea and tried not to look at her swaying assets. Smiling slightly he wondered what Chas would do if he and Chelsea hooked up. "Got any beer," he asked as they went down the hallway.
Was she trying to walk with a little more swing in her hips? Probably. What girl wouldn't be, having a hot military man show up unexpectedly on their doorstep? She was also more aware of her posture, standing straighter which pushed her chest forward some.

"There should be some in the fridge." Setting the box down on the table, she pulled her cell phone from where it was in her back pocket and texted her best friend.

May not make it out. Marc's here. Send.

With the phone back to her pocket, she waved her hand indicating to the cabinet to the left of the fridge. "If you want the hard stuff, that's all in that cabinet."
Marc grabbed two plates out of the cabinet, the same one where Chas had split his forehead open one night when Marc and he were rough housing around, and placed them on the counter.

Grabbing a beer he popped it open and took a long swig from it and gave a satisfied moan. Hearing the option for hard liquor, he quipped, "Trying to get me drunk? Isn't that role reversal?"
She placed her hand on the back of one of his shoulders as she basically traded places with him in the kitchen. "Behind you." She could feel the warmth of his body through his shirt.

Grabbing the vodka from the cabinet she indicated, and poured what she could guess was a shot and a half to two shots worth into a glass with ice. She then filled the glass the rest of the way with some cranberry juice from the fridge.

She gave a grin at his jest. "Would that be such a bad thing?" She raised her eyebrows at him, taking a long sip from her own drink. It was way stronger than she usually makes them... "Or are you scared you'll be taken advantage of?" she added teasingly.
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Marc watched as Chelsea poured her drink then said, "Well, Chas would probably get pissed, do something stupid like throw a punch, then I would have to kick his ass."

Marcel opened the pizza and pulled two slices out and plopped them on his plate. He took a colossal bite, like the bottom half of the piece, and chewed it quickly. He washed the bite down with the PBR, and sighed happily. Nothing like home.

He looked at Chelsea, "What have you been up to for the four years?"
She grabbed her own couple slices of pizza, watching as he enjoyed his own. "Nothing like pizza and beer, huh?" Chelsea hopped up and sat on the counter and then took a bite of her own slice, though not quite as colossal. "Not a whole lot. Graduated high school, going the college now..." She took another bite, giving a shrug. "How long are you home for?"
He watched as Chelsea jumped up on the counter like she had maybe a million times before when Marc watched. This time there was a difference. Chelsea was a beautiful young woman, not a kid sister. Well she was a kid sister, but her tits and hips were nearly perfect and that overwrote the kid sister inhibition.

He shook his head, "I don't know. Everything is the same here, unlike in the army."

He ate anot her bite and washed it with beer, "Not many reasons to stay, really."
There weren't many reasons for him to stay... Silently, she hoped that she was maybe one of the reasons to stay. But, she guessed a big portion of why he was unsure was his own family.

"You know you're more than welcome to stay here if you don't want to stay with your parents. I'm sure dad won't mind. And I bet Chas will be excited to have his partner in crime back for a while." They always had an open door policy for him, so she knew she really didn't need to make the offer. "I'd like it if you stayed here," she blurted out without thinking. She blushed as soon as she was done speaking, realizing how that may sounded. The redhead down the rest of her drink, which had still been half full.
For a moment, Marvin stood there dumb struck. What wasn't she saying. Her face blushed immediately after her declaration that his presence would be welcomed, and not an inconvenience.

A memory flashed in Marc's mind. He was in the kitchen with Rose Mendick the weekend before he went into the service. Rose and he were pressed against the counter kissing, and Marc had a hand up her blouse playing with one of her apple sized tits when Chelsea walked in on them. The exact wording escaped him at the moment, something like, "You can't do that there with her." Then Chelsea had stomped out.

Getting laI'd had been on his mind then so he hadn't paid attention to it. But now, years later, Marc saw in the light of a blush. Chelsea liked him? Maybe always had?

He whispered, "Yeah, I know, but things are different now than then." He waved a hand in her direction and said, "You are too beautiful for your mom and dad to allow it, and it would be unfair to them for me to press it."

He downed his beer and said, "I still have an income, the long term motel would be a good option, only a couple blocks from here. We would be able to go back and forth I think."

It was his turn to blush a little bit, "If you wanted, I guess."
Blue eyes glanced back up at him. He called her beautiful! Not geeky, cheeks (thank God her face finally lost it's baby fat), clutz, or anything of the not so endearing nicknames he and Chas had for her in the past.

A smile played across her lips and she shook her head at his mention of staying at a motel. "Nononono. Being my mother's daughter, you know I have to forbid you from staying at a motel. We have a guest room with a perfectly good bed." Or my bed, she thought, taking a bite of pizza to keep those words from flooding out as well.
The thought of Chelsea on the guest bedroom brought another blush to Marc's face. "Let's just see how the old man is. Maybe he mellowed out, but I doubt it.

He took the glass from Chelsea and made her another, more reasonable drink and handed it to her. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge, Marc leaned against the fridge and looked at Chelsea for maybe the first time.

Red hair, blue eyes, a lovely body, she was physically all anyone really could want in a partner. She was a brat four years ago, but seemed more down to earth now. Maybe less needy?

She looked like she was heading out, dressed nicely but not overly so. "We're you going out after you ate?"
"Thanks." She took the glass from him and took a sip. He wasn't as heavy handed as her when it came to making drinks.

She slid off the counter, placing her bare feet on the cool tile floor. "I was going to go to a party with some friends. But you're here now..." she paused, trying to think of a way to say she wasn't going to go now that he was there, without sounding like he was being a burden. "Unless you maybe want to go? I don't know if you want to hang around a bunch of college kids, though."
The thought of heading to a party with her sounded like a fantastic and fun idea. He thought a moment about it, then, "What the hell, I need to shower and change first."

He chugged the beer and headed toward the kitchen door saying, "I'll use asshat's bathroom. Give me 15 minutes, and I will be ready."

He went to the duffel and pulled out jeans, underwear, and a shirt that was almost too tight. He showered quickly visions of Chelsea swimming in his head. His arousal state was high as he imagined her washing his cock, ass, and body in general.

He returned and put the dirty clothes in the duffel before locking it again. "Ready," he declared
She bit her bottom lip as she watched him walk off, her eyes traveling his body, strong shoulders to his ass. Jesus fucking Christ. As the small buzz from the alcohol started to settle in, a little voice in her head told her to go follow him and help him wash up. She shook the thought from her head.

Chels pulled her phone out again, reading the unread text from Rachel. Ooo have fun ; ) She let out a small laugh before typing her reply. lol just kidding we'll be there in like 30 minutes. Send.

She did her best to keep busy while he took his quick shower, unloading the dishwasher and loading it back up with dirty dishes. It did enough to pass the time as he came back in as she closed it up.

She stared at him for a few moments, mainly the way the shirt fit him. "Well don't you clean up good." Chelsea led him out of the house to her red 2015 Jeep Patriot in the driveway, grabbing her keys on the way from the small table by the door. She paused at the driver's side door, a moment of common sense hitting her. Turning, she placed the keys in his hand. "You should probably drive."
Chelsea stared at Marc for such a long time her was not if he worn the wrong clothes or not. When he figured out that she was staring at his arms and chest, he breathed easier. Between her stare and comment, Marc was certain that Chelsea was interested in him, at least sexually. For a split second he wondered if sister was like brother, fucking anyone willing to play.

He hoped not suddenly.

He grabbed his duffel on the way out the door and took Chelsea's keys when she handed them to him. He looked at her and said, "Two things Chelsea. "

He turned square to her, " If this is anything like a date, the two things are: 1, you will not raise your voice at me at all. 2, you will not touchange a door handle if I am nearby. "

He opened the passenger door for her and asked, "Deal?"
"A date?" she mused, considering his two requirements before giving him a bright smile. "Deal."

She directed him to the house party, turn here, right at the light, left at the stop sign. There were at least another dozen cars lining the street when they arrived.

Walking through the door, were confronted with loud music, laughter, and the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and weed. No sign of Rachel right off the bat, but Chelsea assumed she was probably in the kitchen or the back yard.
Being in a crowd of 20 somethings was nothing new, but this crowd was over the top. People dancing, kissing, groping, and in one case, Marc wasn't sure one couple wasn't fucking in the corner.

We walked around a little, it seemed like Chelsea was looking for someone in particular. We made our way to the back of the house, where I got bumped by a guy and ran into Chelsea. My hand wrapped around her waist to keep one or both of us from falling.

"Who are you looking for?"
A whirl of plaid bumped into her, knocking her off balance. "Hey!" Before she could say anything else or lose her footing even more, she felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her against a hard body. Chelsea smiled over her shoulder at him. "Thanks."

Grabbing his hand, she laced her fingers with his before continuing through the mass of people. "I'm looking for my friend Rachel..." The redhead glanced around as she made her way out the back door. From previous experience, if you found the keg you'd find the petite blonde. She found the keg, but Rachel was nowhere to be found. "I wonder if she already made her way to a room..." she said with a sigh and half an eye roll.
Marc held her close a moment, the feel of her ass against his leg was unlike anything else he had felt before. It was like the sun was pressed against him, spreading warmth throughout his body, we'll, maybe up a foot and over a couple inches from the contact.

They stood a moment fingers interlocked as she continued to look around. He used his thumb to caress the back of her hand. His eyes jumped from person to person assessing threats, finding none.

What he did see were plenty of nubile bodies well worth attention. But none compared to Chelsea.

He pulled her close and whispered, "Forget her, let's have fun."
His thumb brushing across the back of her hand made her heart skip beats with each movement. Still looking around when he pulled her close, she inhaled sharply as she turn to look at him. She wasn't that much short than him, but he still made her feel small. She smiled coyly at him, putting her arms around his shoulders, fingers linked behind his neck. "Alright soldier, do you wanna dance or try to go get in on a game of beer pong?"
He looked down at her, his blue eyes into hers, "I am a soldier, we don't dance, sober."

He led her toward a large table where teams were playing beer pong. As they approached Marc said, "We are next." They waited and watched and during the game Marc freed his hand from Chelsea's hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, hand on hip.