Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit


A Slave It Seems
Apr 16, 2002
I wonder how many of the guys of lit have become sluts to Lit. I think I have to a degree.

Are you one stand up and admit it.

Do you know one nominate him.

May I be the first to put in a nomination?

My first nomination would go to ......

sirhugs :)

michaelmt1 said:
I wonder how many of the guys of lit have become sluts to Lit. I think I have to a degree.

Are you one stand up and admit it.

Do you know one nominate him.


Nice AV!!!....oh I already told you that didn't I:p
I would like to nominate warpedntwisted:kiss:
Re: Re: Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit

PleasureMe said:
Nice AV!!!....oh I already told you that didn't I:p
I would like to nominate warpedntwisted:kiss:

Great minds think alike....

I second that nomination....
Re: Re: Re: Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit

shescurious said:
Great minds think alike....

I second that nomination....

i notice notb a single male willing to nominate him self so far.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit

michaelmt1 said:
i notice notb a single male willing to nominate him self so far.


Ummm, I might be willing if I had a better definition of what constitutes a 'slut to Lit.'

Also, I'm not a single male, but can I still post here? :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit

RomanHans said:
Ummm, I might be willing if I had a better definition of what constitutes a 'slut to Lit.'

Also, I'm not a single male, but can I still post here? :D


Roman you are a slut, I will nominate you, baby..........Now come here and I'll show you what a slut is..........:kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Home Of the Male Sluts Of Lit

psyche said:
Roman you are a slut, I will nominate you, baby..........Now come here and I'll show you what a slut is..........:kiss:

I second my own nomination...is that allowed?

Lit slut ready and reporting for duty, ma'am!:D

I'd just like to move in please Mike.

I wanna live with a house full of male sluts.. they're just my kind of guys!

Ladybird said:
I'd just like to move in please Mike.

I wanna live with a house full of male sluts.. they're just my kind of guys!


lol Move over Sis , i'm movin in also!!!:kiss: :kiss: :devil:
Well, with housemates like these, I guess that being a slut can't be SO bad...


"Was it Kierkegaard, or Dick van Patten, who said: 'If you label me, you negate me?'"
Ladybird said:
I'd just like to move in please Mike.

I wanna live with a house full of male sluts.. they're just my kind of guys!


Hi Ya LB,

We are all sluts (the men) so you are more than welcome to move in :)

~Dream~ said:
lol Move over Sis , i'm movin in also!!!:kiss: :kiss: :devil:

the house is fillin with the women and so few men will to admit they are slut. Boy do we have our work cut out :)

Hey Mike. Can I move into your bedroom? :D

Ooo...a list....that would take way to much time. And I would much rather spend that time looking at that av. :kiss:
H'venlee said:
Hey Mike. Can I move into your bedroom? :D

Ooo...a list....that would take way to much time. And I would much rather spend that time looking at that av. :kiss:


Welcome xox :)

Well Mike since I don't know you.......I have to vote for Slut Steve.......he is my slut.:devil: ;)
michaelmt1 said:
Hi Ya LB,

We are all sluts (the men) so you are more than welcome to move in :)

Thanks Mike, and can I be a slut too?
