Home for the summer with Sis (closed for lmcms)


Really Experienced
May 30, 2012
Jason Thomas
Age: 23
6’1”; straight, light brown hair; blue eyes, fit

The bus slowed to a stop with a screech of the air brakes. Jason stirred from his nap, standing up with a stretch. As he stepped off the bus, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Picking up his one piece of luggage, he started the short walk towards his house.

Jason and his little sister had always been close, but the last several years had been hard. After their father left, Jason had to take responsibility for his mother and sister. He started going to college only part time in order to keep a full time job so his family could pay the mortgage. This completely delayed his plans, but for his little sister, it was definitely worth it. His check each week was sent directly to his mom so she could stay afloat financially.

He thought about the three months he would get to spend at home, rent free, as he opened the front door. Not wanting to wake anyone, he quietly made his way down the hall.

“You awake, Sis?” he whispered into the darkness of her room as he passed her door.
Lillian (Lilly) Thomas
Age: 18
5'9", Long light brown hair with blonde streaks, brown eyes, toned

Lilly was laying in bed wide awake and full of excitement Jason would be home soon and she couldn't wait to spend her summer with him. She had just graduated high school and would be starting college soon but until then she would be spending time with Jason. After their father left Jason became not only the best thing in her life but the center of her life.

She thought she heard the front door and rolled onto her back and flipped the covers off listening for another sound. For a few moments she didn't hear anything until there was a whispered voice at her door. “You awake, Sis?”

"Jason" she whispered excitedly as she jumped out of bed. She flew at the shadowy figure standing in her door way wraping her arms tightly around him and buring her face in his chest clinging to him like a five year old. She paid no attention to the small tanktop and thong she was wearing consumed by the fact that her brother was home really home.
As she clung to him, Jason smiled in the darkness. “Lilly,” he whispered, “don’t wake up Mom!” He wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted her in the air and, spinning her around, held her tight against him. She felt warm in his arms, and smelled so nice as she pressed against him. He could feel the smooth skin of her lower back beneath his hands as he lowered her to the ground.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked, pretending to scold her, as he hugged her again, kissing her on the cheek.

“Turn on a light so I can look at you,” he said, his voice a little louder now. He had not seen her since Christmas.
Lilly was thrilled but he was right they didn't need to wake their mother and she wanted to see him too. It had been so long since she really seen him and she had so much she wanted to tell him. She tugged him into her bedroom and quietly shut the door before flipping on the light. She winced at the brightness of the light blinding her as she kissed and covered her eyes whispering, "Damn it."

It took a few moments before she move her hand and not be blinded. When she did a smile formed on her face to see her brother standing there tall and handsome as ever. His perfect blue eyes staring at her intently and she didn't know why nor did she care instead she jumped on him again this time wrapping her arms and legs around him as she clung to him, "Oh Jason I missed you so much, I hate when your away."
As she lifted her arms to cover her eyes, Jason could not believe how much her body had matured since he had last seen her. She definitely was no longer a little girl. Her small tanktop was a little stretched and appeared filled out in a way he had never noticed on her before. Her hips were slight but still curvy as the shifted from side to side under a tiny thong. Since when had his sister worn thongs?

Lilly did not leave him long to ponder this question as she jumped towards him, wrapping herself around him. He dropped his bag on the floor, and, putting his arms around her again, stabilized her by clasping his fingers together beneath her rear. He kissed her again, on the forehead this time. “What has my little Sis been up to?” he asked, as he sat down on her bed, still holding his sister up against him. “Have you had much time to celebrate your graduation?”
When he sat them on the bed she laid her head on his shoulder and began talking. "I aced all my finals graduated third in my class. I got accepted to the universty out side of town so I won't have to leave mom alone while I go to school. Marcus the guy I was seeing when you were hear for christmas yeah we broke up on valentines day when I found him making out Janice Harper. " She paused and closed her eyes before whispering "Mom's drinking again she started around the first of May."
Jason felt a little relieved at the news of the departure of Marcus. He had always believed that Lilly deserved better than that. Jason had known that he was kind of a jerk, and Lilly needed someone who would pamper her. “I’m sorry about Marcus, Sis,” he lied. “I have to say, though, his loss.” He stroked her hair, starting at the back of her head, and moved his hand down its full length. “I am sure you will find someone really great soon, someone who will know how lucky they are to have you. And don’t you worry about Mom. I will talk to her.” He squeezed her tight once more, whispering in her ear, “I am here now, I will take care of you.”

He paused for just a moment, feeling her body clutching him tightly. “What do you say to you going out with me tomorrow? I would love to take you some place real nice. After all,” he smiled, “Number three in a high school class deserves special recognition.”
She hugged him tighter listening to his words and she wanted to cry, "I wish I could find someone like you Jason life would be so much easier if I could. I would love to go out with you tomorrow I will even dress up. I made this really pretty but simple dress for prom but I ended up not going so I could finally have a reason to wear it."

Now that he was finally here she didn't want to let him go, "Can we have a sleep over in my room like we use to when we were little? Please, please, pretty please." She begged scared that when she woke up he would be gone.
“Tomorrow’s a date, then,” Jason said with a smile. “And you better wear your pretty dress, Lilly, because we are going to a fancy place.” Standing up, he lifted her up off his lap and on to her feet again, holding her tightly around her waist. “Sure, I’ll stay the night—that would be fun! You go back to bed and I will join you in a bit.” He turned to look at the bathroom that was adjoined to her room. “Do you suppose I could use your shower? I have been on the road for almost fifteen hours and I would love to get the bus depot smell off of me.” He began unbuttoning his shirt as he stepped away from his sister.
Lilly proped herself up on the bed before she looked at Jason to answer his question. She froze for a moment absorbed in watching him strip his shirt off. She shook her head and chastized herself. This was her big brother for pete sake. "Sure you can use the shower. If your hungry I can sneek into the kitchen and get us some snack for when your done."

Her eyes kept wandering down to his bared skin and she had to chastise herself repeatedly.
Noticing his sister inspecting him with her eyes, he smiled and flexed his chest muscles. "You like? I've been working out a lot this last semester." Part of him felt a little uncomfortable--the way his sister was looking at him indicated thoughts the made it clear she was grown up now. He moved his thoughts quickly and awkwardly said, "Sure, something to eat would be great." He turned toward the bathroom and in one motion as if on autopilot, lowered his shorts, leaving them on the floor. At the bathroom door he looked down at his boxer shorts and froze when he witnessed a slight rise beneath them. He turned his head to see if his sister noticed as he opened the door to her bathroom.
She did her best not to look at him she really did. She meant to get off the bed and go the kitchen but just as she went to move he dropped his shorts and she stared. With the way her bed was and where her bathroom was she saw him in profile. What she saw caused her to lick her lips instinctively. Damn he looked yummy but then she realized she was looking at her brother and blushed but she couldn't move her eyes from him. Yeah she liked what she saw....... A LOT. She tried again to move but she felt frozen in place and could feel herself growing wet part of her was horrified the rest her just didn't care.
Jason quickly shut the door to his little sister's bathroom and leaned against it, not quite believing what he had just done. He turned and faced the mirror, realizing his now full erection was straining against the fabric of his boxers. "Erection over what?" he silently demanded of himself. "My little sister?!?" But the way she looked in that tiny tanktop, and her even tinier thong...As he stepped into the shower, he could not help but replay that image over and over again. He finished his shower quickly so he could see her again. After drying himself, he tried to calm himself down. Quickly, he put on his boxers and, drawing a breath, opened the door and stepped out into his sister's bedroom once more.
As soon as he closed the door Lilly darted out the door trying to figure out what was going on. She was silent as she ran to kitchen. something cold to cool her off she thought opened the fridge and grabbed a carton bannana split ice cream and then two spoons and she was racing back up to her room. She had just landed on her bed and peeled off the top of the ice cream when he came out.

She looked up wandering if the same thing would happen and when it did when she felt the arousal flood her body again she quickly focused on the ice cream. "I got us ice cream nice cold fresh out of the freezer Ice cream." She told him half mumbling.
"Yum," he responded. He started to bend down to pick up his shorts to cover his boxers, but changed his mind. He was trying not to stare at his sister, laying on her bed, enjoying her ice cream, propped up with her elbows and displaying her cleavage magnificently. Her shoulders were covered slightly by her tanktop, but the position she was in made the straps loose and free to move around. His eyes could not help but trace the round cheeks of her ass that rose beneath her waist, and her long legs that were slightly spread ending with her feet at the top of her bed. Jason drew a breath and forced himself to focus. "That sounds delicious, Lilly. Thank you."

He walked closer to the bed, and, eying the space next to her, asked "May I lay here?" Without giving her a chance to answer, he lay on her bed alongside of her. "Let me have a taste," he said in a quiet, low voice.
She trys to focus on the ice cream instead of his body she knows it's wrong but she can't seem to help herself. When he lays beside her on the bed a shiver of want races down her spine. These feelings and emotions are new she isn't sure what they are or how to hide them.

"Let me have a taste," he said in a quiet, low voice.

Lilly had to bite back a moan at the low sound of his voice. instead of handing him the other spoon she scoops up a big bite taking the whole thing in her mouth she removes the top half of the scoop and overs him the other half of the bite. Once again she doesn't offer him the spoon just the bite she wants to feed him at least this first bite.
Laying on his stomach, Jason stretched one arm over his sisters waist in order to move closer to her. He felt the smooth fabric of her tanktop against his bare chest and stomach. Leaning to the spoon, he gently took it in his mouth and finished the ice cream. It tasted sweet, and he imagined that he could taste his sister's kiss just a little in the ice cream. He closed his eyes for a moment, and rolling on to his side to face his sister, leaned even closer to her. "That's delicious, Lilly," he whispered, just an inch or so from her ear. He felt the length of his body now up against her--her left shoulder brushing the center of his chest, her smooth bare midriff against his waist, and her left hip, bare covered at all by her tiny underwear rubbed gently against his penis, which once again was beginning to swell.

He moved his arm from around her waist up to her head and gently and slowly stroked her hair. "Let me have another," he whispered, "but only after you have a taste."
His body pressing against hers his voice low in her ear caused her panties to dampen futher. She knew she was playing a dangerous game but she couldn't help it, it had been so long since she had seen him and he really was the center of her world. When he asked for another bite but only after she had tasted she instinctively licked her lips before whispering in a soft smokey voice heavy with arousal, "Okay."

She repeated the process staring into his eyes the whole time.
There was something about the way she gazed into his eyes that made his chest rise. He watched the fire that had started in her eyes for a moment longer than he should have. A jolt of adrenaline surged through his body as his eyes locked with hers. He again took the ice cream in his mouth, whispering "So tasty." She seemed to squirm a little, and he hoped he was not making her uncomfortable. Jason could feel himself fully erect and pressing against her hip. A voice deep inside of him was screaming for him to stop, reminding him that Lilly was his little sister, but it grew quieter and quieter as he imagined what she would look like if he were to remove her tanktop and her panties, and run his hands over her body, touching her all over.
Lilly could feel his erectioin against her hip and moaned setting the ice cream and spoon on the night stand. She rolled so she was facing him and still pressed against his body. The words that came from her mouth next she had no idea where they came from but once they were out there, there was no taking them back.

"Just this once please?" She whispered huskily her lips mere inches from his and his erection snuggled against her lower stomach.
"Just this once, please," he heard Lilly whisper. Her voice was so soft, but filled with an emotion he had never heard from her before, almost as if she was pleading with him. He heard a roar in his ears, his heart pumping faster and harder, as he allowed the lust welling up inside of him to take control. With gentle hands, he firmly pulled her head towards his own, kissing her roughly. His fingers entangled with her hair, as he softly gasped her name between kisses. "Lilly...oh, Lilly," he said, slightly muffled by his sisters lips.
Lilly moaned when his lips touched her and he kissed her roughly hungrily he arms made their way to his and she clung to him pressing her body tighter to his. She knew it was wrong somewhere deep inside but it didn't matter all that mattered was that he was here and in her bed and now he was kissing her and gasping her name. She rolled her hips against his erection wishing the clothes were gone. "Jason" She moaned as she rocked against him she needed him everywhere all at once nothing else mattered.
Jason could feel his sister writhing in a smooth, continuous rhythm against his penis as it pressed against his boxers. His eyes closed with pleasure as he and his sister began moving in unison. With one hand he began gently caressing her left breast, toying gently with her nipple, as he moved the other to her bare ass to press her tighter against him as she rocked harder.
She moaned feeling him so hard against her and the way he played with her breast. She moved her hands to begin tugging her tank top off want to feel his skin against her breast.

"Please Jason more."
With both his hands, Jason helped his sister remove her top, forcefully pulling it over her head. His kisses moved from her mouth to her neck as he began feeling her breasts, with both hands now, more roughly. He began drawing his breath heavily as he kissed his sister again and again, each time more passionately. His kisses moved down her neck to her now bare front, finding their way to Lilly's cleavage, as he continued kneeding her breasts. "Oh, Lilly," he gasped, his voice muffled by her breasts on either side of his face.