Holy shit, black people are fucking SAVAGES.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Oh wait, he's white, sillyme. Right wingers, what ya got to say about that, LOL!



The jury in the murder trial of an Iowa teenager heard on Wednesday a disturbing 911 call in which the 13-year-old suspect admitted to killing his own mother after a failed attempt to rape her.

Crooks, who is now 14, was charged with first-degree murder and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse in the March 24, 2012, slaying of his mother, 37-year-old Gretchen Crooks.

In the 911 recording made on the night of the murder at the family's Osage home, Noah Crooks could be heard telling dispatcher Barb Michael: 'I’m not joking at all. She’s dead. I’m scared. I killed my mom with my .22. I don’t know why I did it.'

During the conversation, which lasted about 10 minutes, the boy repeated his confession several times The Global Gazette reported.

'I feel crazy and I know I'm not. I think I have some form of ADD,' Crooks told the 911 operator. 'I tried to rape her. I tried to rape her but I couldn't do it.

'Who tries to rape their own mom? My life is down the drain now.'

As Michael placed a call to deputies and sent an ambulance to the Crooks' home, Noah told him that his weapon is empty and appeared concerned that the officers might shoot him.

'I just wish it was a dream so I could wake up and I could kiss her and hug her,' then-13-year-old Crooks said.

Noah rambled on about his mother making him homemade doughnuts earlier that night and expressed disbelief that he killed her after she did that for him.

He then revealed that Gretchen Crooks had taken away his 'Call of Duty' video game because he got bad grades in school, and that is when he snapped.

'Something just came over me,' he told the dispatcher.

The boy droned on about having to move away and giving up on his dreams of getting into a good college and marrying his eighth-grade girlfriend.

On the first day of Crooks' trial Wednesday, jurors also heard testimony from Mitchell County Sheriff’s Deputies Jeff Huftalin and Greg Halbach, who described the crime scene at 3599 Cameo Avenue, WCF Courier reported.

Gretchen Crooks' bullet-riddled body was found stretched out on a coach. Her pajama top was undone and she was naked from the waist down, Halbach said in court. The woman was not breathing.

The deputies seized the murder weapon, a .22 caliber rifle, which was lying across a chair in the dining room.

Halbach said that he slapped handcuffs on Noah's wrists and placed him in the patrol car. He added that the teenage suspect was not crying and did not appear emotional.

Noah Crooks' attorney is not denying that his client killed his mother, but he claims that the boy suffered what he referred to as a 'tumor of rage, ‘rendering him insane at the time of the slaying

Addressing the jury panel, the lawyer said that a child psychiatrist will testify that Crooks suffers from intermittent explosive disorder - a mental illness marked by repeated episodes of impulsive, aggressive or violent behavior.
Holy shit, you're right!

I've never ever heard of a black kid raping and killing.

Double shit! I have 2 white kids living in my house!

Time to lock up the wife someplace else.