Holy fuck, airborne Ebola.

True enough, but actually having confirmation that it's happened is scary. That's one nasty, nasty bug.

The cynic in me wonders terrorists will read your link, find some pigs to play with and then send those "volunteers" to the West to infect the populations there.
The cynic in me wonders terrorists will read your link, find some pigs to play with and then send those "volunteers" to the West to infect the populations there.

The cynic in me wonders how long before compulsory vaccination with some non-effective shit from the back of the pharmaceutical industry's cupboards.
The cynic in me wonders how long before compulsory vaccination with some non-effective shit from the back of the pharmaceutical industry's cupboards.

Now that one I can address: they'll just reformulate the flu vaccine and charge more for it.

I'm getting one next week.