Hollywood Sex


Jan 3, 2003
This may be a stuid question, but...

In movies like Monsters Ball are the actors and actresses really having sex like in a porno or is there some "hollywood trick" that they use to just make it look that way?

No, I wouldn't think so. But then, I'm not in the movie biz. Of course, you do realize that, according to other discussions here, any word that preceeds "sex" isn't "real", right? Therefore "Hollywood Sex" isn't "real sex". But of course, there would be flesh to flesh contact, right? So then, under a certain person's guidelines, that would be "real sex".

Ah hell, I'm confused. You'll just have to wait for our resident expert to get around to this thread. Don't worry. She'll be along. She can't resist this sort of thing lately.

Please understand that I am not making fun of you - your question was not "stupid". However, there is a rather furious debate on the board right now, and it might draw the attention of one who seems to be on a roll at the moment.

And just whom might you be talking about? LMAO somemore!!!!:cool:
I'm not an expert, but it's all about I think it's all about lighting and camera angles.

It only looks like real sex.
Halle may have slept with someone for that Oscar, but wasn't Billy Bob! :eek:
Borrowed from Nippon

Frequently actors and actresses who star in films with seemingly explicit sexual contact are actually wearing flesh covered latex appliances. In Japan one may not show either pubic hair nor genitals in mainstream cinema and the practice of carefully crafted rubber 'caps' shielding said performer's vitals was perfected, it's a technique that Hollywood has borrowed for those too shy or too uncomfortable with their co-star to bare the goods as it were.....
Britt's Book

If you buy Ms.Spears offical biography you can glimpse a photo of she and her mother sharing a french kiss, that alone begs one to ask for the film version .....
I don't know I don't really like her but I would really to see her naked or in action. ;)