holiday shopping commercials-the best and the worst


It's not a demon thing
Nov 20, 2004
The k mart tv commercials make me want to shop anywhere but k mart. In my area they feature unattractive people making ugly faces that makes me want to avoid the store at all costs.

On the other hand, i love the sears one that looks like a movie traileruntil the long lost lovers run head first into washers and dryers.
any thoughts?
Sorry for typos but im on a nook and havent mastered it yet!
The k mart tv commercials make me want to shop anywhere but k mart. In my area they feature unattractive people making ugly faces that makes me want to avoid the store at all costs.

On the other hand, i love the sears one that looks like a movie traileruntil the long lost lovers run head first into washers and dryers.
any thoughts?
Sorry for typos but im on a nook and havent mastered it yet!

gota love sears!! Kmart should be closed
I'm already tired of the Target ones and I watch about an hour of television or less a day.