Holiday Incest


Really Experienced
Dec 11, 2002
With the holidays being a time when families get together, using this as a starting point for family sex stories seems the logical thing. There may be many stories such as this on Literorica (I haven't made it through the whole list yet), but I was hoping to see more.

Christmas and Thanksgiving seem to be the logical choices, even Easter could be good. Something about celebrating a holiday of a religious nature where all or most of the family members submit to their carnal desires makes me horny.

Even better would be that it doesn't start out that way, everyone coming together for the typical family gathering but somehow between trimming the tree and opening presents, sexuality ensues, or whatever. It would have to be consensual, nothing forced, and it should start with a couple people and gradually spread throughout the whole family.

Mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, cousins, borthers and sisters, nieces and uncles and nephews and aunts. Lesbian, DP, threesomes, gangbangs, cum eating; all for the sake of pleasure and a little bit of love.

What does everyone else think? Are there already stories like this? Or will therer be soon?

there are a variety of stories like this , under differing titles. I'm not sure,if the gang things its done to death, but certainly a new twist would be needed.

A search of the Story Index of just Incest stories keyword "hoilday" found 28 entries, some involving vacations rather than the honmecoming you describe. Keyword " Christmas" returns 15 stories.

If you want to write one, sample these lists to see what has already been done, and develop a fresh variation.

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