Hog Roast


Desert Rat
Sep 7, 2015
I was going to send this feed back via PM, but JuanaSalsa seems to have her messaging disabled.

I listened to the beginning of your audio before technical issues with my laptop took over. I think your voice is fine, and I had no trouble with your reading of the story--as far as I got.

Hog Roast is easily the longest audio I've seen on Lit. I think the second longest I've seen is only about 40 minutes. I imagine there are other longer pieces, but I haven't found them.

Lit's setup seems to assume that the audio is pretty short. It won't tell you what the run time is until you start it, and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it, go away from Lit, and restart where you left off. I bookmarked your story to test if that would do it, but it didn't keep track of where I was when I marked it. I don't know about other listeners, but I'll never be able to listen for four hours continuously, and recording the time when I stop then finding it again when I restart seems like a burden.

With those limitations, it would probably be better to break a longer story up into shorter pieces.

Good work, and good luck with this and later efforts.

The up side to posting this here, is that it lets me point out publicly that Lit's audio setup isn't very good for longer audios.
I have forum messaging disabled, but the contact option via my main Lit profile works just fine to my email. Tagging me would also work so I would at least know you mentioned me =]. As it happens, seeing this was a total coincidence.

Thanks for letting me know about the audio length limitations. It's unfortunate. I find it painful to have several installations of a story, because the profile clutter gets to me, lmao. Oh well.

FYI, for anyone who wants a copy of the audio file to listen to off line, I am happy to send a google link via email, simply use the contact option on my author profile.
I'm wondering if this was before they implemented the new setup to upload your audios. My Discord Orgy Party audio is 52:38 minutes long. I haven't had any issues with listening to the whole length, nor have any of my listeners reported any difficulties.