ho hum

When you figure it out, tell me... maybe I've been doing it for the same reason.
Cuz Ya Miss Stuff When You Sleep!

Hello Ruby:D

I Am Staying Awake As Much As Possible! Infant Training Ya Know! LOL
Rubyfruit said:
Why have I been avoiding sleep lately?

It's a sign of mild depression, winter blahs, post-separation blues.

No big deal. Weight loss is an upside! Embrace it!

Go to the tanning beds twice a week. Get outdoors during the day. Watch the booze. Laugh!


Life is good.

Did I mention *Laugh* ?


Well, it can't be because you've been spending too much time here.
Re: Re: Re: ho hum

acitore_vuli said:
One can never OD on Laughter.

Or music. Roob should take up gee-tar, I think.

I see her on a nice dreadnought to start, then we'll move her into a decent yammy SG for some heavier shit.

Lancecastor, that's fantastic advice. I think you nailed it, at least what's been buggin me. How did you know?
Because dreaming about me again will drive you over the edge with lust induced rage.
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watergirl said:
Lancecastor, that's fantastic advice. I think you nailed it, at least what's been buggin me. How did you know?

Been there, done that, lost the t-shirt off my back.

Plus, everyone needs an electric gee-tar sometime.


Hey....of all the sketches, I rather like the first face shot best with the swoop of hair....though I am also partial to the 4 finger Judy Jetson one. Kudos to you !

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ho hum

acitore_vuli said:
Yeppers! Great plan Lance! Carlos and Ruby on the stage, trading licks. It works.

To hell with Carlos....Roobs learns a half dozen chords and she can front her own gig.
How could i have missed this?

Anything that involves Ruby and licks i'm interested in!

Great advice Lance! If it were even possible to crank up the level of the intensity of my feeling for Ruby... i think being able to jam with her might just strip the gears right OFF that knob!

Does that make any sense?
it was spozed to sound more romantic...hmm

hmmm... sexyyyy Rubyyy```` hell if I know :(

LOOKy... my post # gees..

I almost never goes to sleeps :(

Even way way since I was a teen...

Gets use to it for a while..:rolleyes:

Even ..If I am NOt on Lit..lol

hell with it ...sexyyyyy

you will have more time that way...

I read and write and paint and draw..

Sing and dance...

Do stuff.. Learn stuff...

hehe...If you don't think is AN *ISSUE*

then is no Problems...

We human In a deep sleep.. (NOT DREAMING STATE)

FOR three to four hours.. is way enough rested.

so... ahaha you should be GLad..

beacuse NO body.. I meant NO body

I repeat,, NO body are as lucky as you and me..

I am Always awake and alive....

I never felt tired.

I n between 5~8 hours.. I will take a nap for two hours...

My 30 years expreience.... I am just like the :rolleyes:ghost:eek:

gook luck...

heheh.. :eek: wwwwwhever....
Here's a question for the chronically unable to sleep:

How's your memory?

My med student friend tells me that all of your short term memory transfers to long term memory somewhere between the 7th and 8th hour of sleep. So, how are your memories of things that happened a while back? Vague?

Our friend Chris says, "Huh! That explains me, I'm really bad at rememberings names, and stuff that happens, if you remind me, I can kind of go, ohhh, yeah, ok.... but I only sleep 4 or 5 hours per night."

Quirky, huh?
As a real live student of medicine...

i'm also a bit of an authority on memory, (i have more than 3000 songs alive in mine... all the words, every chord and sizeable parts of countless books, poems and trivia) i think that "Medicine" is FAR from even a basic understanding of sleep OR memory.

They'll have to admit to some "Standardized Theory of Consciousness" first, and they all WAY too lost to even make a theory.

They do some interesting experiments and have statistical reasons for the claims they make, but that don't make it the Truth, by a long shot.

Ruby needs just enough sleep to stay beautiful. That shouldn't take much, from what i've seen.

Well, i ain't avoiding sleep, it is avoiding me. More specifically, kids are causing it to avoid me. I could lay down and sleep right now, but the 8 month old in the playpen would just laugh and squeal keeping me awake.
watergirl said:
Here's a question for the chronically unable to sleep:

How's your memory?

My med student friend tells me that all of your short term memory transfers to long term memory somewhere between the 7th and 8th hour of sleep. So, how are your memories of things that happened a while back? Vague?

Our friend Chris says, "Huh! That explains me, I'm really bad at rememberings names, and stuff that happens, if you remind me, I can kind of go, ohhh, yeah, ok.... but I only sleep 4 or 5 hours per night."

Quirky, huh?

Thats a very interesting idea...I haven't been sleepin at all lately and I have been noticing that my memory is pretty much shot. I have trouble remembering things/conversations that took place a few days ago. I just never correlated the two.
hey, there, hillbilly -

mmmm. It makes me wonder about myself, too, that theory.

I have incredibly vague memories of childhood. I do remember that I stayed up reading with a flashlight way more often than my parents wanted.

If there really is a connection between not sleeping and not remembering - I'll stand by my reading. Childhood wasn't such a great time - not horrid, but not so wonderful - that I need to recall it all.

My best friend has a theory that memory has something to do with vision, and how clearly we see the world. She says her mother has really poor recall for childhood - up until she got glasses, and the world came into focus for her. Also kind of interesting, hmmm?