
HI and welcome to Lit let me be the first to tell ya few things

at 100 posts you get a avatar
lots of ppl ask that question. Don't have thin skin around here just take it on the chin come back with something that stands out and bang they might back off if they are riding you like zoro. You have come of age if Hans calls ya a name :( I am not of age yet I guess but thats ok too. Other than that have a helluva good time post away and tell us more about ya....got any nekkid pics LOL :nana:
Thanks. lol. I'm male obviously and I live on the west coast of Canada. I'll try to find a good pic on my comp. :)
Welcome, Boethius. I'm sure you'll have fun as you learn your way around.

It's nice to meet you. ENJOY!
Hi, welcome, and don't mind Hannsie. He's a teddy bear, really he is...;)
Re: Re: Hiya

eagleyez said:
Your nic caught my eye

"Consolation of Philosophy"

medievalist? Chaucerian? from Carthage?


nope. honeylick. pretty self explanatory.
-sly smile-
Re: Re: Re: Hiya

honeylick said:
nope. honeylick. pretty self explanatory.
-sly smile-


hi ya

no shit 90 degrees huh?


its 15 here...
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Hiya

eagleyez said:

hi ya

no shit 90 degrees huh?


its 15 here...

90. no joke.
thank the stars i got my a/c fixed in my vehicle this last week.
Welcome to lit! Feel free to post more. Those of us who do bite only do it when you want us to....