Hitting up a trick

Wow that was quite the post.. I dont know if I ever expected to be seeing a post about bustin up women on this board but I would agree to a point with you. If the woman in question can inflict harm on you swing away but if its just simply a case she hits you and you can easily take care of it by pushing her away or something then it might be a bit much there.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
So this is very similar to the faggots

Chicks want equality.

Then WHY is hitting a woman so much worse than hitting a man? Personally I have no problem hitting a women in the face. In the army you learn this. No matter who stands before you, be it man, women or beast...if it's a threat, liquidate.

So women want to be treated equally in all aspects of life apart from when it comes to being hit in the face.

Do they only want equality when it comes down to $$$ in the workplace?

Come on women...take it like a man.

Hans you have been played.

if she just hits you I mean and there isnt much behind it then if you wind up and destroy her then its like swatting flies with a jackhammer a little overboard..

I hear you equal rights is one thing but equal biology is unrelated.. Physically women are smaller and weaker (IN GENERAL) so it isnt really fair.
Granted someone in that position should go around hitting someone great in size a stregth in the face but then you get in a heap of trouble when the cops come and she has a broken cheek bone bleeding lips nose and eye and is haveing touble standing and your there with maybe a small red mark on your jaw saying "she started it.."


Hanns_Schmidt said:
^^^^See thats the problem. I man hits me, I can deck him.

If a chick hits me in the face, I have to "push her away"

You want equality, you should be prepared to get smacked up like guys too.
SupaStyles said:
Maybe or he's waiting for the perfect opportunity for a sucker punch.. hehe



*sniff sniff*

I have been out cast by the out cast...

Tis a sad day
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Chicks want equality.

Then WHY is hitting a woman so much worse than hitting a man? Personally I have no problem hitting a women in the face. In the army you learn this. No matter who stands before you, be it man, women or beast...if it's a threat, liquidate.

So women want to be treated equally in all aspects of life apart from when it comes to being hit in the face.

Do they only want equality when it comes down to $$$ in the workplace?

Come on women...take it like a man.

If I demanded to be treated equal to men in all things, I suppose I'd have to "take it like a man", thankfully I don't.

Hitting someone, male or female- though wrong, is completely dependent on the situation and not gender. One would hope the majority of people would be aware of this.
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my girlfriend broke a guys jaw once ... and that was when she was younger ... and she's no bigger build then i am

was a semi accident with an elbow and his jaw
My rule is (outside the bedroom): I never hit first. Hit ME first and you are going to get laced. I've more than one slapper look at me with shock as cartoon birdies, Saturns and stars orbited their heads. Welcome to the modern world of equality.
Just the other day at Prince & Broadway, I saw an angry little man (hopping little mad, like Rumplestiltskin) punch a full-sized man through the window of his car. ( I think he thought the big guy had been cutting him off on the crosswalk). The big guy got out of the car and administered a beatdown. The point? Don't go hitting people, slap or otherwise, man or woman, who are bigger than you are.
A gentleman must not raise his hand to a lady. One must react in a calm and dignified manner when faced with such a situation.
Elitist said:
A gentleman must not raise his hand to a lady. One must react in a calm and dignified manner when faced with such a situation.

That's how I was raised, but I got over it.
Elitist said:
A gentleman must not raise his hand to a lady. One must react in a calm and dignified manner when faced with such a situation.

This man speaks the truth.
calm and dignified. so what exactly does that entail if she just made you spit some chiclets?

Elitist said:
A gentleman must not raise his hand to a lady. One must react in a calm and dignified manner when faced with such a situation.
Ok nobody needs to be hit.....man, woman, adult, child. Violence is just useless. And trust me, I'm little.....and when I'm mad, I can do some damage. If a woman hits like a man, then she needs to be hit like one back. NOT saying that I agree with abuse at ALL!!! But, if a female has enough balls to haul off and hit someone bigger than her, than she needs to be prepared for the consequences. She needs to learn to take responsibility for her own actions.....
mytasteislikecandy said:
Ok nobody needs to be hit.....man, woman, adult, child. Violence is just useless. And trust me, I'm little.....and when I'm mad, I can do some damage. If a woman hits like a man, then she needs to be hit like one back. NOT saying that I agree with abuse at ALL!!! But, if a female has enough balls to haul off and hit someone bigger than her, than she needs to be prepared for the consequences. She needs to learn to take responsibility for her own actions.....

Word up.