Hitler is my Hero.

Everyone's got to have a hero.

One must admit, his acomplishments were great. Great in the sense of their scope and what he accomplished, not like, hey, great going.
Hogan's Heros was a good show. Did you know the guy who played Klink was an accomplished violinist?
If you're talking about Herr Hitler...

You have good company, Mein Kampft is the most widely circulated book in the Arab world. Makes sense, almost every Arab country wore NAZI uniforms in WW2.

*If it's some form of sandwich, be sure to eat with Eva Braun onion rings!
I suppose both would be char-broiled. :D
Re: If you're talking about Herr Hitler...

Lost Cause said:
You have good company, Mein Kampft is the most widely circulated book in the Arab world. Makes sense, almost every Arab country wore NAZI uniforms in WW2.

Arabic is hard to read, so they all learned German.

*If it's some form of sandwich, be sure to eat with Eva Braun onion rings! I suppose both would be char-broiled. :D

Hitler on a toasted roll with Eva Braun onion rings and a side of kraut. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Re: Re: If you're talking about Herr Hitler...

Ð¥§ƒµñ熡øñæ£ said:

Arabic is hard to read, so they all learned German.

Hitler on a toasted roll with Eva Braun onion rings and a side of kraut. Sounds good, doesn't it?

you're an idiot
Him being a vegetarian was pretty clever. Humanists have no regard for the lives of animals but Animalistic Hitler had no regard for human life. I did see something on CNN yesterday that proved Hitler was thinking ahead, the snip said natural blondes most likely will be extinct in 200years and the last one likely will come from Finland. That being because two genes must match in the mother and father to produce a natural adult blonde. That coupled with the relative difficulty of coinciding blonde hair with blue eyes and eliminating other noticeable defects, does prove one facet of his chosen mission was quite difficult-well one other than ruling the world for 1000years.
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aren't we just the provacatuor. even if you were talking baout the sandwich you shold watch what you say. some people are less tolerant and are so quick to judge that they might not eve hit the link. just a warning dude.
If you were referring to me, i didn't check the link. I was just reporting that Hitler had a twinge of logic behind his madness. He didn't see the difference between animal and man. He stopped eating animals but I'm sure he wasn't overly protective of animals either. Likewise he didn't eat humans but he wasn't protective either. Some people don't have qualms about killing another being or have respect for other living things, in my opinion it is sad in all accounts.
70/30 said:
If you were referring to me, i didn't check the link. I was just reporting that Hitler had a twinge of logic behind his madness. He didn't see the difference between animal and man. He stopped eating animals but I'm sure he wasn't overly protective of animals either. Likewise he didn't eat humans but he wasn't protective either. Some people don't have qualms about killing another being or respect for other living things, in my opinion it is sad in all accounts.

You have point. Hitler was a very evil man in any case though.
freakygurl said:


I've always been attracted to the assholes.. bad boys make my panties wet. :)

Do you need help with them? The asshole are always good for that.
Re: Be like Adolph

Apparently alot of people had a hero....

Country Number
Albania 3.000
Belgium: wallons 15.000
Belgium: flemings 23.000
Belorussia 12.000
Bulgaria 1.000
Cossacks 50.000
Croatia 20.000
Denmark 11.300
Eastern turks 8.000
Estonia 20.000
Finland 1.000
Latvia 39.000
Netherlands 50.000 (1)
Norway 6.000
France 8.000
Italy 20.000
Romania 5.000
Serbia 15.000
Spain 1.000
Sweden, Switzerland & Luxemburg 3.000
Ukraine 26.000
1. According to some newer sources the number were closer to 22.000

Country (Ethnic Germans only) Number
Africa, southeast 2
Africa, southwest 3
Australia 1
Brazil 4
China 3
Croatia 25.000
Czechoslovakia 45.000
England 10
France 84
Hungary 80.000 (1)
India 1
Japan 2
Mexico 1
New Guinea 1
Palestina 2
Poland 5.000 (1)
Romania 8.000
Scandinavia 775
Serbia 5.000
South America 2
Soviet Union 100
Spain 2
Sumatra 2
Western Europe 16.000
1. This includes both ethnic germans and non-ethnic germans

Source: Antonio J Munoz - Forgotten legions: Obscure combat formations of the Waffen-SS

*Pretty Intermixed for a "Master Race"! :D