Historical Sex or Incest: THE WILD WEST


Really Experienced
Jan 6, 2003
WE NEED MORE HISTORICAL STORIES!!! Please list your favorite stories/sites and list your favorite scenarios so that maybe someone will write new stories.

Some more (brief) ideas:

(1) Naive mail-order bride's wedding night with rancher husband
(just the two of them, alone in the old sod house on the prairie with only the coyotes to match the ecstatic howling)
[Incest idea: lonely spinster woman joins her recently widowed
brother or father to help keep house, as was often the case when a young woman couldn't find employment. They become intimate due to the isolation, loneliness, and natural longings.
(2) The captured white woman becomes the wife of a brave. If
she is experienced (as in formerly married wife), she has a few new tricks up her sleeve; if she is virginal, the brave has some tricks to teach her. At some point, perhaps one of the other wives can add her input.
[Incest idea: to avoid being ravaged, the captured woman/girl pretends to be the wife of her captured brother, who has been kept alive due to his bravery. They must consummate the act to keep up the deception]
(3) Indian maiden takes care of wounded young white
scout/cowboy/trapper. She has amazing healing techniques.
(4) Outlaw with a conscience rescues the kidnapped schoolmarm
from his gang. She is very grateful.

Please add your favorite scenarios...lots to choose from!
BlessedBe said:
Did they have mail-order brides in the Wild West?

Yes, though that's not what they were called. i can't remember what the term was right off the top of my head, though.

One of the more realistic type stories that a person could do on this would be to find one of the settler women alone by herself or with just her children and she ends up being raped. There were many many outlaws, the men were gone for weeks on end sometimes, and it was rare to see the 'neighbors' any more than once every couple of months. The homesteads were simply too far apart and there was too much work to do to go visiting.
I like the incest part of idea #2

Somehow, this wife knows, that the indians will rape her, if she is single. However, if she is married, they won't rape her.

So when she is captured (together with her brother) she tells him that they should pretend to be a couple. However, to prove it, they have to fuck in front of the indians.

And just think: In the end, the sister reveals, that she lied: The indians don't rape any women, no matter if they are single or married - however, she always wanted to be laid by her brother .....

I also like #1.
There is this small family: a guy, his wife and his sister. One day, his wife dies, and so he lives alone together with his sister. And due to all the loniless they get closer .....
Or: the guy always loved to fuck his wife. When she dies, he thinks about getting a new bride (maybe one of this mailorder brides). But then - there is a young, good looking girl already in his house - his sister. (by the way: this guy believes that masturbation is a sin, so he doesn't do that)
At first he wants to seduce his sister, but then, he realizes that this would take too long - so he just rapes her. And since all the neighbors and the sheriff is soo far away, he doesn't have to worry that she will run away and tell anyone. From that day on, he rapes her every day. (strange, isn't it ? He thinks that masturbating is a sin, but rape ain't one)

Or maybe it's not real rape - just non consent. I mean, the guy tells his sister: "One way or the other - we will have sex. So, either you get naked, lay on the bed and let me fuck you, or I will rip your clothes off and rape you"
The sister knows that he is not joking. So to avoid any damage to her body (or to her only dress) she get's naked and allows him to fuck her (of course, she doesn't enjoy it, but he does ....)

Overall, this Wild West theme brings some interesting ideas.
Just think: Back then, there wasn't much emancipation (yeah I know, even back then, there were some strong women - but also many weak)
So there is this young woman. Her her mother always told her to obey her husband, because he has the total controll. And since they are living so far away from their neighbors, she has to obey him, otherwise she would starve.
In the beginning, everything is normal. Once a week they have normal sex - but nothing else.
But then, after some years, he demands some new stuff. He wants to fuck her on every day. She has to give blowjobs (of course she has to swallow) and she has to do anal sex.
She doesn't like it, but since her mother always told her to "obey her husband" .....
However, his wishes become more and more perverted. He brings her to the barn and tells her that she should fuck with the horse ....
And some time later, a group of cowboys ride across his land. They also visit him in his house. The guy asks the farmer, if he can sell them something like blankets, meat, fur. He makes them a special offer. If they buy 3 blankets, they can fuck his wife for free ....
So, you think a marriage would stop a rape?

You mean the part with the indians ?

Well, who knows. Maybe they only want virgins, and usually, a married woman is not a virgin ....
(yeah I know, a woman can have sex before marriage ...)

But what about this If a woman is married, she "belongs" to someone (to her husband). If she is single, she doesn't belong to anyone, so everyone can fuck her. That's what the indians think.

I mean, o.k. this one indian tribe kills steals cattle, rapes wome .... but they don't commit adultery ....
NASCARaddicted said:
Overall, this Wild West theme brings some interesting ideas.
Just think: Back then, there wasn't much emancipation (yeah I know, even back then, there were some strong women - but also many weak)
So there is this young woman. Her her mother always told her to obey her husband, because he has the total controll. And since they are living so far away from their neighbors, she has to obey him, otherwise she would starve.
In the beginning, everything is normal. Once a week they have normal sex - but nothing else.
But then, after some years, he demands some new stuff. He wants to fuck her on every day. She has to give blowjobs (of course she has to swallow) and she has to do anal sex.
She doesn't like it, but since her mother always told her to "obey her husband" .....
However, his wishes become more and more perverted. He brings her to the barn and tells her that she should fuck with the horse ....
And some time later, a group of cowboys ride across his land. They also visit him in his house. The guy asks the farmer, if he can sell them something like blankets, meat, fur. He makes them a special offer. If they buy 3 blankets, they can fuck his wife for free ....

How would a story like this end?

Weren't they called mail-order brides back then?
They did have mail-order-brides as there was a severe shortage of women during the taming of the Wild West. The many of the single "ladies" weren't trekking from the East and many of the saloon gals weren't family material.

Question: Would trappers (fur trade) qualify for this category?
just to throw that in:

I don't know how popular this comic is in the USA, but: Over here a guy from Belgium (or was it France ?) created this famous cartoon books about a cowboy called "Lucky Luke".

One story was about how Luky Luke brought a bunch of mail order brides to a remote town. And usually, there was always a bit of real history in this cartoon stories.
BlessedBe said:
So, you think a marriage would stop a rape?

In real life, probably not (if the tribe was predisposed to rape anyway). Just had to come up with something to justify the incest part...thought maybe the Indians would allow the white guy to keep his woman if they adopted him as a full-fledged tribal member (not realistic, either, but it worked in A MAN CALLED HORSE and actually happened with Daniel Boone when he was captured by Indians as an adult) . Heck, in our story, the Indians might even let the lucky guy pick another girl from the tribe to warm his blankets. For me, historical stories should get the dialogue and details right while not necessarily sticking exactly to recorded facts. In other words, the story can still be enjoyable even if it strains credibility a little. There is a great lesbian story on Literotica about Kitty Russell of Gunsmoke fame breaking in a young wife-to-be using a strapon dildo...I think the story is titled Miss Kitty... not sure, but it's listed under the lesbian category. It's well-written and works for me, although I doubt that prostitutes and saloon girls were employed to show the ropes to respectable virgins in any culture as a general rule. Evidently Miss Kitty has some experience in this area...probably from breaking in the new "soiled doves" who worked at the Long Branch.
Thanks, Nascaraddicted, for expanding & tweaking the ideas and for adding your original plotlines.
Fur trappers would definitely by a part of this category, IMHO. Good potential material for stories with their Indian wives...maybe
a story could have the trapper's squaw meeting his white wife back in St. Louis. A (highly improbable) threesome occurs.

After all, these are fantasies, right?
Just wanted to say that I like the suggestions for historical themes. Always a favorite of mine. Some good ideas being bandied about in these few threads. Hope they spawn some delightful stories!

I love historical novels, and have read quite a few of them in RL. I'm sure the authors of those stories wouldn't mind if we borrow their basic ideas, as long as we change the names, the places, and the plots.

  • A woman gets an Indian as her guide towards her new home, as he happens to be her new neighbour. They are attracte dto each other, and become good friends, in spite of the community's sneering at mixed relationships.
  • There are these twin sisters, of who one fall in love with a cowboy and the other with an Indian. During a party, one of the girls is caught in a compromising situation with either the cowboy or the Indian, and is forced to marry that man. BUT, due to a misunderstanding, the girls have been mixed up, and the corrupted girl is forced to marry the man her twin sister is in love with... Makes any sense?
  • A mail-order bride comes to her new home and gets married. Living on the farm with the new couple is the husband's brother, who is jealous with his brother for having a wife, and so he wants to have sex with the wife too. For a non-consent theme, the woman can turn out to be a "soiled dove", and the brother blackmails her into having sex with him. For a group sex version, the brothers can share the wife, and maybe include a stable hand. For incest, the brothers could have gotten bi after living alone without a woman for many years, and so they fuck not only the wife but also each other...
There are these twin sisters, of who one fall in love with a cowboy and the other with an Indian. During a party, one of the girls is caught in a compromising situation with either the cowboy or the Indian, and is forced to marry that man. BUT, due to a misunderstanding, the girls have been mixed up, and the corrupted girl is forced to marry the man her twin sister is in love with... Makes any sense?

I don't know. They have been mixed once. I guess they could mix again before or after the wedding ....

But this mail order bride is an interesting idea.

What about this other variations: A man is living with his sister on a farm. One day, he orders himself a bride. Or maybe, his sister knows this one woman. The sister tells her that her brother is desperately seeking a woman ... One way or the other, this one woman becomes the wife of the brother.
Now, there are 2 possibilities:
#1 Maybe the sister is bi or she could be homosexual. So, maybe she starts to seduce the bride of her brother. Or she could blackmail her. Just think: The sister planned everything. She knew that the bride was a prostitute. But also, she was attracted by her. So the plan was to bring her to the farm and then, once her brother married her, she would blackmail her ....
#2 The sister also is desperately searching for a guy´. However, there is no "mail order groom". And since she lives so far away from the next neighbor or next town, she never sees a guy - besides her brother.
When she sees how good the brother lives with his bride, she gets envy. So she can't find a husband - but at least, she wants sex. And since her brother is the only available guy ....
So, it's late in the evening. The brother already is in bed. His wife is still up and prepares some stuff for the next day. But soon, she will go to bed and have sex with him. Since they don't have any electricity, they have sex in the dark.
So, maybe the sister talks the brothers wife into a "replacement". Or maybe, for some reasons, the wife is away at night, but the husband doesn't know it. However, the sister is sneaking into the bedroom of her brother. Since it's dark, he doesn't recognize her - he thinks that it's his wife - so he fucks her .....
This is from a novel I read when I was a teenager:

A woman comes to a small town in the wild west to become a teacher. She's upset to know that there's a saloon/brothel in town, and together with the religious wives in town, she protests against it. To no use.
She tries to reason with the saloon owner, but as he's a handsome man in his 30'ies, she falls for him, and by time, her repulsion for the brothel, the saloon, the drinking, the gambling, the female dancers, etc, is wearing down.
In the novel, she ended up marrying the saloon guy.

For a more erotic novel (though that novel WAS rather steamy - my mum had no idea what kind of novels I read at that age!), maybe she would lose her teaching job, and has to start working in the brothel.
really a good idea. But there is one thing:

maybe she would lose her teaching job, and has to start working in the brothel.

I don't know. She is in love, and she still is somewhat religious. So I guess, she will not become a whore. Maybe she will become a dancer .....

However: Maybe the saloon owner dies. So now, since her love died, she doesn't really care - so she becomes a whore.

by the way: I like your new avatar
NASCARaddicted said:
really a good idea. But there is one thing:

I don't know. She is in love, and she still is somewhat religious. So I guess, she will not become a whore. Maybe she will become a dancer .....

However: Maybe the saloon owner dies. So now, since her love died, she doesn't really care - so she becomes a whore.

by the way: I like your new avatar

I saw it like the reason why she wanted to work in the saloon instead of leaving town would be that she was in love. But your point about dancing is good. I like that. She could dance and make him want her, and then he's the only man she fucks with. Truly romantic. :heart: