His Sister (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2013
Erica Wellington, red hairs, 5'5, C cup, 25 years

It was only a few weeks since Erica had met Jason at the club, but they had the best of time. He had bought her a couple of drinks, they had danced and their hands had wandered and explored. He was skilled with his fingers and while they had been dancing, he had brought her to the edge of an orgasm and then he had softly kissed her and promised her that the next time he would finish it. Erica had loved and hated him at that moment, but it was a very good way to catch her interest.

A few days later she had seen him again at the club and that had been the first time she had brought him back to her place. They had done everything except for actual fucking, but they both had cum a few times. He tasted good and was even more skilled with his tongue than he had been with his hands.

The following weekend he had stayed with her and they had fucked like rabbits. They had only left the bed to eat and then went back to fucking. Love had little to do with things but as time progressed they only spend time with each other. At times she had gone to his house but he lived with his parents and sisters so there was hardly any privacy there. Still that hadn’t stopped them from fucking, but Erica didn’t like being there very much. Everyone acted nice, but his oldest sister had given her a couple of strange looks that Erica didn’t know what to make of her.

This morning she had awoken in his bed again and heard him talking on the phone. She was too tired to really hear what he was saying but eventually he ended the call and softly kissed her on her head. ”That was my work, a few guys are sick so I need to work for a couple of hours… maybe longer. If you want you can stay here until I get back.” He told her and kissed her again.

Erica slowly nodded, not sure what she would do, but right now she was going to sleep for a few more minutes. They hadn’t gotten much sleep the last night.
Brianna Estel, jet black hair, 5'3" E-cup, 28 years

Brianna didn't understand what Jason saw in that tramp, Erica. She knew what the two of them got up to when they were alone. She wasn't stupid. But for her parents' sake, she never came right out and said anything. Rather, she took Jason aside, and tried to talk to him. "She's just using you," she told him. "All she wants to do is get pregnant so she can lay claim to you, latch on to you, and ride your career for free cash."

Usually, Jason shrugged her off with talk about how his whirlwind relationship with Erica was deeper than sex, and meaningful. Last night, though, Brianna pushed him too far. She forgot how it got started - something he said made her angry, she called Erica a slut and Jason a man-whore, to which her baby brother snapped, "At least I'm getting something! I'm not going to wind up a shriveled up old prune like some old spinster I know. Get a boyfriend, or something, but leave me alone!"

This morning, Brianna was sipping some coffee, and dressed in a tanktop and shorts when Jason lumbered through the kitchen and began shoving a few breakfast bars into a paper sack. Brianna looked up and smiled weakly at him.

"Hey, baby brother. Good morning. Look, about yesterday: I'm sorry I lost my temper..."

Jason hardly spared her a glance. He merely muttered something that sounded like an apology for calling her an "old prune" and a "spinster," then grumbled about lack of sleep and sick guys ruining his day off. Then he was gone. Brianna rolled her eyes and shrugged. No doubt he and that walking biohazard of a girlfriend had been up to thier old tricks all night. Idly, she wondered if Erica was still around.


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It was the first time Erica was staying in the large house without Jason. She would just stay in bed a few more minutes and then she would go back to her place, it didn't feel right to stick around when she hardly knew the others in the house... Just a few more minutes of sleep and perhaps a shower. She could use a shower after last night.

She grinned as she thought back about the previous night. Jason really had a way to make her moan and scream and she hoped his parents and sisters hadn't heard. No, there really was no way she would be comfortable staying here without him.

She closed her eyes again and dozed off again
((How many sisters does Jason have?))

As was her usual Saturday chore, Brianna gathered up hers and her siblings' laundry for washing. Ever since she was 12, this had been her responsibility. It used to tickle her whenever she'd gone into Jason's room - despite his age, he was still as messy as a teenager. Now, she gagged whenever she went into his room. His garments, especially his boxers, smelled disgusting. And the stains on those things were dreadful! She did him a favor by at least spray-n-washing before she cleaned them. If her parents found out how he'd got them, he'd have to choose between moving in with Erica, or dumping her. It broke Brianna's heart to know which he'd choose.

As she entered, she found the room was not empty. Erica had not left in the wee hours of the morning. That red-and-white lump on the bed was unmistakeable. As much as Brianna wanted to go for a broom and chase the skank back onto the street, she refrained. As silently as possible, she gathered up her brother's clothes, careful not to take any of Erica's articles. Barefoot as she was, Brianna stepped in a cold, clammy patch of carpet. It felt slick and sticky. "Ew!" she exclaimed, louder than she intended.
(One younger sister as well I think, but there could always be running more around if you wish ^^)

Erica sat up at the sudden sound in the room, which caused the blanket to reveal she was at least topless in the bed. It took a long moment before her mind started to work enough to recognize Brianna, and to quickly cover her body with the blanket again.

She blushed and hated the impression she must have made again.

- "H...Hi. I was just going to grab a shower and then I will be gone."
Brianna wiped her foot on a patch of dry carpet. For a moment, she stared at Erica's naked torso. She remembered when her breasts were that small - when she was 14 years old. Idly, she wondered how her brother could stand to fuck a girl like that, especially when he was sandwiched between 2 very busty sisters.

"I'm sorry I woke you," Brianna apologized. "I thought you left already. Busy night last night?"
The blush immediately returned at the question that seemed very direct. Erica shrugged.

- "Let's just say I am not much of a morning person. I am not worth anything until I have had at least 2 cups of coffee."

She couldn't help but look at Brianna's breasts as she talked with the young woman. She couldn't imagine having such large breasts and was more than happy with her full C cup.
"Well, there's still some coffee downstairs," Brianna offered politely. "You're more than welcome to have some." She noted the way Erica stared at her breasts. Brianna was very proud of them, even though there were times they made her back hurt and jarred on her sleek frame when she ran or did sit-ups. She couldn't help but show off a little. She pretended to absentmindedly adjust her bra, then bent down to pick up Jason's discarded boxers from the night before. The neckline of her shirt hung down, revealing her full, spherical breasts packed into a tiny bra that couldn't quite contain them.
Erica smiled as Brianna offered some coffee, perhaps Jason's sister was kinder than Erica had given her credit for.

- "Well, I will start with a shower..."

Erica said and now truly stared at the view that was offered to her.

- "Perhaps after that I will have some coffee if some remains"

She then quickly added before Brianna could notice her stare, she hoped. She wondered why the young woman even bothered with a bra. Erica knew how much she hated those things herself and hardly ever wore one. She waited for Brianna to leave the room so that she could get out of bed without showing her naked body.
Brianna smiled proudly to herself as she turned her back and left the room, adding her baby brother's dirty clothes to the basket. Normally, it just happened that anyone got such a good view of her cleavage. But when she wanted to tease, she teased. She could practically feel Brianna's eyes on her cleavage. It always pleased her when people noticed. She retreated to the laundry room to sort the clothes, but stopped short of starting a load. She could do that later. She returned to the kitchen and sat down again. Perhaps she could have a few words with Erica this morning, now that it was just the 2 of them.
Erica took her clothing and then sneakily looked out of the room. She didn't really want to wear her clothes before she had showered and cleaned her body. Brianna was not to be seen any more so nakedly she hurried to the bathroom. It was the first time she was going to shower without the company of Jason.

As she wanted to lock the door, she noticed the lock was not working so she just closed the door and turned on the shower. Hopefully no one would enter the bathroom hearing the shower running
((Did you have a mind to bring the other sister into this?))

Brianna waited downstairs for her guest to finish her shower. She had a mind to use this opportunity to gauge if Erica was right for her darling little brother.
(No problem if you do, perhaps at some later point in the story :))

After a nice shower Erica felt more alive again, but still very much in need of a nice cup of coffee, or more than just one. She was dressed again in the clothes she had worn the previous day: A nice blouse, a short skirt and a sexy thong. She hardly ever wore a bra.

She smiled politely as she saw Brianna again.

- "Is there any coffee left?"
Brianna put on a polite smile when Erica emerged from her shower. The older woman was still wearing her tanktop, her shorts, and her bra and panties. She'd also put on a pair of high heels, just simply because she could. After stepping in that stain in Jason's room, she decided she needed some sort of shoes.

"Don't worry, I didn't drink all of it," she joked. She waited for Erica to make herself somewhat comfortable.
Erica poured herself a cup and sat down. From all of Jason's family she worried most about Brianna, although she wasn't completely sure where that worry was coming from. Perhaps just because they didn't seem to have much in common.

Quietly Erica sipped her coffee, planning to leave soon.
Brianna began her attack. "So, how did you and little Voorhees meet each other?" she asked casually, using an old childhood nickname she'd coined for Jason when she was 12. Her polite smile held a hint of genuine nogistalgia, remembering the time she watched Friday the 13th with Jason. She was more scared than he was, squeezing him in a death grip as though he were a stuffed animal, instead of a small boy. Now, of course, he had someone else to hold him.
Erica smiled, thinking back at the first night she had met him and how crazy he had driven her with his fingers, but naturally that was not a story to be shared with his sister.

- "I was out clubbing with a couple of my friends, he was there with some of his coworkers. He bought me a drink, we danced. He is very good... dancer."

Erica said with a grin. It was close enough to the truth.
"He sure sounds like a good dancer," Brianna teased. "I wouldn't know, of course. He is my little brother, and that would be kind of nasty, if I did. Did he 'dance' with you that first night, or did you at least date a little bit, first?"
Erica blushed, both at what Brianna implied as with the directness of the question. Perhaps she deserved such a question after clearly doing that kind of 'dancing' last night in his room. She smiled.

- "What kind of girl do you think I am? That first night we only did the clothed kind of dancing."

She said with a wink, not really insulted
I take you for a loose slut who's corrupted my baby brother with your harlot ways, thought Brianna. Aloud, she said in a tone to match her smile, "You two must have really hit it off, then. Me and Alyssa used to try and introduce him to our friends, and he'd flirt a little bit, though most of the time he was too busy blushing and cringing to really make any kind of meaningful connection."
Erica looked in shock at Brianna, surely the girl had to be joking.

- "Are you sure we are talking about the same guy? The Jason I met quite clearly knew..."

She stopped talking, perhaps Jason didn't want his family to know what a player he truly was. Erica really couldn't believe that her Jason and the guy Brianna described were the same guy. Jason absolutely hadn't blushed at all when his fingers brought her to the edge that first night. And she been the one cringing when he stopped.
"Clearly knew what?" asked Brianna. She knew what Erica wanted to say, though she was ashamed to admit it. Brianna wished to always remember Jason as the precocious little boy whom she could snuggle and tease any time she wanted to. As he'd gotten older, he'd backed off from her considerably, suffering the occasional back-hug, bear hug, and hair-ruffle. The thought of her brother, who used to shy away from the matches his sisters found for him, successfully seducing a woman - any woman - was shocking to her. Then again, it explained why he eschewed physical contact with her and Alyssa.

"So how long were you dating before you two started sleeping together?" asked Brianna, point blank. There was a small hint of jealousy in her voice, as well as that over-protective, challenging tone
- "How to dance"

Erica answered, this time indeed meaning it as the code used earlier. She still couldn't place Brianna very well and decided not to have a second cup of coffee but instead head back to her place the moment this conversation was over. And then there was the next direct question. She really wished she had talked about these things with Jason.. what his family could and couldn't know, but there was no way to deny she had been sleeping with him. Most likely everyone in the house had heard that last night.

- "Not very long..."

She answered, finding that honest enough and better sounding than 'the second date' or 'a few days'
Brianna nodded. She wanted to find out more about this tramp her dear baby brother was sleeping around with. He was her brother, after all, and when she'd actively been looking for matches for him, his welfare had been foremost in her mind. She wanted to find for him the perfect girl/woman. She didn't trust if Erica was that woman. But there was still one more thing she wanted to establish, but she wasn't quite sure how to do it diplomatically. She decided to approach it indirectly. "How do you like him? Is he a gentleman? I do hope he paid attention to me when I told him all about how to act around girls and such. I was always more than happy to share my insight with him."
Erica smiled, although for other reasons than Brianna was asking about.

- "O, he is great. Not at all shy or uncomfortable. He is a great dancer, at least the way people dance these days, I doubt I can take him to a ball room dance. When we are together he seems quite happy to join in things I like doing and I enjoy the things he likes."

The relationship was fresh enough that sex was mostly the thing they were doing and when they watched one of her romantic movies or one of his action ones, they often didn't make it to the end of the movie.