Hiring The Hunter ((Open))


Literotica Guru
Jun 11, 2012
One male needed. PM if your interested​

"I just don't understand it." King Incus sat at his thrown, his head in his hand. In front of him stood about tweleve of his guards. Tweleve of his best guards, yet all of them were wounded. Be it by a broken bone, oor a wound from a sword. There use to be more of them, but they were either seriously injured, or dead. Not everyone was so lucky. "Tell me what happened, again."

Xavier, one of the dungeon guards stepped forward, his head bowed. He would have kneeled, but he had two, deep cuts sliced above and below either knee, making it rather hard to walk. That was no excuse not to come though when the King order all the guards responceable for the prisons escape to come to his thrown room.

"We," He paused and took a deep, calming breath before raising his head to look at him. "We don't know how she got out of her cell. I had just walked by and she was in the corner, the chain still wrapped around her wrists. I make my walk through the rest of the dungeon, checking on the other. When I turned around, she was behind me. I didn't have time to react behind she grabbed my sword and-"

"And sliced yo4ur legs." The King interruped as she stood up. "Then she proceeded to escaped the dugeon, taking down and killing two others that were down there before she drove your sword through the shoulder of a guard standing by the dunfeon doors." Incus walked down the steps, closure to his men.

"She then moved into my castle and went to my treasure room., taking down anyone and everyone that got in her way. Yet, ad I still can't believe it, none of you were able to stop her. Did anyone even lay a hand on her?" He hollered

Alex rose his hand slowly. "One man did.He grabbed her shoulder," his eyes turned away. "Then she drove the sword through his chest."

He nodded his head slowly. "Killing another of my me." He growled. "Before she walked into my treasure room and stole about 200 gold coins, my infant sons future crown, and," he paused, barely catching himself before he blurted out one of the most valueable, as well as secret object in that room. "She's younger then all of you. She looks like a mere child, yet no one could stop her?"

His guards all looked away from him. All irrated and disappointed. No one seemed like they wanted to answer the King question.

"Get out! All of you get the hell out!" He screamed at them before he turned and walked back to his crown. "You," he pointed at his Royal Jester. "I need you to go down to the town and bring me someone. That hunter." He ordered. "I'd check the pub, I heard he could be found there most of the time.

Rodger nodded his head in understand 0ment before he headed to the door. "I'll bring him back at once my Lord."


Bell leaned against a tree about 5 miles past the town she had just run out of, a grin on her face. He long, use to be blue and white dress was now stained with both blood and dirt. Her dark, wavy hair, which she usually kept up, was hanging loose falling around her cream colored face. In her hand, she held a piece of paper. One that could easily send this town to war and the King to death. "Well," she rolled it back up and slipped it into one of the pouches that hung from her belt. "Today just keeps getting better and better."

She turned and headed into the woods, walking towards her cabin. The day had started with a bunch of men surrounding her thinking they had finally caught the most wanted thief in... well numerous towns, only for her to get loose about four hours later.

Idiots. They should have know something was after they caught her without a fight.
The hunter sat in the pub. Sure, he might be considered a drinker by a few, but he never got 'drunk' to the point where he couldn't tell how many fingers he had. He slowly drank his mug of beer, a sloshy, watered down drink to say the least, but it did its job. His name was Darren. He was twenty, and he was renowned for his skills as a hunter, and on the side, mercenary. In the past he had been called upon by the king to fix messes that he couldn't afford to send in his own men to do.

Around twenty minutes after he arrived at the pub, a soldier barged into the pub, and looked around, frantically. "God damn-it.." Darren already knew that the man was searching for him, and waved his arm, signalling the frantic individual. The man spotted him, and rushed over. "Hello sir, we have a.. Urgent problem, that the king has asked you to assist in." The man said, looking around the room. "What kind of problem? I expect to be compensated fairly for fixing it." He said, standing up, and grabbing his bow and quiver. "Well, the king should be the one to tell you." He said, motioning for Darren to follow him."

Once they arrived at the castle grounds, and into the throne room, he could tell that this was indeed a big problem. A dozen men where clearly injured, and from the look on their faces, a few had fallen. "You there, Hunter." The king called once Darren had made his way into the throne-room. "You would think you would know me by name by now King Incus." Darren said, braggingly. The man that escorted Darren to the castle soon left his side, and made his way to his comrades. "Regardless, the kingdom has a predicament, that I would like you to take care of." He said, gruffly. So the king explained what had happened, and the entire situation. "A girl did this? To fully grown, military service men?" Darren started to laugh, he found the situation to be hilarious. "Well, Yes." The king said, almost shamefully. "I can get this girl for you.." Darren promised, and that, he was sure of.

Once the king had finally made an offer that was worth Darren's time, he started the search. First was asking the guards what she looked like, She was Caucasian, she had dark hair, and was wearing a blue and white dress. Through the chaos that she created, she was able to stop most of the guards from seeing her face. Though a minor setback, it wouldn't be much of predicament that would stop him from finding the woman. He then proceed to the part of the town that most mercenaries favored, it was hard to navigate if you didn't know the area, and if you were wanted, its the one place you strayed.

Wanted posters where tacked everywhere, and the corners of papers that had nails skewered into them remained, more claimed bounties. The guards and mercenaries minded their own business. It was more or less a honor among them, and the fights were rare. Amateur hunters would cling to the streets, while the more professional ones would gather in restaurant, or in more high esteemed places. Darren made his way to one of those restaurant, and sat with a group of mercenaries. He asked around, it was obvious that this woman had picked the bone of the wrong people, but was good at hiding. He got some solid information from a few mercenaries, that word was she was staked out in the woods, but hardly anyone ventured there, it was the perfect place for an ambush, if the local animals didn't attack you first.

So that is where he decided to look. He stocked up on food for three days. He guessed that he could find this girl in that short amount of time, he was good at tracking. He also decided a new bow would be good. This time made out of more flexible but sturdy wood. Once he had gathered all of this, he made his way into the nearby forest, and began to look around, searching for any clue of life.
King Incus sat back in his thown, le out a loud sigh. He stillcouldn't believe that bitch had taken down his men. Sure, he knew she was a wanted women, in more ways then one. Numerous men talked about what she might look like, how she might be in bed, but he didn't think she was strong enough to take down a horde of men herself.

"Sir, do you think Darren will be able to find her." His Jester started, "I mean, he might be good at, but no one else has been able to find her yet."

He looked at him, his face showing how pissed he was."We already caught her once and now of my men are as skilled at tracking as he. So yes, I'm more then sure he'll be able to found that women."

The Jester nodded his head, after looking his face over. Now he had been his Jeste for a while and he knew when he was lying. Now, it wasn't so much as he was telling a straight face lie, but it was clear to him that the King wasn't really sure about the Hunter. He was actually pretty worried. "Don't worry, my Lord. We'll have her back here in a few days. She can't stay hidden forever." He said, trying to reassure him.


Bell pulled the string on the front of her dress, allowing it to loosen up as she pushed the door to her cabin open. It wasn't a pretty place, you couldn't even say it was a home either, really. It was a old, run cabin with a few wholes in the roof. There was a window in the back that was broken, as well as a door that barely hung on the frame, but it was home to her!

For the past 5 years, she had living here. It was the perfect place to keep herself hidden. No one liked going into the woods in the first place and the cabin was so far out, barley anyone came out here without getting attacked by one of the animals that lived out here. Not her of course, she knew how to take care of herself.

After shutting the door behind her, she reached her hand own, taking off the belt that held her treasures. She walked into the main room and went to the middle of the floor, before bending over. The brunette reached for her right boot, grabbing the handle of the dagger she had slid in them. Then he used the blade, slamming it in the crack of the wooden floor.

She sed the blade to rise a slim part of the wooden board, revealing different bags, all different size. All of which held her treasures from previews trips. Including money, jewelry, clothing, ect. Bell put her newest rewards in the hole and grabbed a dress, beore placing the board back and standing up.

Now that her stuff was away, she headed to the back door, pulling her dress off as she did.
Darren understood that this girl was a threat, and a sly one at that. He kept his guard up, and letting it down could prove to be fatal. Darren was a keep to himself kind of man. He had been offered many offers to join bandits, or the local kingdoms armies, but he decided mercenary work was more in his league.

As he carefully treaded through the forest, sticking to the trees to make sure that he didn't set off any traps or tripwires. He noticed a few out of place leaves, that wouldn't be left by any type of animal. He was around four miles into the forest, and his feet were starting to get a little achy, searching wasn't the easiest duties to perform, it took a lot of zig-zagging. It wasn't until dusk that he found a first good spot to look.

In the distance, he could smell smoke leading from down wind, one from a fireplace, cooking something or heat. Then the faint light would be a tell-tale sign. "There you are.." He said, he was proud of himself, he found the one girl that no one seemed capable of finding. He drew his bow, and an arrow.

He decided it best to come from the side, and circled, and made his way to the window, and looked in. No one there. "Fu-" His statement was cut off by a light crunching of leaves, and his heart started to beat, and he raised his bow, expecting a fight.
After cleaning up in the stream behind her place, Bell trading in her blood stained dress for one she had founda few weeks ago. It was a floor length, silk gown. The top of the dark red fabric clung to her body almost like a second skin, showing off her fit body and the curves that ran though it, white the skirt flowd down her body gracefully.

Then she headed inside, planning on taking a nice, relaxing nap before she went hunting for something to eat for dinner. Being laying in her cot, she walked around the cabin, making sure everything was in it's place. Call it being over protective, but she liked to make sure she wasthe only one ever inside this cabin. If she even thought for a second someone might have found her, she would grab her things and slip before they could come back.

The young women, fell back on her pile of covers, her eyes closing before her head even hit the bed. After letting out a loud yawn, she rolled over, her back facing the wall and drifted off.

Only to be woken up a few hours later.

Bell shot up from the bed. "What the hell?" She muttered as she listened closely, hearing the sound of foot steps outside. It didn't match any animals, so that ment. "There's no way someone actually made it out here." She thought as she slowly got out of bed. Slowly, making sure to be quiet, she walked to the door, grabbing her dagger as she did.

Slowly, she pushed the door open and made her way towards the sound of foot steps, allowing the shadows to cover her. When she moved around the corner, she saw a man looking through her window, hold a bow and arrow. A grin slowly formed on her face, "Looks like I have aguest."

"Can I ask why the hell your walking around a young womens home?" she asked, making sure to keep herself hidden. "And peeking through her window? Were you expecting to see something? Or... find someone?" Bell asked as she walked back towards the trees.
As the voice seemed to echo through the forest and such, he desperately wheeled around on his heel. One target, and I can fire, I know I will hit. Darren said, as a semi-mantra like thought running through his head. "I am no peek, or pervert. I am here upon King Incus's orders, I am here to either return you and the crown to the kingdom, or your corpse." He tried to make his voice more intimidating, even though he was indifferent to the outcome.

He looked around. It was pitch black, and he knew that he was in clear sight of a light, meaning that they could see him, but not vice versa. "I don't want to hurt you.. Ma'am. I don't like hunting women." It wasn't a sexual prejudice it was something his mother taught him, that killing a female wasn't morally right. Some may call it sexist, but it was his code.

Thats when he spotted her, when his eyesight finally joined his side, and he could make out her pale skin against the dark wood. "There you are." He quietly muttered, turning to her, aiming at her chest. "I can see you." He said, re-firming his grip on his bow. "Why did you do it exactly? Why steal, from this king.." He said. He was beginning to get curious about the girl.
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A soft giggle came from her before she could stop it, watching as he aimed his arrow at her. It wasn't that this was a funny moment, it was more out of amazusement and shock. He was the first man to ever actually aim something at her without her being close enough to break their neck.

At first, she thought about throwing her dagger. He was in the perfect amount of light and she knew she'd easily be able to send it flying into his chest, but them a thought ran through her mind. He's the first guy to ever get this close to me. And since the King sent him, he has to know I'm dangerous, yet he's not even shaking.

She looked upwards for a moment before looking back at him. "Let me correct you on that," Bell said, allowing her voice to rise enough that it echoed through the forest. "You did see me." As soon as that last word left her lips, she jumped up and grabbed onto a low hanging branch. With speed not many people would possess, she pulled herself up, allowing the leaves of the trees to hide her.

Bell wpulled herself up two more branches before she stopped, thinking she was high enough for know. "So," She started walking along the branches. "The King hired you to get his stuff back?" She laughed. "And let me guess, all he asked for was his crown and his jewels. I bet he didn't even mention to cute little letter I stole."

She stopped walking when she was standing over him. "You kow, I already killed a lot of men today without even batting a eye," she crouched down. "I'm not afraid to add another to that list."
He knew it was pointless to look for her. So he undrew the arrow, and returned it to its quiver. He then placed his bow and quiver against the side of the house, and looked upward. Scanning further, so he knew where to adress. "I'm aware of how many males you've killed. And impressive number.. But you're not going to kill me. No. If your intent was to kill me, you'd have done it earlier."

Once she mentioned the letter, his curiosity was peaked. "A letter? I wasn't paid for one.. What does it intitle." He walked around some more, his armor wieghing him down slightly. The trick he learned, is to never show fear. Darren had no fear of death, He lived day by day, and contract to contract. He knew how to play this, and he might change his mind about this girl once he knew the letters contents.

"How about, we talk face to face, Mercenaries word, I won't do anything sneaky." To refirm his statement, he removed his sword aswell, and tossed it to the dirt.
She tilted her head to the side as she watched him throw his sword away. "Is he serious?" She thought to herself. He couldn't really think she wouldn't kill him, just because he threw his weapons away. And just because she didn't instantly kill him, it certainly didn't mean he was going to live through the night. Still, she thought he was pretty bold.

"I'm not really surprised he didn't ask you for it. To be honest, I think he as hoping you'd leave it. that way, he didn't have to worry about anyone else finding it." She aid as she worked her way done slowly. "You see, I'm normally great at hiding. So he must have thought my treasure would hae been well hidden as well."

Bell grabbed onto a tree branch as she lened down, still making sure the trees hide her, as she looked him over. He didn't appear to have any other weapons on him, but he could be hiding something behind the armor. "You want to know what the letter said?"

Suddenly, she jumped from the branch, landing gracefully on the ground only a few inches away from him. "I'll tell you," She whispered, "But, you'll have to loose that armor." Bell stepped away from him, looking him over. He looks... young. A lot younger then othes that have been sent to find me. She thought.
When the girl landed a few feet away, the blood rushes to his face, and he might have turned red. "Alright.. As you wish.." He said.. Calmly. He started unbuckling the straps, the armor plates loosining, untill the straps released, and the shoulder and breast plates fell off. Next was his boots, he took them off, and turned them upside down, showing that he had no additionall weaponry. Finally was the gloves, he slipped his gloves off, exposing the white, soft flesh underneith. When he was done, he was wearing nothing more than trousers, and a light shirt. He stood completely defenseless infront of this girl.

"So what did it say?" He said, looking the girl over. In the moonlight, he could tepp she was beautiful, her curves were toned, athletic, and she had a supple chest. Thoughts attempted to cloud his mind, but he shook his head, clearing his mind.
Bell keep her face blank as he sripped out of any armor he wore, showing off his body underneath. Honestly, there wasn't a whole lot of differences. He was still well built and she could see why the Ing had hired him. A guy like him should be more then capable of taking someone down... If there not her that is.

When he he was done, she allowed her eyes to scan his body. He was cute, like able to make her stop thinking about killing him, cute. But, she couldn't let her mind wonder. She had to keep herself on the task at hand. And right now, that task as not letting him distract her so he didn't kill her.

"Well," She looked at his face. "I can't tell you everything in the note. I mean, I' not even sure what I'm doing with it yet, but what I can tell you, is not only is the King actually stealing from the town, but he's not really the man he tells everyone he is." She told him. as she started walking around him. "It's sad really. How long he had your whole town fooled and now, here you are, wanting to take back what isn't even his anymore."

Bell moved her hands behind her back. "You know, your not getting any of that money he romised you for getting me, right?" she stopped. "He's probably going to kill you the moment he has me. Just in case."
He listened to what she had to say, and thought about it, trying to fit all of the puzzle pieces together. Then it finally clicked, all of it. "I'm going to kill him." He said, his anger boiling in his chest, his temper was hard to set off, but when it was, it usually festered, and left a uncomfortable and restless feeling.

"Well, you and I, if you want to." He offered, looking at her from the side, pacing back and forth. "Ah fuck, I don't know what to do." He began to over-think things, and plan. "Why exactly are you telling me all of this? Why haven't you killed me?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks.

That was something else that didn't click. Why hadn't she attacked him, She had every right to do so, he had come into her territory, knowing fully well what she was capable of. He looked her over again, re-noticing her beauty, and it was getting more and more difficult clearing his mind.

"Either way. I am not taking you back. I am going to end this myself." The King made his final, fatal move. Double crossing Darren was a big mistake.
Bell laughed. "Oh come on, by yourself?" She shook her head. "I'm probably younger then you and I know that's a dumb idea." Really, she didn't know her real age. She never really focused on that but she wanted to think she was between 18 and 21. "Okay, I just escaped that place earlier today. Do you really think he's not going to have his castle packed with guards?"

She walked over to him. "If you go back without me, they'll probably kill you before you make it in the door." She bit her lower lip, stopping as close tohim as she had been a few minutes ago. "Now, if you do want to kill him, I'd be more then happy to help you. Of course, there's no way we're go through the front doors, so I really hope your good at more then just tracking."

"As for why your not dead yet," She started. "It's because I respect you. Your the first person to ever find my place, which kind of makes me pissed as well as curious." She paused for a moment. "Now, I have a question, how did you find me so fast?"
When she got closer to him, he could smell her skin, of which smelled of a mixture of firewood smoke, and sweet perfumes. Her question caused him to grin. "Your track, were slightly larger than any animal near here. Then I was down wind, where I smelled your fire." His senses were acute compared to the general populus.

He considered her offer to tag along. He perferred to work alone. But he was a rational, and he knew he couldn't do this alone. "I suppose you could be a good advantage." He could tell she was extreemely fit. Nourished. Exotic and tempting. He attempted to clear his mind again, noting his final remark.

When she asked of his skills, he grinned. "Tracking isn't my speciallty. Im lethal with a bow, and even deadlier with my sword. Among other things.." He trailed off.. "So, I guess we are partners in crime.." He said offering his hand to her.
She smiled as he agreed to let her come with him. Of course, she would have gone anyway, but t least his way she didn't have to worry about having to hide him, or even fight him if they ran into each other again. Still there was one thing he said that made her pause for a moment. He supposed? I guess I'll have to prove to him that I'm sure as hell not a suppose.

When he held out his hand, she looked down at it, before looking up at him. "Other things? Really?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't wait to see what those are." Bell turned away from him and walked towards the house. "Oh yes, and partner," Se looked over her sholder. "If I catch you ever trying to sneak a peek at me, be it to see where I am or... other wise. I'll stab both your eyes."

Bell went to the front door, heading inside, but she kept the door open for him. She wasn't really the type of girl that trusted other people, but hey, if they were going to take the King down together she should at least allow him to walk inside her home. That is as long as he didn't get noisy.
He couldn't help but laugh. Her attitude was entertaining, and her personality matched. He gathered his weapons, and armor, and slowly entered the cabin. It was decorated lightly, and he assumed that she had a stash somewhere nearby, if not in the cabin. He slowly lowered his gear to the floor. He didn't say anything else, and he found a spot where nothing of importance was stored, and crouched down, and slowched against the wall.

He closed his eyes. In all honosty, he was tired. He crossed his arms, and was planning this crime. Going through the front door wasn't a good idea. He sighed, trying to fall asleep, but he was restless. He worried slightly, would she betray him, or kill him in his sleep. Would she pack up and leave.

Then there was the King. What if he failed? Then more people would suffer, his name would be tarnished, tainted. It would also kill of his name, he had no offspring, or siblings, and his parents had died long ago. So much was clustering his mind.
Bell leaned against the wall of her cabin, watching as he walked inside her home. She felt a bit uneasy with him in here, but... also a bit happy. This was the first person she ever let in here, of course, she did it so he would trust her. At least a bit. If they were going to try to take the King down, he needed to know she wasn't going to attack him.

And he needed to know he wouldn't attack her.

As he fell to the floor, she titled her head to the side, watching him for a moment more before she headed to her bedroom. Going over to her bed, she grabbed one of the covers she had laying on it and through it ove her shoulder. With the holes in the roof and the broken window, it did tend to get pretty chilly in here and she didn't want him to get sick.

Why do you care? He's just some stranger. Someone you probably wont even see
after we kill, or hopefully kill the King.
She thought as she turned back and headed back to the living room. Bell, walked over to him and dropped the cover, allowing it to land a it feet.

"Here, if you decide to go to sleep, I'd put that over you." She looked in over. "Your clothes don't seem very thick and I'd hate for you to get sick before we had our fun."
As he leanded against the wooden wall, which was nott eficent a keeping heat in, he scowled himself for not packing any camping gear. He noticed a few holes in the roof, that had been covered with pelts, letting even more heat out. The chilly air was starting to get to him, his skin hardened with goosebumps, and he cupped his hands warming his face.

Maybe the woman had read his mind, or remembered that it gets very cold at night, that she entered the room, and dropped a blanket at his feet. He looked up at her, standing over him. "Thankyou... Well, I never got your name, I'm Darren.." He said, keeping his eyes on her.

He counted this gesture as a offering of mutual trust, maybe she understood that he would have his usefullness, and that he wasn't a man that would turn his back on promises. "Thankyou for everything.. I mean that." He said, smiling.
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She watched him for a minute, after getting his name, dabating what to do. Sure, she been pretty nice to him, but he name was something private. Something no one alive knew and he liked it that way. The less people knew, the better. But... Uhhh she was trying to gain his trust. "My name's Bell." She said, looking down at him.

When he thanked her, she shook her head. "I didn't really do anything. Me not killing you, doesn't deserve a thank you. Nor is letting you in my home and gving you a blanket. It's just.... me being nice." She told him as sh0e brushed her hair out of her face.

"I'm just going to be in my bedroom. Sorry I don't have any food. I was plannig on going hunting later." But there's no way I'm going to leave you in my house alone while I do that. She thought as she backed up. "But then you showed up.So, I'll just wait until tomorrow to do that."

Bell looked him over for a moment, biting her lip as she did. "Your alright here, right?"
He understood that there was no food, "I can help hunt." Darren said, motioning to his bow. He could hunt easily, he was a hunter. He watched her as she walked away. His face burned a little when she asked if he would be okay. "I should be okay.. It's supposed to be chilly tonight, but I should be okay." maybe she would pick up on his suggestion.

He hadn't really ever had a mate, or a partner. It was mainly due to his proffesion, his busy schedual, he never was in town that long, always hunting outlaws and such. Maybe he would start looking, seeming how no one would hire him as a hunter after this.
She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I'm really not all that hungry." Besides, I want to keep a eye on you. She thought to herself, as she put on a sweet smile. "Besides, all the animals that are out right now, close to here are like wolves or wild cats. There not really my thing." She let him know.

When he said he supposed he'd be okay, she thought about saying tough, but the face he gave her. It was kind of impossible to tell him that. Which was so not her. Bell put on a grin, trying to act like more of herself. "Well, should isn't really best is it? I mean, on top of the cold, some stray animals do manage to get in from time to time. Like raccoons, or squirrels." She put her hand on her chin, thinking.

"I guess, since my room is the only one without holes, you could sleep in there, but, that's up to you. well think of it as a game.v Does the Hunter have the guts to sleep with a supposed killer?"

Bell didn't give him time to answer before she turned and headed into her room. If he came, he came. If he didn't, well that just ment she shouldn't trust him a hundred percent yet.
He grinned. And he gathered his belongings. "I think I'll survive." He answered, standing, and keeping his bow where he was. "Wont be needing that any time soon." He said, and made his way to her room.

The cabins warmth increased as he made his way to the rear. He slowly pushed the door into her room, he was amazed, dresses, and a few weapons were hanging fro. The wall. "This is nice.." he said, putting his pack on the ground, and the cover next to it.

"Trust me yet Bell?" He said, sitting on the floor.
Bell sat down on her bed, as he walked in. "Your braver then I thought you were." She commet as she wached him. What surprised her most was that he hadn't brought any weapons. When he said her room was nice,she looked around it. "I guess. I mean, it's the nicest place I've ever lived in."

When she looked back at him, she grinned, crossing her arms. "Well, I guess... I trust you a bit. But don't think to much into it. just because I allow you in my room, don't mean we're buddy buddy. I just don't want anything to happen to you before you reach the palace. I mean,I might be good, but I can't take on a army."

She laid back, putting her hands under her head. "So, how much were you going to get for bri me back to him? I mean, I must be worth quite a lot by now. I've been stealing for a good..." she counted in er head. "I want to say eight years now. Could be nine."
He stared at the ceiling. Listening to the fireplace, and the sound of Bell's breathing. "Well, He offered me Seven Hundred. So He's argeed to pay a thousand." he gave a devilish grin. "I'm a theif of a different kind." He said. "The king knows I'm good. I've hunted a few dozen outlaws for him. Usually cleaning up messes. Making people 'disappear'. I am one of the best they say.." That was something that him and Bell had in common. She was the best at stealing, and he was the best at hunting.

"Eight years?" He questioned. A long winning streak. He did the math, "You started at a young age.." He said, which made him think of her history. "You were an orphan wern't you?" He said, knowing what that was like.
"Only a thousand?" She questioned, peeking at him. "Your getting ripped off. I mean I'm worth at least two thousand." Bell added with a grin. "At least that's what a few of my wanted posts said. " She laughed and laid her head back down. "Which was hilarious to me! I mean have you seen those. They never had a picture, just like a few details. Some of which were complete bull. I mean they couldn't even describe what my face looked like."

When he asked about her history, she shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I guess. I mean, I had a family till I was like 5, maybe 6. But yeah, after the fire, I became a orphan. I wasn't really the lucky ones though. I didn't go to another family that would take care of me. I lived on my ow-"

Bell bit her lower lip and looked at the cieling. "I'm glad I was a orphan. If I hadn't become one, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today. A girl who gets what she wants, when she wans it. I can do whatever and no one can tell me what to do."

"Why did you ask though?" She pulled her legs up, maing her dress raise higher. "I mean, can't parents not care if their daughter is being reckless and stealing?"