Literotica Guru
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One male needed. PM if your interested
"I just don't understand it." King Incus sat at his thrown, his head in his hand. In front of him stood about tweleve of his guards. Tweleve of his best guards, yet all of them were wounded. Be it by a broken bone, oor a wound from a sword. There use to be more of them, but they were either seriously injured, or dead. Not everyone was so lucky. "Tell me what happened, again."
Xavier, one of the dungeon guards stepped forward, his head bowed. He would have kneeled, but he had two, deep cuts sliced above and below either knee, making it rather hard to walk. That was no excuse not to come though when the King order all the guards responceable for the prisons escape to come to his thrown room.
"We," He paused and took a deep, calming breath before raising his head to look at him. "We don't know how she got out of her cell. I had just walked by and she was in the corner, the chain still wrapped around her wrists. I make my walk through the rest of the dungeon, checking on the other. When I turned around, she was behind me. I didn't have time to react behind she grabbed my sword and-"
"And sliced yo4ur legs." The King interruped as she stood up. "Then she proceeded to escaped the dugeon, taking down and killing two others that were down there before she drove your sword through the shoulder of a guard standing by the dunfeon doors." Incus walked down the steps, closure to his men.
"She then moved into my castle and went to my treasure room., taking down anyone and everyone that got in her way. Yet, ad I still can't believe it, none of you were able to stop her. Did anyone even lay a hand on her?" He hollered
Alex rose his hand slowly. "One man did.He grabbed her shoulder," his eyes turned away. "Then she drove the sword through his chest."
He nodded his head slowly. "Killing another of my me." He growled. "Before she walked into my treasure room and stole about 200 gold coins, my infant sons future crown, and," he paused, barely catching himself before he blurted out one of the most valueable, as well as secret object in that room. "She's younger then all of you. She looks like a mere child, yet no one could stop her?"
His guards all looked away from him. All irrated and disappointed. No one seemed like they wanted to answer the King question.
"Get out! All of you get the hell out!" He screamed at them before he turned and walked back to his crown. "You," he pointed at his Royal Jester. "I need you to go down to the town and bring me someone. That hunter." He ordered. "I'd check the pub, I heard he could be found there most of the time.
Rodger nodded his head in understand 0ment before he headed to the door. "I'll bring him back at once my Lord."
Bell leaned against a tree about 5 miles past the town she had just run out of, a grin on her face. He long, use to be blue and white dress was now stained with both blood and dirt. Her dark, wavy hair, which she usually kept up, was hanging loose falling around her cream colored face. In her hand, she held a piece of paper. One that could easily send this town to war and the King to death. "Well," she rolled it back up and slipped it into one of the pouches that hung from her belt. "Today just keeps getting better and better."
She turned and headed into the woods, walking towards her cabin. The day had started with a bunch of men surrounding her thinking they had finally caught the most wanted thief in... well numerous towns, only for her to get loose about four hours later.
Idiots. They should have know something was after they caught her without a fight.