Hillary Clinton Discharged.

Maybe her discharge was from something she caught from Anna Chapman.


Look at Bill's face.

I know exactly what he's thinking.

She should now be CHARGED with manslaughter. Her and Obama's actions got 4 people murdered.

I say we put Obama's and Clintons families over there in those places and see how they like the lack of common sense, weapons, guards, and respones when they are being attacked.

These people are pure evil
She should now be CHARGED with manslaughter. Her and Obama's actions got 4 people murdered.

I say we put Obama's and Clintons families over there in those places and see how they like the lack of common sense, weapons, guards, and respones when they are being attacked.

These people are pure evil

Go suck some limbaugh cock, you fat fuck.
She should now be CHARGED with manslaughter. Her and Obama's actions got 4 people murdered.

I say we put Obama's and Clintons families over there in those places and see how they like the lack of common sense, weapons, guards, and respones when they are being attacked.

These people are pure evil

Speed bump or something, the prez said. Not important. He cares about you, not dead people in Africa. Or ex-Marines in Mexico jails.
She should now be CHARGED with manslaughter. Her and Obama's actions got 4 people murdered.

I say we put Obama's and Clintons families over there in those places and see how they like the lack of common sense, weapons, guards, and respones when they are being attacked.

These people are pure evil

Fuck off, fucking fucker.
I had a PE in my left lung. I took myself to the hospital because I was having trouble breathing. I am glad she is ok.
She should now be CHARGED with manslaughter. Her and Obama's actions got 4 people murdered.

I say we put Obama's and Clintons families over there in those places and see how they like the lack of common sense, weapons, guards, and respones when they are being attacked.

These people are pure evil

Do you get a headache as you type?
I don't think she has looked well for a long time. I know it can be stress but I still think something more is going on.