Highlight on a Lit Poster - Lilminx


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
I have spoken to lilminx for almost a year now and have watched her on the board. Watching her post today just reminded me of something that is incredibly special about the way she posts.

Lilminx is probably one of the most independent posters on this board. She doesn't participate in a lot of the behind the scenes bullshit that goes on. Her opinions are completely based upon her own perceptions rather than what other people say. She usually doesn't jump on the bandwagon in all of the shitfights of Lit. She just keeps on doing her thing.

Mind you, when she gets pissed or thinks something is wrong she'll jump out and say something. But, there are so many times when there is so much shit on this board - shit that I can't stay out of usually - where lilminx just goes along her merry way doing her own thing.

And that, is amazingly admirable.

Cheers to you, minxie.

And, she has festive boobies. Nothing's better than festive boobies.
I really like Minxie. She's someone I really want to meet. I can only imagine that she is even more enjoyable, in person.
raindancer said:
I really like Minxie. She's someone I really want to meet. I can only imagine that she is even more enjoyable, in person.

Ditto. And I can say the same about you.
Tis true, Ms. Minx is oen of the people who brings me back to Lit. She has a sense of herself and others that is warm and compassioante but not without her own opinions. She has a big heart and a lovely sense of casual humor. I can't say I keep in touch with her as well as I should but I would like to consider her a friend.

She also has a killer smile.
Now, here is a bandwagon I am only too happy to hop on!

Minxie is funny, cute, sincere as hell and a special friend.

She devotes her days to working in one of the worst settings imaginable in order to help those less fortunate than us.

She maintains a postive attitude and when she doesn't, there is usually a very good reason.


*cheers* to minxie!

Minx is great - I'm happy to call her a friend and have had the pleasure now of meeting her (in person) twice , and she's just as nice and fun in person as she is here.
I think minxie is kick ass. I really hope to get to meet her someday. She's got a deadly combination of beauty and brains.
Another minx groupie checking in. She's got the complete package.
THis thread is getting bookmarked right under the one that Never started about me while ago.

Lavy, thank you for starting this thread. It's nice to know that you as well as so many others here think so highly of me, and know that I hold (almost) all of you who posted here in high esteem as well.

I'm sorry that this is such a generalized thank you to all, but I have been really stressed and I'm utterly exhausted right now.

Oh, and Islandman, what's to figure out? I'm a simple girl with simple needs- nothing more, nothing less.
lilminx said:
Oh, and Islandman, what's to figure out? I'm a simple girl with simple needs- nothing more, nothing less.

Nothing simple about you, dark-eyes.