Hidden microphones in appliances

Yes, they were in my microwave and I suspect one is in my shower head. I stopped singing the shower because I'm afraid I'll wind up on one those funniest video shows.
Yes, they were in my microwave and I suspect one is in my shower head. I stopped singing the shower because I'm afraid I'll wind up on one those funniest video shows.

Shower head is not plugged into the wall and it does not have any batteries.
i love how i can just glimpse at a thread title and KNOW it's a yates production
I had a book called the big brother game.It had electronic schematics for stuff like that,for private eyes,etc.That stuff can go anywhere theres a power source,usually its on the phonelines with ATT leading the band .Next generation you don t hear them talking about is wiretaps,where they see everything you do on the internet,with next generation wiretaps...

They break in houses pick locks,plant the stuff,steal stuff,& scram before ya get back.They have specialized equipment to sense out radio frequencies coming off equipment...the wanna claim its about suspected drug activity ,justifying their detective pay.

They also have laser mikes where they shoot a beam like at your window,,,next generation off the shotgun directional mikes.

I read a news article that said they like the speaker in cars,off the radio,for mob bosses...
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I had a book called the big brother game.It had electronic schematics for stuff like that,for private eyes,etc.That stuff can go anywhere theres a power source,usually its on the phonelines with ATT leading the band .Next generation you don t hear them talking about is wiretaps,where they see everything you do on the internet,with next generation wiretaps...

They break in houses pick locks,plant the stuff,& scram before ya get back.They have specialized equipment to sense out radio frequencies coming off equipment...

They also have laser mikes where they shoot a beam like at your window,,,next generation off the shotgun directional mikes.

I read a news article that said they like the speaker in cars,off the radio,for mob bosses...

There are hidden microphones and even cameras in THOUSANDS of different household retail electronic devices. Nobody needs to break into your house and plant them, they are already there to begin with and all they have to do is tune into them.

The NSA/Federal Government can dial in to a live audio and video feed from inside your house. They can view you showering and having sex, as well as every single thing you say and do.

Reminds me of "1984" where Winston Smith's apartment was rigged with cameras and other surveillance to make sure that he did not violate the law or dissent against the state.
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The one on your computer would be the easiest and most rewarding one to hack into.

Now see if you can figure out how to disable it.
The trouble with all of this nonsense for me, is that whenever I go to the USA, I am immediately reminded what a fucking backward place it really is technologically speaking, and how much propaganda people are fed about 'how' advanced et cetera the place is. It just plain isn't. It was when Howard Hughes more or less designed the freeway system, and it hasn't been since he took off to his island because he was so pissed off with the idiots running the shop.

Every time some major incident actually takes place what we hear from the NSA is that "oh yes we HAD the data/intelligence but we hadn't 'processed' it yet...!"

They know fucking nothing. Excuse the french but I'm sick and tired of all the noise they make when they don't deserve to be listened to at all.

Every person of any sense anywhere in the world already knows since ever Microsoft disposed of their main German competition back in the day, that the CIA basically RUNS the internet. The chances of real intelligence officers using the internet for genuinely secret communications is nil.

The NSA can 'see' everything I you and we do every minute. Good for them. Perhaps they'll learn something. Whether any of them have the brains to comprehend what they are seeing is already a decided issue for me.

Let me put it this way - the velocity circulation of the US domestic currency, is THE LOWEST IT HAS EVER EVER BEEN and has been steadily declining for the least probably fifteen years. Print more, guys - see what that does for yer. Print more and hide it away so that your buddies can remain 'solvent!' See what that does for your employment levels.

Nobody fucking cares.

The whole world has moved on.

The only real point left for the existence of the American government and its Willie Wonka Money Printing Factory is for it to be able continue to pay out more bribes around the globe. And what's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing. Nobody hates the USA. Nobody hates the NSA. They just don't actually care even though Washington wants to believe that it isn't the case.

Game fucking over. The NSA is playing by itself, with itself.

Grand Theft Auto, in real life, would be something, if there were any new cars half-way decently designed enough worth the thefting thereof!

The day the NSA stops sticking E130 caramel colouring into its own opinionated golden glow, will be the day I will start to take notice as if it's something real and worth considering seriously.
I believe government mass surveillance of it's own citizens is a means of identifying and documented political dissidents and enemies of the state, and has NOTHING to do with preventing terrorism or legitimate national security concerns.

Preemptively tagging and gathering detailed information on political dissidents or anyone who may pose a threat to the power of a future totalitarian state so they can be "dealt with" when "the time comes" is the real agenda behind mass domestic spying against ordinary citizens.

In political science, this is known as a "purge".

Following the ominous, hole-ridden, and highly questionable events of 9/11/01, and as part of the corrupt and fraudulent "war on terrorism", the constitution/bill of rights are slowly being shredded and massive infrastructure is being built all around us Americans for the apparent purpose of turning the United States of America and the rest of the free world into a violent and oppressive fascist police state. So criminal corporate interests inside the military industrial complex/war racket can profit in the hundreds of trillions of dollars and make many criminal inside investors extremely rich and powerful.
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Naw,they wanna see if your inhaling medical stuff,in a non medical state...lolMy ex was said to be a love child of a genuine inhalation therapist,while her ma was a old folks home nurse...
All I can say is, I hope the government is getting an ear full! My vocabulary doesn't change that much every time I burn the toast.
I buy the cheap ones from China. They don't last very long. That way I know the hidden microphones get tossed out w/the appliances.