

Oct 15, 2012
I'll be honest, I'm not that interested in foruming because I signed up just to see if I could find a specific erotic story. Unfortunately, I was greeted by imbeciles because apparently I stumbled upon one of the dumber areas of Literotica according to one person who replied to the thread I created there.

So basically yes, I'm not sure I have a good opinion of the community so far based on what I have seen, but I might be interested in coming back depending on how the rest of my time goes, however short that might be.

If you're curious about which thread I'm referring to and think you can help, it's here:

I'll be honest, I'm not that interested in foruming because I signed up just to see if I could find a specific erotic story. Unfortunately, I was greeted by imbeciles because apparently I stumbled upon one of the dumber areas of Literotica according to one person who replied to the thread I created there.

So basically yes, I'm not sure I have a good opinion of the community so far based on what I have seen, but I might be interested in coming back depending on how the rest of my time goes, however short that might be.

If you're curious about which thread I'm referring to and think you can help, it's here:


Hi rebn,
I saw your posts on the general board. As strange as this may sound, I don't think people were being rude but rather the general board is the place where sarcasm and criticism reigns. It's just part of the GB schicht. You just stumbled into the wrong place.

There are some story boards that may also be helpful (author's hangout and some others) in at least guiding you on how to conduct a search.

Good luck!
I'll be honest, I'm not that interested in foruming because I signed up just to see if I could find a specific erotic story. Unfortunately, I was greeted by imbeciles because apparently I stumbled upon one of the dumber areas of Literotica according to one person who replied to the thread I created there.

So basically yes, I'm not sure I have a good opinion of the community so far based on what I have seen, but I might be interested in coming back depending on how the rest of my time goes, however short that might be.

If you're curious about which thread I'm referring to and think you can help, it's here:


Would you mind elaborating on the story a little bit more?

Also, you'll probably see some of the same people here, they probably just hit the new posts button and see what's going on, and see you here again.

I hope the rest of your stay is exciting though.
Here is a link to one I found in story search toward the bottom of the story page.

I don't know if it is the one you are looking for, but it sounds about right.


ETA: I think you'll have better luck looking for a story on ether the Authors Hangout or the Feedback boards.

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General Board is, so far as I can tell, the cesspool of Literotica. I think it's kept open just to keep it all in one place...
I'll be honest, I'm not that interested in foruming because I signed up just to see if I could find a specific erotic story. Unfortunately, I was greeted by imbeciles because apparently I stumbled upon one of the dumber areas of Literotica according to one person who replied to the thread I created there.

So basically yes, I'm not sure I have a good opinion of the community so far based on what I have seen, but I might be interested in coming back depending on how the rest of my time goes, however short that might be.

If you're curious about which thread I'm referring to and think you can help, it's here:


Can't help with finding the story, but yeah, there's a reason I stay away from General Board.
Umm, ok.
See? Maybe I was in the wrong section after all.
Not one imbecile replied here, this is more like it. Thank you all very much for the heads up and such.
Thank you Scoundrel I'm going to read into that now :D
The General board is trial by fire whenever they see a newbie they'll go through a little hazing depending on the subject matter.

Looking though it you got off pretty easy. Then again I didn't see a couple of the real beauts over there replying.

The Ah has some of that as well, but its no where near as bad and for a reader/writer you can learn a lot of good things.

As a comparison, my debut on the General board was two years ago and I was mentioning that I write incest. So there was a 100+ post thread referring to me as a pedophile. But I held my own and did their dance, insulting the ones insulting me and replying intelligently to the few who were really trying to understand the appeal of the stories.

Its the classic schoolyard bully mentality, if you hold your own and they don't get to you then the next thread you start or posts you make their they'll leave you alone
Welcome, I never heard of the story, but I get what you went looking. It sounds unusual and it's about something deeper than. "SUCK MY COCK BITCH!" When I went on the link I couldn’t make out all the conversation, because I literally removed most of your attackers from having the right to converse with me.
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I'm thinking of having some fun and going over there and saying "So anyone else got a foot fetish?"
Reports like this are why I have avoided the GB. I have no interest in spending my time on here arguing. I could go on Facebook and unblock a few people if I wanted that.