
You're Avatarically challenge. Face it, live with it.


You're doing it wrong.

Is that the right answer?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Will one of you cunts tell me whats up with this fucking AV mother fucker

I pointed it to a webpage, it didn't work

I fucking uploaded it..and the cunt still isn't working

what the fuck is up

Some dumb fucks like you know that some sites dont let you link to thei pics...

Or your to stupid to know who to do it right..
I've got to believe that Hans will have an av of Barney, or maybe even a couple of kittens playing with a ball of yarn. He's just so soft and cuddly like that.

Or...I could be wrong. <shrug>

V~ (P.S. Hans? Let me save you the trouble of typing it out in response.... fuck you yadayada cunt bitch yadayada shut up yadayada asshole

Maybe all the vile crap you spew everywhere has made a mess on your keyboard and it doesn't work properly.
You should invest in a bib to catch the dribbles coming out your
mouth. :)

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Hanns. Of course, seeing some of your other posts, I'm not surprised to find out that you seem to have a bit of a nasty temper.
I'll tell you how to do it if you promise to make this your av! Okay?
Yep, those midget bikers are scary on their tricycles.


Even your "angry insults" are pathetic.

Read the instructions and follow the directions. I realize the words have more than one syllable, but hey, I'm sure someone has an old copy of Hooked on Phonics available for you if you ask nicely. :kiss:
LadyGuinivere said:
copy of Hooked on Phonics available for you if you ask nicely. :kiss:

"Hooked On Phonics.........works for me!"
lol...yeah, it seemed that way. Strange, hmm?
Hey Hanns

Hanns the living Hemorrhoid, I cannot wait to see your AV.

Make sure the AV captures that winning personality and caustic wit you exhibit.

I've only read a few of your posts and it is obvious you are a man of deep intellect and sophistication - all the more phenomenal considering your 30+ word vocabulary (10 of those are variations on the word 'cunt'). And your magnetic personality glows from the screen, too.

May I be your trusty sidekick? As long as you stayed upwind I'm pretty sure I'd do well in that role.

Please pick me!
OMIGOD..he's gonna shoot you with his "uzi avatar".

Re: Re: Hey Hanns

Please don't shoot yourself in the foot.
How does he do it?

Hanns_Schmidt said:

Mother pumping piece of camel shite...don't make me hit you up to bitch.

My AV is my fucking Uzi (bless the creator)

Now step the fuck back down trick

Hanns_Schmidt, tell me what it's like to be you. I mean you get all the babes. You get invited to all the parties. You are the total package. You speak several languages, are respected in many circles, and you have (*wink, wink*) the physical stamina of 10 men.

How do you accomplish all of this and you're only out of your cell one hour a day? Do you find that you focus more in the isolated environment?

We lesser mortals are ready to learn, Master Hanky_Schmidt.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
awww debbie made it smaller for me.

Thanks darling...I'll let you be the first chick from this forum to taste my jizz

Thanks. But being the charitable gal I am can you send that goo to the recycling bin for me? I got all the jizz I can handle.
Jizzums everywhere here.