Hi. I'm Gabe, just another boy.

I love your pictures! You are a welcome addition to Lit. I am sure, as hot as you are, I will be back around.:kiss:
Tish420 said:
I love your pictures! You are a welcome addition to Lit. I am sure, as hot as you are, I will be back around.:kiss:

gee, i feel so loved. I must take a picture. Hmmm, what shall it be.
gabeinside said:
gee, i feel so loved. I must take a picture. Hmmm, what shall it be.
I am sure anything you come up with, so to speak, will be great!
gabeinside said:
good? (It's a little cold in here thus the erect nipples)
I love a man with a hairy chest! I cant keep my hands off of it.
Welcome to Lit Gabe. Very nice pictures you have here. Hope we get to see more.

I am glad I am enjoyed.

I promise maybe this weekend definately next week you will all see more.

not to worry.

Any requests? I'll do my best to fill them.

we must work for our cookies huh? Well then i will certainly join the hordes of women who are sure to line up begging for pics
more more more!


btw...you look...familiar :)
i could be wrong...who knows *grins*

*curls back up in her corner*