
Woohoo! Saturday! I looooooooooooove Saturday!

Should I be baking something? Oh that is tomorrow.
Happy SBT to you, too. Today is a special Saturday for me as well. Thanksgiving is my last day off until Dec 25.
my saturday is mroe then half over, iv'e done fuck all today. and looks like i'll be sitting on my ass the rest of the night trying to do something anything
calypso_21 said:
Woohoo! Saturday! I looooooooooooove Saturday!

Should I be baking something? Oh that is tomorrow.

I read somewhere about a chocolate cheesecake, and not telling me about it. ;)
Harbinger said:
Happy SBT to you, too. Today is a special Saturday for me as well. Thanksgiving is my last day off until Dec 25.

Wow, I hope you really, really enjoy today, babe. Are you trying to relax as much as possible? No yard work for you!

Baking? I guess I should start to think about that too since I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year. Or should I just try to invite enough guests to cover every course? ;-)
Hey now Ms. Summery, nobody said anything about fucking.

Thanks for bringing it up. :)

Anybody get fucked today?
Rubyfruit said:
Hey now Ms. Summery, nobody said anything about fucking.

Thanks for bringing it up. :)

Anybody get fucked today?

You're more than welcome.

I didn't get fucked. However, I have a new toy to break in tonight. Self loving counts, right?

MP~ I didn't think I would get much argument.;)
Rubyfruit said:
Hey now Ms. Summery, nobody said anything about fucking.

Thanks for bringing it up. :)

Anybody get fucked today?

*fingers crossed*

A gal can hope!

I will just be happy with some quality time!

Indeed fucking is one of the least known aspects of the Thanksgiving tradition. The Plymouth Pilgrims and their Native American neighbors did sit down to a peaceful feast in 1621. Lesser known is the long Saturday orgy preceding the feast. THe 50 colonists and at least 90 guests had one damn good time.
My Saturday was über-busy. Up at 5:30 (to talk to my sweetie), then went to the office for a while, then some Christmas shopping. And now, working hard on a little writing project. Whew. I'm knacked. Time for a drink or two and maybe a doobie.
Re: Re: Fuckfest?

MaximusPhalicus said:
....and that's where the term "Stuffing the Thanksgiving Turkey" comes from.

Absolutely true.

And the cornucopia of vegetables as a metaphor for a bounty of food, well, those veggies got a workout, too.
Re: Fuckfest?

hogjack said:
Indeed fucking is one of the least known aspects of the Thanksgiving tradition. The Plymouth Pilgrims and their Native American neighbors did sit down to a peaceful feast in 1621. Lesser known is the long Saturday orgy preceding the feast. THe 50 colonists and at least 90 guests had one damn good time.

This is the first I've heard of this, but what exciting news it is and something I, for one, will endeavor to add to my Thanksgiving festivities from here on.

Thanks Hogjack.
I have been sitting in front of this computer most of the morning. I am going to be cooking very little for Thanksgiving.

My most favorite Thanksgiving was before we had a child. We roasted a turkey and only made the potatoes, stuffing and gravy. We pulled out the sofa sleeper in the living room and stayed in bed the entire 4 day weekend watching movies and fucking like new lovers.

A couple of years ago we had Thanksgiving with my brother. We left child with them Wednesday and went to a bed and breakfast. No movies but spent the day in bed, used the hot tub and back to bed! That was the last time we had a night without child.

I think it is time to do it again!