Hey Zipman, still more evidence of Israel's Moral Superiority!


Apr 13, 2002
Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots


The birth rate of Black Ethiopian-born Jews in Israel has plummeted 50 percent in the past 10 years. Lo and behold, it seems that "morally superior" (to use Zipman's favorite characterization) white Jewish doctors were giving Depo-Provera shots to ignorant women under the guise of "innoculations".

Selective breedin' results in the "right kind of Jew"....a kinder and gentler "Final Solution"!!
Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots


The birth rate of Black Ethiopian-born Jews in Israel has plummeted 50 percent in the past 10 years. Lo and behold, it seems that "morally superior" (to use Zipman's favorite characterization) white Jewish doctors were giving Depo-Provera shots to ignorant women under the guise of "innoculations".

Selective breedin' results in the "right kind of Jew"....a kinder and gentler "Final Solution"!!

Israel frequently tortures and murders innocent unarmed civilians (including women and children) throughout the middle-east.

In reality, Israel is a very different country than how the Zionist media in the United States portrays them. Western nations use Israel for no reason other than as their foothold in the middle-east because of big oil interests.
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Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots


The birth rate of Black Ethiopian-born Jews in Israel has plummeted 50 percent in the past 10 years. Lo and behold, it seems that "morally superior" (to use Zipman's favorite characterization) white Jewish doctors were giving Depo-Provera shots to ignorant women under the guise of "innoculations".

Selective breedin' results in the "right kind of Jew"....a kinder and gentler "Final Solution"!!

Oh...kind of like We here in the USA used to do.

Damned copy cats!:mad:
Interesting. Reminds me of Hitler.

Ja, but a kinder and gentler Hitler.

Sounds like a classic"What If" alternative history question:

"Suppose Hitler had Germany research Depo-Provera instead of the A-Bomb in the 1930s. Would "mass innoculation" of Jews instead of mass extermination altered Hitler's legacy? Discuss."
Ja, but a kinder and gentler Hitler.

Sounds like a classic"What If" alternative history question:

"Suppose Hitler had Germany research Depo-Provera instead of the A-Bomb in the 1930s. Would "mass innoculation" of Jews instead of mass extermination altered Hitler's legacy? Discuss."

I'm sure Hitler would have gotten to that....but burning them was faster
Ja, but a kinder and gentler Hitler.

Sounds like a classic"What If" alternative history question:

"Suppose Hitler had Germany research Depo-Provera instead of the A-Bomb in the 1930s. Would "mass innoculation" of Jews instead of mass extermination altered Hitler's legacy? Discuss."

Let me put it this way smart ass. You are a man..Men may feel like they have a lot to bitch about, that the evil femnism has turned their world upside down. But men aren't being told what they can or cam't do with or wirh their bodies or dying because a religiion has decided a woman's life is worth iack shit. Now granted, over 6 million Jewish men, women and children died under Hitlter. But it didn't all happen.at once. Every dictator starts somewhere..And Hitler used Christianity to come into power all the while telling Christians how much better they were than the Jews. The irony in that is still, well, iroinc today.
Sounds like a dick move.

But Godwinning the tread in the OP isn't exactly helpful.
Sounds like a dick move.

But Godwinning the tread in the OP isn't exactly helpful.

ha, that's the second time someone has mentioned godwinning today.

I hate sonny