hey, who's up for a little oral pleasure?

I'm going to get some oral pleasure right now. I'm going to go to the refrigerator and I'm going to pour Hershey's Syrup directly from the bottle into my mouth. Mmm, nice.
Could you just pour it over your body and take pictures instead?
That would give me intense visual pleasure. :D
superlittlegirl said:
I'm going to get some oral pleasure right now. I'm going to go to the refrigerator and I'm going to pour Hershey's Syrup directly from the bottle into my mouth. Mmm, nice.
ok, u were killing me b4, but now it's just cruel.
sorry dawg....

LittleJoe said:

I'm still up....lol
not from anyone named joe....and even if i did swing that way....not anyone little.
Wouldn't that look kinda gross? I am not convinced that it would be a pretty sight. I've never really understood the food+sex thing. Plus I just cleaned house, and I'm not keen on making a mess. But I'll keep that in mind for one day, maybe. :D
Yes yes...keep that in mind...i'll help. :D

Seriously tho, that would look sooo good.
I don't know how many it takes to make a quorum, but I think we're close.

What if I promise to keep it in mind? It kinda sounds like fun, actually.
Sounds like a deal to me.

But if you really want a quorum, we can easily get one for you hun. :)