Hey Perky!


in search of...
Apr 18, 2001

and oh, have you ever been to Jeckyl & Hydes down on 52nd? What a cool place to bring the littleuns to eat. Very spooky place and even the eyes on all the pictures move.
*laughing* yes, I've been there.

And, "hi, sugah".
who's been stalking in my thread?

how dare thee o grease painted clown!
JerseyBoy said:
who's been stalking in my thread?

how dare thee o grease painted clown!

you Do know that I used to work for that company?
perky_baby said:
you Do know that I used to work for that company?
ummm, no i didnt

~understands the laughter now~

just happened to be there last night and thought you might like it...but i see you know it quite well.

and what part did you play?
JerseyBoy said:
who's been stalking in my thread?

how dare thee o grease painted clown!

That'd be me,I take every chancee I get.

Because when I change grease paint you won't recognize me so I have naught to fear.
JerseyBoy said:
ummm, no i didnt

~understands the laughter now~

just happened to be there last night and thought you might like it...but i see you know it quite well.

and what part did you play?

lol, before they went into the shitter, I was a chef for their store on 6th between 57th and 58th.
what happened? besides losing you as chef

(did you wear one of those sexy tall white chef hats?)
JerseyBoy said:
what happened? besides losing you as chef

(did you wear one of those sexy tall white chef hats?)

they went from private ownership to a corporation.

and I have worn one of those, but not for that company. For that company, I wore a baseball hat.
perky_baby said:
they went from private ownership to a corporation.

and I have worn one of those, but not for that company. For that company, I wore a baseball hat.
all those headset mics the matre d's wore shoulda tipped me off.

It was a cool place but bet it coulda been awesome at one time