Hey Nora!!!

Careful little boy. I'm also the Goddess of the Dead.


but I am Zeus so there you go...

I think we need a greek olive oil party...what say you?
actually I got "moo" as my first choice ...but since I'm a guy....
Summery said:
LMAO! Thank you, Nora. That's the best laugh I had all night.

Anytime, sweetpea. I was gonna threaten him with the whole "goddess of fertility" schtick, but I didn't wanna drag you down with him. ;)

C2C, only if it's Shiner Bock and not any of that nasty Egyptian beer. :p
I have some egyptian wine

the label clearly reads "contains no meat"

fertility rituals with Nora and Summery

this could get interesting
Nora said:
Anytime, sweetpea. I was gonna threaten him with the whole "goddess of fertility" schtick, but I didn't wanna drag you down with him. ;)

C2C, only if it's Shiner Bock and not any of that nasty Egyptian beer. :p

Holy Co...I mean...cool! I just happen to have a case of Shiner Bock on order.:D

Oh...your beauty surpasses even this single flower...but I felt you had need of it at this time.:rose:
Nora said:
Anytime, sweetpea. I was gonna threaten him with the whole "goddess of fertility" schtick, but I didn't wanna drag you down with him. ;)

And, I will be thanking you for a long time for not going there.:D
isn't there an ad for happy california cows that make cheese?

Guess this puts my whole bbq fixation in a whole new light...
Nora said:
Guess this puts my whole bbq fixation in a whole new light...

Here's the beer!;) Heh...got more on order too. Chilled to 32 degrees. Um...anybody mind if I hang around for a bit?:)

oh my!

(muzzling my own keyboard for the safety of the board) ;)
curious2c said:
Here's the beer!;) Heh...got more on order too. Chilled to 32 degrees. Um...anybody mind if I hang around for a bit?:)

*swoons* Nothing like a good worshipper. ;)
I have mead.

will that be an acceptable offering milady?
Rhys said:
I have mead.

will that be an acceptable offering milady?

Nope. Tequila will work, though.

G'night C2C. :kiss: You're the bestest worshipper a moo-goddess ever had! :)
Nora said:
Nope. Tequila will work, though.

G'night C2C. :kiss: You're the bestest worshipper a moo-goddess ever had! :)

Wow! A 'cud of love' and now a kiss. Best night ever! *Swoon* (Umm...guys can swoon right? heh heh)
ah well then

tequila it is

and I kneel to your essential moo-ness!
Hay Hay Hay...good morning all!

For The Nora and SilkyCaramelThighs
:rose: X twenty-four.:)