Hey, Jim

I've seen it

nothing to write home about but if you ask him...well he's getting the golden cock award from Vivid Video for best performance in a pipe dream.
red_rose said:
Are you talkin' to me or Rhys? :D

Honestly...he thinks I am talking to him about oh...95% of the time
take a number he'll get back to you.
MaximusPhalicus said:
Glad my name's not Jim..... -whew-

*bites Max on the ass*

You should know better than to bring that around me. Ask TWB - he's gotten an ass biting on more than one occasion.
red_rose said:
Don't try to distract me with that driving tom-foolery.

Theres no Tom involved, just Jim

Or were you thinking of inviting another party?
bad kitty said:
Heh, someone is begging for attention I see.

Yeah he's been poking at me for at least a month now...

I don't think he gets it

but then he complains about me doing the *exact* same thing.

Hilarious. really.
bad kitty said:
Heh, someone is begging for attention I see.

I'm even more confused than usual. lol

Max - There's always room for J-E-L-L... ohh.. wait, that's not what I meant. :D Dessert, anyone?

Jimmy - I don't think Tom's into that kind of foolery.
MaximusPhalicus said:
Oh great..... my ass and jello. Where's that gym?

Confused??? an understatement *runs and hides*

You've got a lovely tush, m'dear, but everytime I think of a one-liner for your av, the only things that come out are silly butt jokes. lol

Jim - We must not be talking about the same Tom. Bring the one you're referring to when you come into town. We'll stir things up.