Hey guys (males) has this ever happened to you before?


In Flux
Jan 8, 2002
Took the wife to the local Walmart. As I was shopping in the 'mens' areas (wife was checking out clothes) a very sexily dressed and pretty lady came up to me and asked me where some candles could be found. I thought she was a little too sexy in her actions and would have almost thought she was going to ask me if I wanted to play or something. I took her to the candle section (which was just a little ways away and close to where I was headed anyway)

The next hting I knew there were six very sexy women talking to me and pressing in close. I was a bit trapped and also turned on. I had on my duster and boots, jeans and t-shirt.

I discovered that they were an erotic dance team that was performing tonight and for the next three days at a local bar.

Of course, my wife came around the corner as these women were crowded around me. I have been under siege all night since then and I think my wife was quite a bit jealous. Surprised me, a lot.

She called them...well not very nice things and grabbed me and pulled me out of the store fuming all the way. 'she just now is getting over it. Strange night for me for sure. (I think they were just trying to drum up some business for the dancing tonight, and I would have gone except the wife was very furious with me already. :(
My ex wife used to call them "creampuffs"...the little cuties here and there that dress in skimpy clothes and get in too close (for Her liking). Not specifically strippers, but sure, chickies would smooth on me. But she wouldn't be mad about it....possessive, but not angry.

Nice score though.....I think you should get aloof with your spouse to secure Bonus Sex.
LOL Too Bad Fer You Dude!


I Mighta Lost It Too:D

I However, Woulda Regained It, Then Marched Back In Ta Get Them All Fer Myself! NO SHARING! LOL
Creampuffs! LOL

Lancecastor said:
My ex wife used to call them "creampuffs"...the little cuties here and there that dress in skimpy clothes and get in too close (for Her liking). Not specifically strippers, but sure, chickies would smooth on me. But she wouldn't be mad about it....possessive, but not angry.

Nice score though.....I think you should get aloof with your spouse to secure Bonus Sex.

I Call Em, "Dollies"!!!:D
I went to Walmart today.....there were no strippers...you must have been in a Super- Walmart...
Well, not a team like that, not lately anyway and not with this wife. :D

I did have an incident the other day at walmart with a charming red head after which my wife asked me if i had dated her.

I said no, and asked her why did she had asked me that.

She said the woman looked like the type i would date.

I replied, Why thank you. I had a grin on my face for the next hour.

That was one fine looking redhead!:)
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sufisaint said:
I went to Walmart today.....there were no strippers...you must have been in a Super- Walmart...

The words "super" and "Walmart" should never be in the same sentence... ever... I work in the portrait studio there... trust me, not super...

Like Bill says......

Eatin' ain't cheatin'! Now, what could your wife find wrong with a gang blowjob in the changing room? Maybe they wanted to test ride those candles? As long as your dingo doesn't find a furhole to burrow in, the marriage is intact, at least in Arkansas! :D
Walmart sizzles in unbridled lust

curious2c, you should check out the action in the automotive section sometime.

hubba hubba.
I would so have love to round the corner and seen my husband in the same spot...........I would have taken him home and showed him what a really good bad girl can do!

Wow, I go and eat dinner and look what happens.;)

It was fun for quite a bit. The wife is just now getting calmed down. (Over three hours later):)

She told me that she thought I was egging them on by talking to them. DUH! They were being very sweet and sexy to an old horny goat. Of course I wanted to talk to them. There were other guys there that walked by and gave me the look. I was in seventh heaven, well for a little bit anyway.

I still think that they were just having some fun at my expense, but it was fun for me.:devil:

I only wish that I had a camera so I could have shown everybody my covey of beauties. I was impressed. they seemed to like my duster quite a bit. I even had two offers that if my wife would have heard she would have shot someone for sure.:eek:

Hopefully sometime next decade she will be able to joke about this. I won't forget it for a long time, that is for sure.
Oh yeah, it was acrossed from the automotive section by the way. Funny about that.:cool:
Never had this happen

I swear that I only run into kids chomping on Kit-Kat bars and whining to get over to the toy section.

I gotta hang out at better discount chain stores.
Hey, i'm forty five years old and this is only the second time any woman has come on to me in a public place, uh, that I am aware of anyway. my wife claims that this has happened much more, but i have had doubts about her idea of coming on to and what gets my attention as a coming onto.:)
My x would have left me there with them while she went on shopping and after she emptied the store out she might have looked back at me to see if I needed a ride home or not.
Re: Re: A joint of strip

LionessInWinter said:
You're hilarious :D

Damn, if that had happened to my hubby, I'd have hauled his ass to the strip joint. I always get more action there than he does anyway.


You're fortunate curious ain't there with ya. He's a chicky magnet! You might not have a chance...