Hey, emerald eyed!!

Emerald_eyed said:
ty sweety!

congrats on your new soon to be addition:heart:
Thanx, now if all the freakin behind the scenes rumors would fucking die. :D Yep, pregnancy hormones came early with this one. Everyone look out!
Emerald_eyed said:
I s[lit this shit hole town I live in for a few days, but Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Thanks for missing me!:heart:

Ahhhh, good! Welcome home!:D
Dancing shoes back on

Congrats on being back at work, E_E.

I'm heading back to work myself. The all-male dance revue is going back on the road and I've decided to hook back up with that troop.

I hope I can still post when we have downtime.
Re: Re: Dancing shoes back on

Emerald_eyed said:
I hope so too, you need to show me some moves!!

I'm more of the eye candy on the stage. I have a few soft shoe moves but my best moves are off-stage. *

* Some moves now banned in many counties West of the Mississippi River