Hey America...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
ae you all arsoles or wha?.

On this Board is there anyone who disagees with George and is warmongering cuntng policiies...

And for once let's leave the jews out of it...

I don't care either way. I'm white, upper-middle class. I'm taken care of regardless.
RastaPope said:
I don't care either way. I'm white, upper-middle class. I'm taken care of regardless.

Then why the fuck did you wate your time and mine by replying....

Piss off go to bed...

I would be disagreeing with him 100% if you weren't so disagreeable yourself. Then, I gotta stick up for the underdog/shrub/stump/monkey/dumbass... So that there will be someone to stick up for me when the NHRE comes knocking on my door.

p_p_man, luv,

What is your beverage of choice tonight?

I'll take what he is having!


GWB is my hero.
We need more politicians like him, or who like him!

Yeah, let's pretend they're already dead.

Then we'd have PEACE ON EARTH!

(Warm up the bombers...)

ME262 is a German Jet,
See those English planes go...
OK you so called brave race of people (as long as there's no body bags coming back)...

Explain to me...

Up to your tricks again, pp?

You know perfectly well there are several Americans on this board who strongly disagree with Bush and his policies, myself included. And do you misspell words deliberately? It sure seems that way.

O yeah, I almost forgot . . . screw the Jews!
Yeah, I'm an asshole.

Would someone please post Mr. Leary's Lyrics for me so that p_p_ can finally understand the American mentality...
Do Americans understand the American mentality? Is there an American mentality?
Oh, good gawd, yes there is that die-hard 30% who believe in ANY way but the current way which has gotta be there way, but then they're never smart enough to hold on to it so it, once again becomes somebody elses' way. Dig Trotsky up and ask his grinning hole-ridden skull...

Have you ever been here? How about Recently? What areas of the country have you been? Talk to people on the streets, you'll get every conceivable opinion, some logical, some fanatical, some totally ignorant. Some left wing, Some right wing, Some clipped wing.

If not, you should come here and see for yourself what our opinions are, not just base 'em off a internet website or what opinions reporters capture. Spend some time in the more conservative areas of the country, then go to the extreme opposite of the continuum, Like Berekely or Arcata CA.

Oh, and our bars are fun.
chromefreak said:

Have you ever been here? How about Recently? What areas of the country have you been? Talk to people on the streets, you'll get every conceivable opinion, some logical, some fanatical, some totally ignorant. Some left wing, Some right wing, Some clipped wing.

If not, you should come here and see for yourself what our opinions are, not just base 'em off a internet website or what opinions reporters capture. Spend some time in the more conservative areas of the country, then go to the extreme opposite of the continuum, Like Berekely or Arcata CA.

Oh, and our bars are fun.

Also, boobies.
Ya know, the political threads are no fun here. Really, I'm a bedwettin' liveral from the home state of John Ashcroft. I love talkin polotics and I love my country and I love my state and I love apple pie and I love runon sentences.

But do people here really take polotics this seriously, or am I missing the joke? Anyway here's what I suggest.


that is all.
Hey, how come p_p_ gets a thread in support against people hassling him, but you don't?

Is it because English eccentrics are more appealing.

Oh, I forgot, you're poor. Please feel free to substitute the word insane...


Yeah, a lot of Americans are Anglophiles, and besides ppman is cooler than I am . . .
Re: Up to your tricks again, pp?


O yeah, I almost forgot . . . screw the Jews!

Don't forget RED small 'j' they, don't desrve capitalisation...
