hey all you magic shavers


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
the cream in the tube, or the powder you mix?

I got both, am going to go use one or the other shortly, not sure which one to try first.

any thoughts?
If this is your first time using it do the patch test first!!! It has been known to burn some users!
Ditto on the patch test.

It burned my sensitive Irish skin.

Also, be extremely careful applying it, because if you get some on your inner labia, you are in for a world of hurt.
Rubyfruit said:
Ditto on the patch test.

It burned my sensitive Irish skin.

Also, be extremely careful applying it, because if you get some on your inner labia, you are in for a world of hurt.


You know I never would have thought so many women went bald before joining Lit. I thought it was a rarity.
Cream. Patch tests are good for testing the timing of the treartment, too.

I never tried the powder. I was advised to use the cream...at least that way it won't be too strong or too runny.

While you'll probably want to use a finger to apply it , or at least the finishing touches..becareful you don't have any cuts on your hands, & be sure to rinse thoroughly.
I have only used the mild strength cream and it did not seem to work as well as the powder. The full strength cream might work better but I don't know.

I do tend to like the powder better since it is easier to spread around and seems to coat mor throughly.
Thanks, all. I have actually used the mild cream before but the results were just ok, not 'wow'. I just looked at what I've got again and I've got the regular cream, and the extra strength (!) powder. So I reckon I will try the cream for today and save the powder for another time if needed.

Like I'm sure you wanted all that information.
OK, by show of hands, how many of you are thinking "a picture is worth a thousand words"? ( if it's busy raise the other one) ;)
peachykeen said:
I've got the regular cream, and the extra strength (!) powder. So I reckon I will try the cream for today and save the powder for another time if needed.

Don't forget to do another patch test before you try the "extra-strength" powder. Just because one formula is safe for you dosn't mean the stronger formula won't burn you.

Regular formula seems to have worked OK. Not superfab but pretty well. Will give it about a week and try the extra strength. I must have pubes of steel or something.
Oh and BnB I got it at Walgreens. Dunno where I will get it now I'm in London tho, does anyone know if Boots or Superdrug carry it?
I think Cheyenne has an apostle in Britain & that it's available there. You'll get an answer.

In my experience getting the right results are a matter of consistent application, and proper duration of treatment.

In the US, look for it in the black hair-care products section of your WalMart Super-center.
I find that the drier I am, the better it works. I use it inside my labia majora where a little bit of hair grows. Made the mistake of using when I was hot and wet, BURN!!! No further problems after that.
Magic - the which one and where ...

As to which one ... in the tubes you can get regular or mild and this is confusing because the regular is too harsh for sensitive Mrs G, but she loves the mild; and for me it's the otherway round - sometying in the MILD occasionally irritates me whwereas Regular dioes a great job and no burn.


Except a chemist looking at the small print on thwe two tubnes cojuld tellyyou the difference. Mild doesn't = less it = differenrt formula....

As to lips ... in our experience you do need to work down the outside of the labia majora, otherwise the mouthfuls are too furry, but this is a sensitive area so maybe do a separate patch test there. Haven't yet met a woman with hair inside the labia...

As to where in London - I live in Shepherd's Bush, Peachykeen - two places in my street sell it; PM me with your whereabouts and I'll get you sorted.

love golden -
It burned me really bad. Now I just lay back and get shaved. Funny, we had a patient come into the hospital that was shaved, and I was amazed at the remarks that were made, in a negative way. Remember, I'm from Alabama. They went on and on about this till I piped up and told everyone that I was bald as well. You could have heard a pin drop. Then they all started laughing, not believing me. I didn't realize this was so uncommon in my area. I should have dropped my pants right then and there and showed them. I am leaving soon, maybe that would be a good going away present for them.