Heroism - the Oggbashan Memorial Event 2023 Support Thread

Dec 4, 2017
I have been asked to organize run a challenge event on heroism - stories about heroes, how to define and recognize heroism and what heroism means to us as authors and, perhaps, to the characters in their tales.

David Harris, onetime husband of Joan Baez, said that there are two types of public figures - idols and heroes. Idols, he said, show us our limitations. Few of us can realistically aspire to be a supermodel, an A-List actor or an Olympic athlete. Such people exist in a sense almost as a negation of the rest of us.

On the other hand, Harris said, there are heroes, “something that teaches people what they can be… an available model that doesn't exist as something that’s impossible to reach, but really exists as the embodiment of what everybody could be.”

Some types of heroism are easy to recognize - the kind of white-hot bravery, for instance, that sends a perfect stranger running into a burning house to save another’s children. There’s the selfless devotion demonstrated by medical staff and first responders during the scariest height of the pandemic. There’s the moral and physical courage of a 5’ 3” woman refusing to support an unjust society by sitting in the back of an Alabama bus. ’Thank you’ just doesn’t cut it in such cases.

There’s also a more subtle type of heroism, a quiet, stubborn refusal to bow to ill fate or to surrender in the face of fearful odds, be it a poor widow fighting to keep her children fed or, in our case, a good man stubbornly refusing to do the expected, to simply give up and let cancer overwhelm him. For those who didn't know, Ogg died quietly in his bed on 30 May. He had requested that this event be postponed until after his death.

With his example in mind, I have been specifically requested to entitle this the ‘Heroism - the Oggbashan Memorial Event’, an annual tribute to a man too damned stubborn to bow to life’s bitter sentences, too proud to stay silent and too full of life to simply fade away. Thank you, Ogg. We miss you.

This event is open to all. Stories and essays may be of any length over 750 words and may be on any theme, erotic or non-erotic. As well as descriptions of heroic acts, discussions and insights about the meaning and importance of heroism in today's world are encouraged.

Submissions should include the phrase OGGBASHAN MEMORIAL EVENT 2023 in the Notes box of the submissions page.

Ogg’s funeral will be held very soon, the afternoon of 14 July, 2023. That’s not much time, granted, but a release date of 14 July would be the best possible memorial to our late friend and colleague. (It is Laurel’s wish that this become an annual event and more time will be given in future years.) Accordingly, all entries need to be submitted by end of day 13 July, 2023 and will be published the following day.

I mourn Ogg. Thx for letting me know of his passing from this world.

I’m not sure right now that I can write a story suitable for Lit that meets your contest requirements in the time allotted, considering my other commitments, at least not this year, but as a writer I will say this right now- I always have tried to write about the celebrities I admire primarily as heroes.

To me, heroism has always been about admiration of an incredible multitalented individual whom you admire. You may edit certain facets of a person to make them more appealing to you as a hero- concentrate on their capacity for charity over their specific religion, for example, or their physical characteristics over their mental health, or I don’t know, turn a real straight celebrity on whom you’re basing a fanfic character into a temporary imaginary bisexual… you get the metaphor, right?… but you ultimately still admire your hero, warts and all. You forgive and ignore the warts as best you can. And you still admire the hero, the overall beautiful person.

Ogg, though I barely know his online presence, and I never met him IRL, is definitely a hero to me. So is this website and so are other heroes who have earned my admiration in life.

Beauty. Admiration. Understanding. Forgiveness of flaws. That is Heroism, per my definition. I hope my fellow writers will understand what I mean.

I will close by honoring another departed hero of mine with accomplishments similar to Ogg’s, the great actor and writer Stan Lee.

Nuff Said!
I'm not going to have time to submit a story for this event, but three and a half years ago, for the Ogg event at the time, I wrote a whimsical allegory featuring Ogg opposed in a heroic role against the Hangout, Ogg Comes To The Hangout, https://literotica.com/s/ogg-comes-to-the-hangout, so I'll revert to that one. In that story, the Hangout was "known throughout the Land of Literotica as a place of short temper, unrestrained depravity, and around-the-clock drunkenness."
TP, thank you for organizing this event.

I would dearly love to participate, but it is unlikely I will be able to meet the deadline. I will look forward to submitting something next year.
750 words, erotic or non-erotic.

Hmmm. I like a quick challenge like that.

Heroism, what it is? How do you recognise it? What does it mean to me?
TP, a very good idea but... there's always a big old butt hanging around. Time is short.

Okay, I'll see what I can whip up. No promises for this year but I'll give it a try as my short stories never stay short.
Actually, 750 is a matter of perspective. Depending on where you check the count, any story (especially with ... long dashes, or hyphenated words may or may not say 750, less, or more.
I'm not going to have time to submit a story for this event, but three and a half years ago, for the Ogg event at the time, I wrote a whimsical allegory featuring Ogg opposed in a heroic role against the Hangout, Ogg Comes To The Hangout, https://literotica.com/s/ogg-comes-to-the-hangout, so I'll revert to that one. In that story, the Hangout was "known throughout the Land of Literotica as a place of short temper, unrestrained depravity, and around-the-clock drunkenness."
Sounds about right, doesn't it?
Thanks, all. Time is indeed short and I certainly understand that.

TWW - One thing I never observed in Oggbashan was a short temper. A willingness to tangle, certainly, but out of principle, not temper. Nor am I entirely sure about 'depravity'; (it's got the right concept, but is rather like calling our well-mannered erotica 'smut' ;)). On the other hand, happy, contented drunkenness - restrained or unso - is something I can certainly see Ogg as having endorsed at one time or another.

In any case, mark your calendars for an around-the-world party next month; raise a glass to his shade and spend some time reading some well written tales in his memory.
Thanks, all. Time is indeed short and I certainly understand that.

TWW - One thing I never observed in Oggbashan was a short temper. A willingness to tangle, certainly, but out of principle, not temper. Nor am I entirely sure about 'depravity'; (it's got the right concept, but is rather like calling our well-mannered erotica 'smut' ;)). On the other hand, happy, contented drunkenness - restrained or unso - is something I can certainly see Ogg as having endorsed at one time or another.

In any case, mark your calendars for an around-the-world party next month; raise a glass to his shade and spend some time reading some well written tales in his memory.
The point was to draw a humorous contrast between Ogg's gentlemanly and civilized attitude with the sometimes rowdier and more hostile demeanor on display in this forum. The whole thing is very tongue in cheek and not to be taken too seriously.
Actually, 750 is a matter of perspective. Depending on where you check the count, any story (especially with ... long dashes, or hyphenated words may or may not say 750, less, or more.
I have a 750 story that Lit shows as 735 words.
From reading Ogg's post over the years, he was a very large person physically. he drank but very seldom got drunk. He was part of a cliff and ocean rescue team. He worked in the or for the military and the government. Even in retirement, he kept his hand in local and not so local public affairs. He owned a second hand book store for years.

A long, full, and active life. He talked of taking walking tours with his wife and both of their research into there lineages. Both could and did trace back at least 800 years. He had a wealth of knowledge about history and facts.

I know who I want to be when I grow up.

Note: The title and your byline do not count toward the word total for Lit. I ran into this when I last tried to write an exact 750 word story.
From reading Ogg's post over the years, he was a very large person physically. he drank but very seldom got drunk. He was part of a cliff and ocean rescue team. He worked in the or for the military and the government. Even in retirement, he kept his hand in local and not so local public affairs. He owned a second hand book store for years.

A long, full, and active life. He talked of taking walking tours with his wife and both of their research into there lineages. Both could and did trace back at least 800 years. He had a wealth of knowledge about history and facts.

I know who I want to be when I grow up.

Note: The title and your byline do not count toward the word total for Lit. I ran into this when I last tried to write an exact 750 word story.
I was always impressed by his erudition. Did he ever mention his educational background? I know, he didn't seem like the type to boast about such things.
I didn't have the apparent pleasure of knowing him, but my thoughts and condolences go out to those who did.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
I was always impressed by his erudition. Did he ever mention his educational background? I know, he didn't seem like the type to boast about such things.
He did, but I can't remember it. I know he spent time in Gibraltar, Australia, and worked for the UK Admiralty.

I'll try and come up with something for this year, but more than likely it will be for next year.
I've had people tell me that I should write about the things that I've done in my time with Search and Rescue, Emergency Response Team.
TBH, I wouldn't even know where or how to begin. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
What a beautiful concept, and a fitting tribute. A far more dignified theme than usually runs through my scrappy little stories, but I will try hard to come up with a fitting tip of the hat.