Literotica Guru
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It was mid-morning and the weather was prefect. The sky was a clear deep blue and the sun was warming the stone of the protecting curtain wall and wooden houses of the small town of Bulkenhold. There was not a hint of a cloud on this fresh spring morning.
The town was a blaze of color, sounds and smells. For today was the spring festival, the biggest event of the year for Bulkenhold. Spring flowers were out in front of each house whether it was the manor of a rich merchant, or the hovel of a peasant. Colorful flags and banners hung from the walls and posts of every merchant and craft guild and shop. The town folks and visitors were all dressed in their finery which included head ware for both men and women.
The sounds of merriment and food preparation were everywhere. The harp of the minstrels, the songs of the troubadours could be heard entertaining the various crowds. Even the baron’s fools mixed into the crowd and produced excited laughter and boisterous mirth. In the back ground the sound of trumpets signal the start of another fighting competition.
Great tables were being set up, by attendants, for the noon day feast. Basins and napkins were arranged so that the guests could wash before the meal. The tables were adorned with candlesticks of artistic designs and white table cloth, a sign of the small town’s wealth, were laid upon the tables. Large platters made of pewter and wood were being carried by other attendants with curious smelling dishes. Broths, soups, potages, roasted meat, herrings, sturgeon, pies, beef, mutton, and pork could be seen and were everywhere in abundance. Even geese, ducks, garnished some of the feasting tables. The smells of all these highly seasoned food mixed together to tickle the nose and delight the senses.
A lone figure could be seen walking on a dirt path leading into the small town of Bulkenhold. Her name was Isola. She could see, hear, and smell that was a busy morning for the town. She had been to the festival last year and found it to be one of the best in the kingdom. The festival had numerous contests such as darts, sword battles, horse riding, best brewed beer, most beer consumed, riddle contests and others. However, the featured event was the beauty pageant, where females compete to see who was the most beautiful. Isola had entered last year and had just missed being a finalist. This year she wanted to win. She had been a concubine for a wealthy married man in the eastern town Miller’s Ford, but he had been killed in a battle with some Gerlaks. Gerlaks were soulless creatures that look similar to imps, small humanoid standing about 4 ft. tall, barbed tail, small horns. Winning the contest was a great way to find a new employer, being that she was a concubine!
She pushed back her long silky burgundy colored hair back under her flower crown made of white daisies. Her face was strikingly beautiful and oh so sexy. An elegantly arched neck led down to a voluptuous and ravishing figure, soft and sexy. Her more than ample breasts were held captive by a green corset vest, exquisitely crafted with small flower designs. She wore skin tight black leather shorts/leggings. Her long tone and smooth legs were bare and ended in a pair of brown, ankle high boots. She carried a small traveling bag over her shoulder. She seemed a bit out of place, in that someone as good looking as her, would never be found in such a small town, but it was festival time.
She paid the guard at the eastern gate, the small entrance toll, and entered the town. She was amazed, each year at the amount of people that came to the festival. Each year it seemed to grow, and increase in diversity! There were dwarfs, elves, gnomes, halflings, fairies; she even caught a glimpse of lizardman. As she went deeper into the town to register for the beauty contest she overheard two town’s folks talking.
“Twas a minotaur!” The portly man said “A huge beast he was, walked in here just as proud as you please, down the middle of the street causing all kind of ruckus!!” He nodded sagely as the other man just shook his head in total disbelief.
As she rounded the corner a few blocks down, she saw the oddity. There, right before her, was a real life minotaur!! He was dressed in golden armor with two short swords from his belt and a great battle axe slung over his back. The golden plate armor covering his powerful chest sparkling in the sun, he must have been about 7 feet tall, and even covered in his armor, people could tell he was massively built with rippling muscles. His bull’s face had a look of pure determination. It was saying “Don’t mess with me and I’ll tear you apart!” His eyes were fiery, and the large white horns added to his imposing face. There was a large golden nose ring through his bull nose. But maybe the oddest thing was he stood in the line to register for the riddle contest not the fighting contest.
No one stood near him out of complete fear. Where he stood blocked the table to register for the beauty contest. Isola needed to get by him, to get to the beauty contest registration table. She took a deep breath and approached the beast.
“Good day, Sir Minotaur, Welcome to Bulkenhold” Isola said with a brave smile on her face.
The Minotaur looked down at the small human female from his 7 foot tall height. He was not sure what to think. He admired her for her bravery as no one else would talk to him. But females in the minotaur society were not permitted to talk to a bull. (Unless that bull was married to them … and then it was more like nagging than talking!). But she was female and Zarik (the minotaur’s name) had always had a soft spot for females no matter what species.
“Hail, Cow” Zarik said not exactly sure how to address this human female. “My name is Zarik, I do not rate the title of “sir”, I’m simply called Zarik” He stated firmly, correcting her.
Isola glanced around and realize there was a group of people watching her to see if the minotaur was going to smash her into pieces and eat her. But Isola had always gotten a thrill out of danger, so she continued talking to the beast.
“Well met Zarik, My name is Isola and I too have no title.” She said with a warm and friendly smile. “The festival is as busy as I have ever seen it. I think only when the baron’s daughter, Mariette, married the duke of Kindell, have I seen a vaster scale of festival and feasting. I see that you stand in the riddle contest line … I would have thought” Isola said looking over Zarik weapons and massive body “that you would be in the fighting contest line”
“This is my first visit to Bulkenhold, I was sent by our king to demonstrate to all, that Minotaurs are superior in every way to include answering riddles. Winning a fighting contest would be of no effort on my part” Zarik answered with the pride and arrogance of his race. It was part of the reason most races did not get along with minotaurs.
“Well, I wish you the best of luck in the riddle contest. If I may get past you, I need to sign up for the beauty contest.” Isola said and then added as an afterthought “If I may be of any help during your visit here … please don’t hesitate to ask” Zarik eye brows raised at this comment and he stepped aside to allow her to pass.
The town was a blaze of color, sounds and smells. For today was the spring festival, the biggest event of the year for Bulkenhold. Spring flowers were out in front of each house whether it was the manor of a rich merchant, or the hovel of a peasant. Colorful flags and banners hung from the walls and posts of every merchant and craft guild and shop. The town folks and visitors were all dressed in their finery which included head ware for both men and women.
The sounds of merriment and food preparation were everywhere. The harp of the minstrels, the songs of the troubadours could be heard entertaining the various crowds. Even the baron’s fools mixed into the crowd and produced excited laughter and boisterous mirth. In the back ground the sound of trumpets signal the start of another fighting competition.
Great tables were being set up, by attendants, for the noon day feast. Basins and napkins were arranged so that the guests could wash before the meal. The tables were adorned with candlesticks of artistic designs and white table cloth, a sign of the small town’s wealth, were laid upon the tables. Large platters made of pewter and wood were being carried by other attendants with curious smelling dishes. Broths, soups, potages, roasted meat, herrings, sturgeon, pies, beef, mutton, and pork could be seen and were everywhere in abundance. Even geese, ducks, garnished some of the feasting tables. The smells of all these highly seasoned food mixed together to tickle the nose and delight the senses.
A lone figure could be seen walking on a dirt path leading into the small town of Bulkenhold. Her name was Isola. She could see, hear, and smell that was a busy morning for the town. She had been to the festival last year and found it to be one of the best in the kingdom. The festival had numerous contests such as darts, sword battles, horse riding, best brewed beer, most beer consumed, riddle contests and others. However, the featured event was the beauty pageant, where females compete to see who was the most beautiful. Isola had entered last year and had just missed being a finalist. This year she wanted to win. She had been a concubine for a wealthy married man in the eastern town Miller’s Ford, but he had been killed in a battle with some Gerlaks. Gerlaks were soulless creatures that look similar to imps, small humanoid standing about 4 ft. tall, barbed tail, small horns. Winning the contest was a great way to find a new employer, being that she was a concubine!
She pushed back her long silky burgundy colored hair back under her flower crown made of white daisies. Her face was strikingly beautiful and oh so sexy. An elegantly arched neck led down to a voluptuous and ravishing figure, soft and sexy. Her more than ample breasts were held captive by a green corset vest, exquisitely crafted with small flower designs. She wore skin tight black leather shorts/leggings. Her long tone and smooth legs were bare and ended in a pair of brown, ankle high boots. She carried a small traveling bag over her shoulder. She seemed a bit out of place, in that someone as good looking as her, would never be found in such a small town, but it was festival time.
She paid the guard at the eastern gate, the small entrance toll, and entered the town. She was amazed, each year at the amount of people that came to the festival. Each year it seemed to grow, and increase in diversity! There were dwarfs, elves, gnomes, halflings, fairies; she even caught a glimpse of lizardman. As she went deeper into the town to register for the beauty contest she overheard two town’s folks talking.
“Twas a minotaur!” The portly man said “A huge beast he was, walked in here just as proud as you please, down the middle of the street causing all kind of ruckus!!” He nodded sagely as the other man just shook his head in total disbelief.
As she rounded the corner a few blocks down, she saw the oddity. There, right before her, was a real life minotaur!! He was dressed in golden armor with two short swords from his belt and a great battle axe slung over his back. The golden plate armor covering his powerful chest sparkling in the sun, he must have been about 7 feet tall, and even covered in his armor, people could tell he was massively built with rippling muscles. His bull’s face had a look of pure determination. It was saying “Don’t mess with me and I’ll tear you apart!” His eyes were fiery, and the large white horns added to his imposing face. There was a large golden nose ring through his bull nose. But maybe the oddest thing was he stood in the line to register for the riddle contest not the fighting contest.
No one stood near him out of complete fear. Where he stood blocked the table to register for the beauty contest. Isola needed to get by him, to get to the beauty contest registration table. She took a deep breath and approached the beast.
“Good day, Sir Minotaur, Welcome to Bulkenhold” Isola said with a brave smile on her face.
The Minotaur looked down at the small human female from his 7 foot tall height. He was not sure what to think. He admired her for her bravery as no one else would talk to him. But females in the minotaur society were not permitted to talk to a bull. (Unless that bull was married to them … and then it was more like nagging than talking!). But she was female and Zarik (the minotaur’s name) had always had a soft spot for females no matter what species.
“Hail, Cow” Zarik said not exactly sure how to address this human female. “My name is Zarik, I do not rate the title of “sir”, I’m simply called Zarik” He stated firmly, correcting her.
Isola glanced around and realize there was a group of people watching her to see if the minotaur was going to smash her into pieces and eat her. But Isola had always gotten a thrill out of danger, so she continued talking to the beast.
“Well met Zarik, My name is Isola and I too have no title.” She said with a warm and friendly smile. “The festival is as busy as I have ever seen it. I think only when the baron’s daughter, Mariette, married the duke of Kindell, have I seen a vaster scale of festival and feasting. I see that you stand in the riddle contest line … I would have thought” Isola said looking over Zarik weapons and massive body “that you would be in the fighting contest line”
“This is my first visit to Bulkenhold, I was sent by our king to demonstrate to all, that Minotaurs are superior in every way to include answering riddles. Winning a fighting contest would be of no effort on my part” Zarik answered with the pride and arrogance of his race. It was part of the reason most races did not get along with minotaurs.
“Well, I wish you the best of luck in the riddle contest. If I may get past you, I need to sign up for the beauty contest.” Isola said and then added as an afterthought “If I may be of any help during your visit here … please don’t hesitate to ask” Zarik eye brows raised at this comment and he stepped aside to allow her to pass.